T O R T H E R M P U F F I K .
MomLon gladalis; )Leach).
N O R T H RRSf 1 P tj F F I' N.
I| j
To a superficial oNei'm the Mormon f k w t i i would appear to present but fitilc difference from die common
species, so pleuitiful purine; the brcediiig^easoo oa waoy of the rocky coasts-of our i ■. hsnt -w» * «owpa-
rison o f the two species, we fee) convincedthat our «ntiers wi0 coincide in our opinsoo,. a* tbd.? fewa% . ;
ficaHy distinct. Its larger size any more potverfui bill, which fe of , -^iform n. h *.. .
with ¡lie greater length o f Ike flesh; appendages oe.tr the eyes, wilUt once serv,-1, listing««.!- ibis
from its near ally the Mormon fratercuia.
The Northern Puffin, as its name implies, is almost strictly confined to the icc,bound regions of the arctic
circle, over tbc whole of which live have feaepn to believe-it is distributed* IMberOus specimens having been
from time to time brought home from Spitsbergen and Kamtscbatka by oup navigators on their return from
exploring the boreal regions