In December, 1828, the Commander-in-chief of
the Station (Sir Robert Waller Otway) superseded
the temporary arrangements of Captain King, and
appointed a commander, lieutenant, master, and
surgeon to the Beagle. Mr. Brand then invalided,
and the lists of officers stood thus—
Adventure (1828-30).
P h i l l i p P a r k e r K in g , Commaader and Surveyor, Senior
Officer of the Expedition.
T. G r a v e s ..................... Lieut, and Assist. Surveyor.
J . C. W ic k h am ........ Lieutenant.
S. S. F l in n ................. Master.
J . T a r n ......................... Surgeon.
G. R ow l e t t ................. Purser.
G. H a r r is o n ............ Mate.
W .W . W i l s o n Mate.
E. W il l ia m s ................ Second Master.
J. P a r k ........................ Assistant Surgeon.
A. M e l l e r sh ............ Midshipman.
A. M il l a r ............. Master’s Assistant.
J . R u s s e l l ................ Volunteer 2d Class.
G. H o d g sk in ............ Clerk.
J . A n d e r s o n ................. Botanical Collector.
Gunner Boatswain and Carpenter.
Seijeant and fourteen Marines : and about fifty* Seamen and
»i 5, I i'
Beagle (1828-30).
R o b e r t F it z - R o y ... Commander and Surveyor.
W. G. S k y r in g ........ Lieut, and Assist. Surveyor.
J . K em p e ..................... Lieutenant.
M. M u r r a y ................ Master.
' Twelve additional seamen having been ordered, by the Admiralty,
for the Adelaide schooner.
J . W i l s o n ..................... Surgeon.
W . M ogg ..................... (Acting) Purser.
J . K ir k e ..................... Mate.
B. B y n o e .................. Assistant Surgeon.
J . L. S t o k e s ................ Midshipman.
J . M a t ......................... Carpenter.
D. B e a i l y ..................... Volunteer 2d Class.
J . M e g g e t ....................... Clerk.
Serjeant and nine Marines ; and about forty Seamen and Boys.
In June, 1829, Lieutenant Mitchell joined the
Adventure; and in February, 1830, Mr. A.Millar
died very suddenl y and very much regretted.
The following Instructions were given to the
Senior Officer of the Expedition.
“ By the Commissioners for executing the Office of
Lord High Admiral of the United Kingdom of
Creat Britain and Ireland, &c.
“ Whereas we think fit that an accurate Survey
should be made of the Southern Coasts of the
Peninsula of South America, from the southern
entrance of the River Plata, round to Childe; and
of Tierra del Fuego; and whereas we have been
induced to repose confidence in you, from your
conduct of the Surveys in New Holland ; we have
placed you in the command of His Majesty’s
Surveying Vessel the Adventure; and we have
directed Captain Stokes, of His Majesty’s Surveying
Vessel the Beagle, to follow your orders.
“ Both these vessels are provided with all the