B R If W \ J. il H ’ S G G l L'L E MOT.
¡ I |§ 1 I I
L« Gu illem o t à gros bec. .
This species may at aïl tiiS ib e tfêitmguished front tha f /m Troile, with which it ha» been often c
by the stout and abbreviated form of the bill, and by the. much sh o rter »pace between tin? ,
and the tip. We ,awy ^ y lh h le ; to giv^ a figure of it in its supposed summcjr plumage, which resemtlfes
that of the Commou GmUempt, with this, «xoeptioii, that the dark parts are deeper and much more in-
sooty: black. Although we have no authentic account o f its having
1 M ijjgl ffritM» Islaijctej »¡;e feel convinced that it most occasionally occur along' our northern
jfiijÇN It is very in Gi^eníaad, Spitsbergen, Davis's Straits., and Baffin’s Bay 5 it doubtless also
tenants the siti»y.u of Wormy, jLa.jtU'id, Ac. ; and its habits in all probability closely resemble those
. 6 rown o f dyj, | | § | | i | | $ i | j | npfwut mtface glossy brownish black": sides o f the face and front o f ;ffie aeek
sooty black : tip* af )& ; and d! the under sur&ee white; bill black 5 g a p bright yellow ;