•Twh «utfire lcM«Oi«y i*f ^te r appear? h> bet tàc IfhWl %aitts and iilts
N'Orîfii America.. If h aL»o on the worth and-rawfb-wcstern cofesis of Jfiuao{*s '
shin disiüigtâisïicd OridfcÎKjjbiïi«*. Mr- Selby, t# jNVrrlhnmborlarid, for a koov^djijtf o f tin?
;|ia«*e and fetfaofciiid species in ,England*, a«tl iiw fltmityeip*»«* ditkmt to a placet i»|n. ”•-!*• lifiusnà o
bot ar^ an ..oçly k «•; if* Ik
tb it <:ot«itry.-“ 'n i e following k dfo axnsoimfi giver | j | !i|-»r tri ¡•»lifeniRH in $st fVi>«.w!
History $dciety of NorÜiUitohi'rldiwk thahw? and Nr^'a.ith4.*' m-J î. p. .Ph?.
-O.The-otter (aJIading ft* r'ls«} ■ bird ). wk \m f ctei«s m au acc^Hihoii, '» | |
:(Hdpi£eifc li!ergiaws«?*3»; ï»
The stein of |) p -tiw, £ato$y veut; to.tnc b? any «01 *w,pondent Mr. Kit
Hnsted, toi; whom u; wtt* jwsJJujbtltip.. fey a ftiend Mut purchased it fe* « raro variety fo n_,
p e rsà a .udio actually shot te. F ra a t 'th« state o!' its pi«mü$e ¡s appears to bé <t young f<
hteâià so ftiii or. Jaagbi a*MΑ th e white upwi t!»e i» I
fenwite compared it.” We hav« not, i f is true* ejfi&e^ned th e specimen Jobti* wWcb
■.arid' description we re take« ; oeviertiieieaw we are iiudinud *0 Relieve, from an laspetéittni of
i.ng which iiius.tr<i(tis h » w'prk, th a t the bird in question *s not a young tiiiiSiUiîi as ..V'!r. $çî
ï!*Mui™taire male, 'which. in certain stages closely resembles th e female in pintnage, but; may
th e la rg e r and more rounded crest, which in the h itte r ill long a n d thin.
/h nt.ae the Howled Merganser is hvfemediiaie between ibie ped-bre«stçd.Mefgaasët; ^q(<V!
sir;vr.i|ly of all the characters wldcfa are peculiar to the ge?it«u 'nie ijpdi^ipe golden;.the bil
and v f a dull red 5 the head orimmeuted with a double row of long silky feàdbers^forndfig a I
bood, which comiàenees fiynjnitho base o f the beak, unci when elevated forms a 'bold.,arch ct
Tlio bead and its hood au» of -a glossy grwuish black, wish ; iih çkoeptKH».' on She latter oi
'fea-'Bbftped sjToiii o f apek o f which is situated |;wi behind \he eyftj .lWiifj,'wbt
wardfi^ having n» external wiii{c % h Hannon 01" Mack contiuiied from die surro
iiliilw am), back bfoaA;, the chest; wibi'to, wi‘,îa two b-ün utifid- : Citiseoi'.’-.-s hajped i ivii's prove.-i
and:«rching forward « a jtoint diit« - tutxajfii 'isdf i^i*« -‘v.
R>m white ; daiiWeathers. browi) ~ Wjiiiir^'^v ! -i ¡iiiKliiiiijiîibîi »iiiifeiSi anti ..:■ ir«p-.' -.•. !»
broad Idack ljowler, bangîag g r a c e f u l l y ' tW ' j J i ' '«■/;•' ,jt* ii < »«I. i.!>m »«.
marked with nuinute tiuidubting Kiu-îîi • ;.. : «■ - , «h»'.- :..■•■
H T h e lieacription o f th e fepialo o f a sing!.- : •:•■.;«.• ic.-; ii-ypbei, .<■ «.«. : « : ... , .., ëh
o f tlie g e o n s ; as wiB h e readily perceived. É | th é pre sent •'$$$ itixtji feet as in th e
nUhêd with a.; small cre s t o f slig h t jhaudlike.v feathers; iP; >H fbrrtsgiaoua brown ; tlio
idiglPly hdr.j'ed towards tlie c^esSytith w h ite ; th e wliole o f tiiih '¿pper: Horface Of a deep ¡w
is/pj’iisa licikcibg traces yfeite fears, which a re 'mirts vi
We. hrture figured a male and femirfet,. two ih ird s o f th e ir nafcoratsiac. '