fi V-SGAK.
t. kt Ci fi INO Gì
I S Ìi'W %/e.
Thè dùn^fini wbieh | p |
a decided S*Ì ftjjrti#-
in il i twderg-o a i
spring' froa»; wldte to Vvuk o»\dp;
f>«'i,«d!inv-»c‘a*iy», nmi -»saiks»»*^ epei'oa- *iv.-
; swy difFeryiit É % v | | l || l | f e i
o f $fo«: viwMaons in
and <%r*w thè bili _ma*
being piaced
itd Usa*
Of all thè apfecic* c
. rriost common àud perhà.ì;
for thle purposéyor
thè sea, or, thè moud;* h i i l r i s f s , and is ibi: ■.•-;! ài, ti;
then to' be. disti ugniahedii v elio brighi cbocolate cokmrktg of thè
-hrcediog||wi | f •' h:
G u i i * ì .4*» ila i i i * iiMttf ta r s i s a flu 'iv t ld j iix ìic s
p $ f. h g % f K w .b f tu ( S e n n a !
m unta .to
; .head: and throni deep
edges, eviti; thè exception p " t h f ; vi; «-Vfeth ì|t -
tipped with W'Iii-tC' : raiii-;:*;. Ii"r i 'SjMÌ Sijft !u,
. The vvintcr piaipagc «• pmdat' $ Tt. •*. ■:
“ Oli thè Laws which apjnlir to •:
Transactions of thè Zool^lical •$' i&Mfcj&t
moultmg. bufci by an aiterai un in thè eoi»s*i ?.it fi|
, T h e young o f thè year h l r e th è eohi&r o f % ;■ . |
ear-co verte are .iBOttleo wif&lbs'.iwn, wiiieh ss- also
lig h te r inargiti ; thè tati is 1 roadiy «hreti riti» bbu
The full ¡iluavage o f 8NiÀ^R£%étyt *8*$
hy gradatìons. The se
The Piate representa
e ; thè top ©f the? béad a
¡Iders, each fcather Kavini'