¡¿jab. Beak swollen at the I
angular projection of feathei
the middle of the bealc.
i, elevated, ext
it» -S;ok and exquisite dov
iiJuiKitauts of the northci
seatiered along the eoi
«roaml, which enables
nest by day j and so well does her sober «Otaur
leiffl 'oomucbods object than the male *r<#»fid I*, ad<m*ed as be
as itvenuig approaches he may be seen ttifcuroiag troio She <
'«aikivwi daring some portion of the night. The eggs r-.
soob as the youug are hatch«!, 'bey are I "* ¿u b tb*
and security.
Tiif. IsiiJifti: Duck is generally dispersed along the kv.-; •;
•■Vaiyrica. being more abundant within the arctic pi -' 1«:: Hie.
drviog m ¡search of their fpod, which consists of sludl-dsh- iparf
4h* Ow* of fishes, and marine vegetable:;.
'f t does not appear to be migratory1, although it is not impr
fib» ew.4h side of the head and above the eves there extcr-d*
. etehNiiisities Of which unite over the forehead 5 the oecip
Ic i’Or pitvt pf the neck, back, scapulars and lesser wing-cover
f$$:; under parts and rump of a deep blade; beak and
red., barred transversely wutfcladk.
W-'ki'e figured a male and a female, three fourths of the