i p
Le Cormoran largup..
TpE present species is rather abundantly distributed throughout the /■^rky and' p r è t i • r£ die
British Islands^ indeed ti is yet a ¡question whétiier it does not exbeeik in number the larger sptfdit% v '*‘wfatr&-
corax Op'io, yrilh which it associates, particularly during ihe bixeding sttisoiv hut from #ivy easily
■be distinguished, ;w »>.» irorn <«li. -hr oiii:-. i. ;•• the intense gu;i . ■ fe body, t»;d» during ibo
season of incubation, by the wiwg «StdWWrttt yHf-!& sod by the ahwHJcr «t dii» gwtfted of thè" delicate
white marking* l|]| »he aides o f the ««¡efe iwsfl thigfià* »o-ctwspicwum-hi tW^he*' *fw*tes of the genus.. The crest
isodiy, assumed iSitting thè'season of iic^ioifisKftìoii, atsfi ili wot ìouiki at all hv birds of the first Soul second
rear. When fufiy .fink thè *cxi» rtflfef •*& iJdflmnsiic in .their external- dhittractèrà. ifi teabrtH and itmnbers
they strictly reseaabhs the *! fi rrwrram: : like th at bird, they may be olmerved* going front dMif'dsgjjjgjf hawiits
early in the morning, either oof. tp sea or »pj the mege rivers to quest o! ; v rwy, ;uk1 : >■ rp '» "
in small companies on the approach of sunset; thus, strongly reminding-ob'ri is ;ihesb particulars, of tife habits
ófvìlttì Book, which almost'every person ibnst have observed going-out in the morning, iuid retti-'ming in the
fiveuing to its accustomed roostiog-piace.
Thè Shàg is widely ihBtributed over all the nortben;» portious óf Europe, and as far southward as the shores
of the Mediterranean. Its poweri) of flight are very great■ but not more remarkable than its powers of
diving .and continuance beneath ibè surface, where it makes its progress by 'repeated strokes o f the pinions
aided by its broadly. webbed feet.: id this way it easily secures its: prey, often fish of terge dimensions, for the
:earryiòjg .rtf which ita dilatable: throat is well adapted.
/.The sitei tflwwpi for Hwnbstiottt teXtlje.iopWitoèt ledge «>f stime bold precipice, where, secure from the,
mterruptWv o r ti-.j». il «ntetiawfs; .»••lujsk.df^éff #etMV©«d f«w thè reception of its eggs, wl%ieh are iwo,. thoce,.
o r four ift 'àsitWbstu., fii” sdì dkhiuwr stetpé attd a white colour, with a rough calcareous surface. ss «¿ip : *iv
excluded fivjàjrthìa $$$•„ ih* youo^ ar« tfwite n-atev. I«it quick'fyr become covered with thick black dow-s, w nk:h
remains JtSfSm befiwfe if. te by the .yegsdwfiiiitì&tat#- -■■ .•
The awaits have $;>•• wiwte o f tfte hcM, caufe'e o f t4m tewk^wd ui^ter wurface i | $ dark green ;
the scajm'laries and wings bW5«*e gr;v-ii, viaeb 'Vntiwr being borderftCby a S^rri*«' band o\ vm?< ■■ black";
quills and tail black ; bill blackish horn coloar \ angles of the »iouthi skin •roisuti vh« eyes !k«d; pouch
fine yellow ; feet black ; iride» green. :
; The youiig- of the year is distinguished by the whole o f the upper part of t^e phsussgè being brown, slightly
tinted with green 5 and the under surface brownish asili, mare or less ¡nefjniug to. white.
The Plate represents an adult in the summer plumage, and the young of the year, abou three fourths of
their nataral suie.