• -Uria Troile; iZa^h/J
* •» ly.r*t£ 6nl<t JnrJZ&ly
Genua I. si! \ ,
Oj;N. Ch*&, B e a k o f moan fength. straight,, -.froi,.;, '-^V rp'-csetoil, and pointed ; tipper niaiulihle
»M gh fly a r cW , tam a iivrrtteteil; a ttg lco f the loti»» Mfendtbk'gently ascending; a m m ism iv
nearly straight. JWbafi .-/* baaat, lateral, concave, b p g M f r m f t t site¡ft* and hatf .0 « red with
the feathers o f the « / « , o r projecting side angle* of d * w m tm . i-Vmgt short, narrow,
and acute. Tail o f twelve dr fourteen feathers, very situated ;at: - liacfc of
ih e abdomen aod concealed within its integuments. idw$r;ftndi
o f three toes, all directed forwards and .jvaliuatcd; outer and , .... , 0f equal Uv.
the inner one much shorter. Cfaws fulcate, th emiddle owe the h»r. vnt
F O O L I S H G U I L L E M O T .
I l ® II liliilll §11
■ | : I^e Graft*} ! G u illem e t;||||
Tire native habitat of this well-known bini esterni« throughout tin northern regio» ,u bo«. hemispheres, and
it is probably more abundant than any ottùsi- o f the « e rn ie birds of .the -.¡rv=. fiioiiiv. In its Imbitt, aid
manners it jV truly aquatic, making; the sea i s penuaaewt place of residence, tucoept during the ,,|
breeding, when it assembles on the ledges of the precipitous rocks which overhang tin; S u ; ,. .In p.,.
domiuipiis, it collects annually in wist multitudes ¿1 the high cliflis and the Needle rock* in «iffÌUir of IV« 1*1
the Bliss rock in the Firth of For'.h, the steep nicks on the west and cast coast, tile inietta,ids and Orkneys!
and, in fret, any coast .«hose bold nitri .precipitous re ks afford a place suited tor incubation. Here, united
'-Ill!l Cormorants, Bazorbills, and (Sills, the assembled multitude offers to the eye a striking, novel,
andanioiated-picture, their continued clamour iniugling with the hoarse heating ò f thè sea,-aud completing a
some of DO ordinary interest to the lover of ostare ; the Piiffin seeld.ig his bole id Ike foci:; l i e Cormorant
and Shag resorting to the topmost cliff, and the broad-winged GuU the lowermost range, cowretl with scanty
herbage, while -thtySaStetlwf takes powsstou o f ,Jhe middle ledges along the fece o f tbc ««wipioe. wbeht
thousands may be seen patiebify perfennitu- the w*r|t iff incubation, each sitih;!" upright on il* aiitlÀ f i à 1.
egg, which were it lint fot its pi uilni ehsjw would even- moment lie . .. ,, ..
pineta Aft«-the bierihig-waMo is over, they again take to sfili iv.itcry elèo,rid, jjfcj ■
tliey traverse the wide ocean*- not reluming ti»* thè rocks till ^''kseceeding §j||§i|'.' k&ér Wmbeir ; iv |§lf|| to undergo a partial iftoult j they lose their primari«! so simtdtoieousl>- «s to he ÌR0 i|»èfc ’fòr
ai «inWiderable period; a cireumstai«» ef little moménti, as they cùwtr eludi? pu,*$uit by diving, in which they
CXéei surprjsiugìy. At this tame t\ey afe» begin to lose the obscure black iif i&e ctioefes, wfcsdh. is esxelmnged
foc dtelicaté white ? this white ateo She youag o f the year,, wfc^ etm only &« distìtigiushed iVoar
ètÈi'aéilt in winter, by th^ darker coloatmg of die W fui tMbrential and eobured bili.
Theiri! is ho perceptible difference in thé-sèses at eithes- >«*^<«0..!.
Independently of the great resort this biro! to ilio »«ìris, ,i,.:i.:ll d b f * » p 4 in similar draniions along the
vrlaifc of tbewaat of Northern Europe, when»'they gradually migtaifir ióifiltlp|;ds bn the approach of winter,
retwrciing again with the .vast shoals of 6slies which pass northward its spritts.
■ -fl'hole;of itlie u|iper;.fiii!^aet: of1 the; throat and neck is o f a uniform aoóty h'aci inclinino' to .rrc--v with
* Àmier bar o f white, which extends f i l l across the tvillgsa die sorfhee is a | | ..... till , „
puvikj^i brown; irides dark hazel ; tarsi dark brew-.», widi a slight ring!? of olive.
Plate represaits an adult and a young bird of the year of the natural size.