H. Kinkeliu: Zur Gamniafunktion. — J. Kollmanii: Die Pygmäen und ihre
systematische Ste llu n g in n e rh a lb -d e s Menschengeschlechtes. — R. Metzner:
Kurze Notiz über Beobaclitungen an dem Ciliaikörper und dem Strahlen-
bändclion des Tieraiiges. - C. Nienhaus: Ueber Digitalis p u rpurea, L. -
R. Nietzki; Die B edeutung de r Farbstoffe im H au sh a lte der Natur. —
II. Riipe: Ueber die Synthese von Phen y lo x y tria zo len und über „sterische”
und „chemische” Hinderung. — E. Sciiaer: Ueber die E inw irk u n g an organischer
und organischer alkalischer Substanzen au f das Oxydationsvermögen
von Metallsalzen. — F. Siebenmaun: AnatomischeBeiträge zu r Ken n tn is s
der Labyrinthanonialien bei angeborener Taubstummkeit. - K. Sniihoff:
Rheticus und Paracelsus. — II. Veilion: Einige Grundversuchen über elektrisch
e Schwingungen. - K. Von der Müliii: Ueber konforme Abbildung
im Raume. — F. Zschokke: Marine Schmarotzer in Süsswasserflschen.
B ER N E .
Natnrforscliende Gesellschaft. Ad pag. 187.
Mittheilungen der naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Bern. Aus den Jahren
1843—1857, N°. 1—56. Bern, Huber und Go?np., 1843 — 1856. In 8°.
Ad pag. 275.
Th. Eugeimauu: Quelques rema rq u es e t nou v e au x faits, co n ce rn an t la relation
en tre 1 excitabilité, la conductibilité e t la co n tractilité des muscles.
Voyez: Archiv. Neerland. Série II, Tome VI. L iv re ju b ilaire , 1901. Pag. 689.
295. M. Foster et E. Ray L an k e ste r: The Scientiflc Memoirs of Thomas
Henry Huxley. Ad pag. 286.
Vol. I II. 1901. I. On th e cetacean fossils term ed „Ziphius” by Cuvier, w ith
a notice of a new species (Belemnoziphius compressus) from th e red crag. -
II. On th e s tru c tu re of th e Belemnitidae; w ith a description of a more
complete specimen of „Belemnites” th a n a n y h ith e rto known, and an
account of a new genus of Belemnitidae „Xiphoteuthis.” - H I. On th e
osteology of th e genus Glyptodon. - IV. On th e s tru c tu re of th e stomach
in Desmodus ru fu s. - V. On a collection of v e rteb rate fossils from Panchet
rocks, Ranigunj Bengal. - VI. On th e methods and re su lts of Ethnology. -
VII. E x p lan ato ry preface to th e catalogue of th e palaeontological collection
in th e Museum of practical geology. - V III. On a collection of fossil ve rtebrata,
from th e Ja rrow colliery, Crt of Kilk en n y , Ireland. - IX. On some
rem a in s of large Dinosaurian reptiles from th e Stormberg m o untains. South
Africa. - X. On a new specimen of Telerpeton elginense. - On two widely
contrasted forms of th e h um an cranium. - X II. On Aoanthopholis horridus,
a new reptile from th e chalk-marl. On th e stra tig rap h ic al position of Acan-
thopolis horridus (Huxley). — X III. On th e classification of b ird s; and on
tho taxonomic value of th e modification of certain of th e cranial bones
observable in th a t class. - XIV. On „Saurosternon Bainii” and „Pristero-
don” McKayl, two new fossil lacertiiian reptiles from South Africa. — XV.
On th e animals which are mo st n e a rly in te rm ed iate between birds and
reptiles. - XVI. On th e form of th e cranium among th e P a tag o n ian s and
Fuegians, w ith some rem a rk s upon american c iania in general. — XV II. On
some organisms living a t g re at depths in th e Nortli A tlan tic Ocean. -
X V III. Remarks upon Archaeopteryx lithographica. - XIX. On th e classiflcation
and d istrib u tio n of th e aloctoromorphae and heteromorphae. —
XX. On Hyperodapedon. — XXI. On a new Lab y rin th o d o n t from Bradford. —
X X II. On th e upper jaw of Megalosaurus. - X X III. The a n n iv e rsa ry
address of th e Pre sid en t. — XXIV. On th e ethnology and archaeology of
India. - XXV. On th e e thnology and archaeology of No rth America. -
XXVI. On th e rep re sen tativ es of th e malleus and th e incus of th e „Mammalia
in th e o th er „Verteb rata ”. — XX VII. On Hypsilophodon Foxii, a new
Dinosaurian from th e Wealden of th e Isle of Whigt. - X X V III. F u rth e r