L I T rr L E T E R N.
S ic am 11 ¡1 m 11 Lit, Linn.
L a P e t i t H i to n d e l l e <le M e r .
.Tf f lW'cl i!$.Ktv«rfTIk» VfMftm-to 1» mure geaierailly distributed than any other | | its race: we have
'' fro»» «AtWw p&ftsof L- I::!. . with others from :tr jMXH'e to be strictly
if» Kwrnpe, It visits the cbmsIw o f H'r u'IuimI in great mmdwgfS'diii the approach of
W* W1* eotM# ah*«» fei* those of the Continent to i>. ganfirdcrahle 'extent northwards, apuorentiy
,a«W southern latitudes' where it fairs be«« {«issing the winter- I t associates in large docks*
umi. ismy toe observed winging its way over the surface of the sea, jWrticidairly oiF coasfcti which are hah
low, awtfc shiwgly, a«d where siwall ¡¿tad* are left bfthe retiring tide. -Hu»«! hdastda afford for them and
many other roaritsine species a reetifjg-place, where they collect in i^ssifc*#!«;{«jnibeirs. until: 'the rising
waters force them to- take wing again. Tlie adjoining •shiogiy ben^k also affords «beta a place of aidification,
thetr eggs being deposited in a slight depression among the broken sbellsjust abovi* iiigh-water mark ; and »o
closely does the colouring of the eggs assimilate with the mingled mass aronnd them, that they escape the
casual search of: inexperienced eyes, *.
Winged insects.:small fishes, and marine animate, to m th e ir food\ these la tte r th ey 'take from the surface
o f th e water as they fly, hoi wrthewf diving, a pouter. Which the Tents,., a s we scarcely vueed observe, do not
wad sdulk.otfer Koarfacd. dHfeiencos of rohwiring. : The former, before the uowstfih have
the yu!b»#mh iviiiifcey ?il|| top o f tib* he«*!, »'.n^dpn-t, .ixod k e n •«! the aeciy iwoivi* iWjjii bf;nfi&) tu&n *ii a
I S # ’-hrou^h the eyes ; die W k no, . togs %tb* kownisfo grey, sia^:ftw%r\_its'..iiag » bnthdtlt
o f bhtiliiMdtr,Hb -y#' «ps0*!lfettthers tipped. wR|<: wbiKMh. iUbir the buck mfeMj itead m frlaek,
and the tsh^pipii.-. *. <■ As-In. the adult, g $ | M M
The adult plunvijre WHiJ in: thus «hjgactetij»ik T!?.: f&Hfdhfiaui •vinte j a Id-.;:!. wri|W patax:» frtk.il the lwtHc of
the upjier mandible, tkoijgh jjj$| eye, had jobk a.large1 Waek ratph on the «¡¡>d liaek :»* tdtje # e k 5.
upper parts fine bluctoh grey, the matp and tail being ivMre; as ¡frf'also tl^ uw«hir jtnrts y k ‘ak timjed
with black ; tarsi onmge; lei^th ¿>y ¿pches, butaviten seen with out^iread wings-'^ping w e r Ibe stf»,', '-ihe
bird appears-much larger than it is in reality. .
Our Plate represents an adult: and a young bird of die natural srwi.