Mr. Selb'
herbage, about the edges oi: o* ’ : thé bogeymass
of decayed vegetable Walter, Vitb U%‘ng of
eight or ten in number, ,and ot a y$£h)wish white,
thick gradually gives war to à rutg. ü
The ohunage o f thé adult male, which is very be
Tfefe tt*p o f the head, cheeks, and neck, of a deej
bad of:' the iw.ek passes a broad band of hwt gloss
the ekepttmt of the head ànd cheeks somewhat e
alternately w ilh irregular zigzag bars of black and vt
fjriKHXienSetl with round spots of black ; wing-covei
nlsiej, velvet Mdck -, quills brownish black ; Under I
bW'kA, irifli* brown ; legs blackish brown, Durin.
.éonftr&tèâ' plutnage, ami assumes iijiat of the female
T V femiilc difFers considerably, having the top
throat' :;■!!«! cheeks dusky white spotted with browi
wjSÈMr parts yellowish white ; speculum g«
We tutu* î^ivaml a male and female in the adult «