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|j£gpHAR. Meak medio.'
v ery email h o o k ; th e i
pval. Ta il elongated,
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V/e have thought If; be.»? to give tjk* . ..
oar readers to adopt it or not at their pleasure. 1
to it. If we except the Mallard, Amu boschas, LI
o f its tribe. In Europe it is very generally distrii
of the Asiatic continent, and the nor. hern arid ¿era
from all these different quarters o f the globe w
is one of the most graceful examples of its race; all
or powerful contrast, yet its delicately penciled zig
hues. Its form indie ates it to be one o f the true Vi
and palatable. Although we state this bird to be
that ¡ill the species o f the Duck tribe subsist mo
flight is rapid and rigorous, and its disposition in
iòide the
mate is chariicterized by tit* top of t
Wpper part o f the ineck being brown
of the neck, bordered on each side
and sides barred with delicate ¡agza
with rufous, and below with white: t
deep velvet black with light grey edge
and tapering ; the beak blackish blm
spots of black; alt the upper parts
yellow; the lower parts reddish velb
with yellowish, below with whi te ta