Clangala Barrimi, Smmu. ami Ric/i.
* mre *“ * k f * * 4 8lraf'-'s ÌK'™I? t e » «hot ili leda»! by T. C Atkinson, Esq. r,( New.
.cKto-uiKn- yne when on a vmt to that country, ato u t two yeara sin«, we W e munii fia tan e in figari,Sg
it « an occasional inhabitant of tini turapeah: portici, of the gfeiic, Sir, Atkinson's .pe, feen is no» o’wrv
sit«!, in the Musenn of the Mcwcaatle Natural History Suveety,' i k f e tjh very nt-a*fa allmd to the Gnìdi i
Eye (Claiiguk mIgani), it poieewuw, aevcrlfevfee, asm;, ehi®»»«« le which it onty li» distiagidsbed from
(tot specie». For Mr fini, kuowMgo of f e . f e s ^ A v . w , ^ indebted rh 'to t highly interesting
work the “ Fauna of ^ I f e h a n t e o t i ; and « the 'f e& n S n s ; of ito
latter gentleman were taken on the apt«, we cantut do bettor f t » Monet «hat he ton raiiiriloil ih the work
above mentioned- ■
" Notwithstanding,'.' say, l)r, K e t e tem . “ the general similarity in the fe-m.and markings of this bird
and the Common Golden Eye, the difference k , their bills « H a i * points them but * to “ - , i | , ( .......
' E^ d s » e o f other specific characters, " the Barrow’s Duck •• is distinguished by the purer colour of its dorsal
plumage, anil the smaller portion of white on its wings and scapulars. Its long fiank f e to r e are also much
more broadly bordered all round with black. The bases uf the greater covsra io the Golden Eye are black ;
but they are concealed, and do not form the black band so conspicuous in Clmgula Bm o a i. The spec,lie
appellation is intended as a tribute to Mr. Barrow's varied talents, ami his unwearied exertions for the proiocbes
°f <he " « k bright pansy-parple, with a greenish reflection on the earn ; forehead
and ohm brownish black. Dorsal plumage, wings, and broad tips of flic long flank felbera mostly velici
black. Crescentic, patch from tine rictus to the sides of the forehead, lower part of the neck, shoulders, tins
of the outer scapolane», lower r$w of lesser coverts, six secondaries, anti under plumage pure white j space
round the thighs, the Sail, and its lateral under coverts broccoli-brown. Jjsll blackish • leas oranee' ,v4
“ Bill shorter and narrower towards the point than that of thè Golden .Eye, and the leathore of the iiirelwiwl
instead of running to a point rei tire ridge of the bill as in the fatter, terminate with a semicircular outline.
T f e plumage also of the ; occiput and nape is longer, forming a u n it decided crest ¡ban in that species.
Wings two incites and it half shorter that» the' tail/''
The female we have never seen, hut have thought it best to append Dr. Richardson's desoription of that
‘ remile—head and adjoining part of the neck itmbcr-brown, without a white miirlt ; ikirsnl nlmnage pitch
black; k r anterior part, particularly t t c shoulders *pd the haw of tbs neck all rmwd, edged with ash grey.
A white collar round the middle of the neck. Flanks clovedirown, «god with while. Intermediate coverto
blotched with white and black : greater coverts white tipped with black secondaries as in the male. Both
ninnili life orange at the point, their lips and posterior parts black. Feet like the male."
Owr Plate represents a mahj of the natanti size;