W M IT E - 'W M r& E B T E R f f
.Ityfi Wmitie-wiBged T«Pte woidii fco (••cpreseist; f« tibe ¡f$3i$|j»í
Tfirr> uif tli« more »ortbern btituíies, íVeoiicntiae:, Uta? «hat ii
finiboñiern of tk ¡ ^ a , that í t infcabite «0 «
;W^i4«S9»jwfe^>'^;:0iírt k;.'\&$erj.couuum itt f |^ neiiíhiKiarWi
M. leramtock, tbelakes and uta&hes ojt Italy, siith as Luear;
ite jo¿nwy to Hoüíind 01* the pariülel latitudes.
i n habite, manñefs, size, and straciare. it si rictly resembles fche
apa the greyish «hite of ite wingy mil, hoivever. serve at once to
Itsfood eotwiste of feséct.*; particttWy dnfoja flies, mofilis, an
and oc©a»i#B% sraafi ftshes.
¿ tte.fií^icsatKi» and thcmuober and |ts eg»s¿' Ettle
S'"f hélieve íhftt the j hcAr a eí»3&e rese¡n»blanee to
| | w»‘..4N a á éw 0 - ;é é i/ tfym g * ,- ( $ f tíie
iyiijgs, wwi ths '»«tt *4 ¡ti» | 4»í»age js Gf * and ‘fon«»»«!
similar to tbiti-*!d íne fS^ék Tcjn,
wió® grsyíii >*&ite ¡ tile i'ümn, tail, nW, aad « d t r i S f e f t i
ved-. |
The Píate represents an adulfc of the natural «¡pe.