piwtion of immature birds than o f those which bea
iimimilarity of plumage which characterizes the ■
nomenclature, the bird of the first year having be<
iKgain, those of the second year, when they have jxi
daiering from both. .. in this latter state they are
birds'of the first year, which may be very common
M. Temminek states that on the European Contii
the young are frequently found up the large rivers
.«Kempt from its visits: That it ini labits the shores
a fact with wliieh we are, made acquainted by the c
imundaal, in the second year's plumage, from their
We have before alluded S:v the far-extended wan-
on record o f these birds hairing*. bred in southern la
mentioned had wandered fiKnn the regions of the
residence and brecdtug-pladf. Are we, then, hi) i;
proceeded thither by way of the -Atlantic Ocean at
following the course o f the large rivers, as the Dan
supposition, as all migratory animals twistiM!, with a
Its depend
in fresh wat<
rapidity of i
or fooc
aquatic iiti
for 1
i ;; the nest being placed c
Bt adaptation for progress
ives to propel itself forwar
St, somewhat like the,actio
' the sexes is
r pa
'pose of nidificatk)!) ;.tre ihc borders and isfcw.is-
i to the water's edge; so as u> lie easily accessii'
on the water, its natural element, totally unfits t
f means of resting* its breast upon the ground am
for walking, though it
striking backward with
:tly similar, the adults having the top of the head and neck fine bis
»verse bar of white spotted with black crosses the throat, and * ii
r down upon the back part of the neck; the whole o f the egjWr -iurfi
tte spoilt, on© on each side the shaft, forming rodt, those oat tie sea:
ut continuing uiaall ami nearly round on the back and. n ■ ■: prinuii
i black spotted With white: whole of tkq.breast and under surface tyliii
larics becoming larger and square, bi
black without spots; Hanks and sides
bin and legs black ; Htides reddish brt
The young of the year has the top of the head, bad. of .1
brown, the centre of each feather being darker; under surf!
interdigital membrane fleshy greyish white; outer side o f the
The Plate represents an adult male end a young bird of fcb
rid toes brownish black,
abofit two thirds of the n