clctHrwl up, various gradatioris of plumage from youth to ftwfimiEy Win«- well
in its habits and manners the Kittiwake generally resembles the rest of its 0
addicted to seeking1 its. food on the land, but is observed ever busily engaged 1
in pursuit of small nslies, uu.llusea, Crustacea, and other aquatic productions
The places chose* fur .its ¿ i iX ipeubation arc the ledges of told precipitous
numbers breed annually on the f m i^and.v, as Ifkm.borough Head,’ oft the I
«ijM&os»$y idmtd Freshwater, Portbiyl Iwljiwl, ;u:al elsewhere!. The neai is made
.ftintii di« egg® are two in rmmbev, o f an wkifci,, Idwtehci? With dark brown at
f"!w! »huiauajoh name of Kittjwake sc gitum t?-: '-iie fvam she. necnliar call da
which the oiale rei: senates its he wheels ;w.ti>d few ¡nasta ujhm the Jtest or purs
over the uutface of the Vaves.
In its adult siagt, which is ’not attained till she jmiwmvI f'Yte-ui the plum
simple, lilt itwril.iii Slid w w g ^ n tm icing fine ¡w irtljs fj ; .ariiit lire tiji,
outer margin with blaek ; the btuwl, neck, taiC aad umk-r Mir&s-r 'ivhki! hill
olive greet».
The young of the year have the bill black; head, neck, chest, tffif iHmffillf *ii
of a black sjwt near the*ye and m:arfy encirdii^ it; a marked cw*ii*,« ¡ijf k».
i | | I P lf r 8*ir' advances upon the neck; the rest of the back and sc itp u fe m> g
bluck 5 the greater coverts and secondaries grey, passing into dull white, with te>
white, largely tipped with black.
After toe first general moult efcc black markings become more' obscure and Hr
tinge of olive; at the m n ; •■’■•ia.-un m«u»li,-that. is,' in twelve mouths § | | f tl
Our Plate represents mi wihdl bint unsi * T-mWitf hml of the year, of the nature