lower edge of the upper mandible partly concealed by i'eidher*. Win?-#
and in one species tmecpial to th e purpose of flight. JLegs short, situated. I
Toes threC before, webbed as far as the c law s; hind toe wan ting: front <
toes 3<:utemil<'d. T a il short, oointed, and consisting o f twelve or s^siteef! fea
Aim insipennis. L in n .
f. e Fingodìn braclùptère.
In this noble species of Auk we recognise a close approxamaidn to the true Penguins, which form die j
Aptenodytes: being, like them, destitute of the powers of %ht, its narrow slender wing serfes more as a
for aquatic progression than Tor any other decided purpose'j unless, perhaps, in assisting the bird to sen
HP the rocks, on the ledges of which it deposits its single egg, which-is, indeed, the only time at wh
makes;the solid ear|ti its abode.
” Fhe séaé o f the polar regions, agitated wfch storms and covered with-immense icebergs, form the com
habitat of the Great Auk : here it may be said io pass the whole o f its existence, braving the severest w
with the utmost .impunity, so that it is only occasionally see», and that at distant intervals, even so far
rugged coasts ol Labrador ; and from the- circumstance of its having been seen ir Spitziiereen wi •
be seen timtpriBy repsing i»n masses o f floating ice, to the haighbotirhood of which in the open «*»
seems to git« a dtjcjdbii prderence. Like the common Razorbill«! Auk, it exhibit» an Montai
•lement: here it is truly at ease, W f w # W prey and j * the midst o f the waves. Its food consist
xciosively 01 nsh 01 various spemt^WftMb, however rapid they may he in their motions, it captures with th
Its single egg is deposit«! on thf naked ruck, cither in some m u r a l fissure or crevice jw t shove the read
■f the highest tides; its colour white tinged with buff, marked with .spots and crooked liner o f brownish block
h e young take to the water immediately after exclusion from tile egg, and follow the adults with fearles
There exists but little or no difference between the size or plumage o f the. sexes. In summer the who!
f the upper surface is black, with the exception o f » large white space before the e yes and the tips o f ib
econdary quilUeathers| the w h o le of the under surface white! bill « ¡n d k ^ black, the former bem&market
The Plate represents an adult in its summer dress, »bout- two thirds of the natural size.