i I I € T ï € T B I N .
mgtlîpi according to the most credible information, that these Terns, al though bearing
&ch .other, do not associate together at the same breeding-places, but that each retair
ItKohgh both breed h» dietfyn&diate neîghfeourhowi <»:c of;lve?.. "Tbii's one species
Ip à portion Q? it, to the entire exclusion of the' utlwrr.-.aud.«Vtr cèrsê. M. Tenmiucfc
specially dj'ciîtr circle, wlùcb lie considers to be its true habitat, and
dace o f yfa'mijfifiik jjfal&to W vwwr oootbern latitude*, We haive had cpportuoities dfi
q. all iti ha#:», ¿»'¡t* ssg.: ¡'hi^ thoùfe of its alïied. fed
the length r f the beak
Arctic Tom ss | § f § | t §
are: also proportlohaiwiy
is much more antfbro»,
dolour; the head and ba
It breeds among the s
Mid markings to those o
.We have figured a un
snifters -on wi
Snore slender. I
one infallible rule }>y
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