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and a copy of a document that had previously been deposited
there by M. de Bougainville. With these papers was found
a Spanish two-rial piece of Carlos II I., which had been bent
to admit of its being put into the bottle. It ivas with considerable
difficulty that any of the writing could be decypliered,
for the papers, having been doubled up, were toi-n, and the
Avords defaced at the foldings, and edges.
Bougainville’s memorial was in L a tin . CordoA'a’s, besides
a document in L a tin , Avas accompanied by an account of his
voyage, Avritten in four languages, Spanish, French, Italian ,
and Fn g lish . T h e legible p a rt o f the former Avas as folloAVS :—
Viatori Benevolo salu s ................
................ que a periculose admodum n av ig a ..............
................ Brasilie Bonarve et iiisularum.....................
incertis freti M agellanici p o rtu b u s ,. ..
........................... historia a stro n om ia .. . .
B o u g Duclos et de la Giranda 2 navium. .
• . . . Comerson. . . .Doct med naturalista Regio
a c c u . .. .m . Veron asti’onomo de Romaiiiville hidrograpbio
.....................a rege Christianissimo demandans
.....................Landais Lavan Fontaine navium
Loco tenentibus et V ex illa riis................
...................itineris locus DD Dervi L em o y n e ... .
............................Riouffe volontariis.
...................................vives......................... scriba
The Latin inscription of Cordova was as follows :—
Benevolo Navigatori
Anno Domini M D C C L X X X V III Vii- celeberrimus
DD Antonins de Cordova Laso de Vega navibus duabus {quurum
nomma SS Casilda et Eulalia erant ad scrutamen Magellanici
freti subsequendum unàque littonim, portuum aliorumque notabilium
ite r iterum feeit.
e Gadibus classis tertio nonas Octobris habenas immitiit
quarto idus ejasdem N o v a vidit
A Boreali ad A u s tra ................ miserium postridie Kalendae
Novembris emigravit.
Decimo quarto Kalendas Januarii Patagonicis recognitis
litoi'ibus ad ostium appulit freti.
Tandem ingentibus periculis et liorroribus tam in mari quam
in freto magnanime et constante!* superbii.? et omnibus
portubus atque mxv'mmj"undame)itis utriusque litoris
correctissime cognitis ad hunc portum Divini Jose vel
Galante septimo idu Janua rii pervenit ubi ad
perpetuam rei memoriam in monte sanctìssimae crucis hoc
monumentum reliquit.
Tertio et excelso Carolo regnante potente
Regali jussu facta fuere suo.
Colocatum fuit nono Kalendse Februarii Anno M DC C LXXXIX.
together A v ith a list of the officers of both vessels, and enclosing
a memorial of Cordova’s former voyage in the Santa Maria de
la Cabeza. The originals ai-e placed in the British Museum ;
but before we finally left the Strait, copies were made on vellum,
and deposited on the same spot.
T h e Beagle left P o rt Gallant* with a fair wind, which carried
her to SAA-alloAV Harbour.
T h e n ext stopping place Avas Marian’s Cove, a very snug
anchorage on the n orth shore, a few miles beyond P la y a
Pard a . Proceeding thence to th e Avestwai-d, Avith the wind
‘ in their teeth,’ and such bad Aveather, th at they could only
see the land of either coast a t intervals, and failing in an
attempt to find anchorage under Cape U p rig h t, the Beagle
Avas kept under Aveigh during a squally dark mght.
In that very place. Commodore Byron, with the Dolphin
and Tamar, passed the anxious night, Avhich he thus describes
“ Our situation was iio a v very alarming ; the storm increased
every minute, the Aveather Avas extremely thick, and the ram
seemed to threaten another deluge ; Ave had a long dark night
before us, Ave were in a narroAv channel, and surrounded on
• One of the feathered tribe, which a naturaiist Avonld not expect to
find here, a ‘ humming bird,’ Avas shot near the beach by a young midshipman.—
Stokes MS.