B R I D L B & t W R i l B K O T .
Cria lachrymaosj f£a#>yl:J
B R I .D L E |> g IF f L L EM O T,
JLe Gu illem o t bridé. -
. Although we have- figured this bird under the »«me of huayman? we áré.dÍQ$btÍpi'ot'its specific value, beariissc
as it dees so close .^ sem b la « * to the common species (Uria Traite), »né wbiob it differs only in the
white mark which encircles the' eyes and passes down the sides of the head. It inhabits the same localities*
¡H ill often, found in company with-the common spqoies, and that: too on various parts o f our coast, part
'tjetilurly tl»ose «f.. %Tales. where, wé hare'been informed, both kinds arc eihiafly mtáíeroüs.' It was iirs-
descrihed as dwtinct by Choris, who states chut it is &bmida«t at Spitsbergen and tbtKpeighbouriug seas.
By M. Teuamhsek asid the f'resich naturalists che two birds are considered to be distinct, and as siteh w<; foiwe-
| I p l bead* ocek, *i:l ífefu «p^vr «artfow', wings, and tml-áre sleep so^tiy^ack j »¡Sjjne She eye .and
.m is mg down the aw#/diT'!P| o f the secomkrics, arid all the .«Otfeir sur&ee pure white ; bill