J . A. Alloii: Oil a colloctioii of mammals from Iho Sau Podro Marlir region
of lower California, witli notes on otlier species, particu la rly of
tlio geiius Sitomys.
„ „ : Description of a new species of Opossum from tlio is thm u s of
Tehuantepec, Mexico.
„ ; F u rth e r n o tes on Costa Kioa mammals, witli description of a
new species of Oryzomys.
„ ; Description of a new mouse from Lake county, California.
„ „ : Description of a new species of Geomys from Costa Rica.
„ „ : Notes on mammals from New Brunswick, witli description of a
new species of Evotomys.
„ „ : On th e seasonal change of color in th e vary in g liaro (Lopus
americanus, E r x l ) .
„ „ : On th e mammals of Aransas county, Texas, w ith descriptions ol'
new forms of Lepus and Oryzomys.
„ „ ; Cranial variations in Neotoma micropus duo to growtli and in d ividual
„ ,, : Remarks on specimens of Chilonycteris rubiginosus from we ste rn
Mexico an d on th e color pha se s of P te ro n o tu s Davyi, Gircij.
„ „ : Descriptions of te n new nortli american mammals and rema rk s
on others.
„ „ : Descriptions of live new n o rth amerioan mammals.
„ „ : Remarks on a second collection of mammals from New Brunswick,
and on th e rediscovery of th e genus Neotoma in New IToi'k State.
„ „ : On th e species of th e genus Reithrodontomys.
„ „ : On th e n ame s of mammals given by Ke rr in ids „Animal Kin g dom”
published in 1792.
,, „ : On a collection of m ammals from Arizona and Mexico mado by
yy. yy. Price, w ith field n o tes by th e collector.
„ „ : L ist of mammals collected in th e Black Hills region of soutli
Dakota and in w e ste rn Kansas by >V. W. Granger.
„ „ : Descriptions of new american mammals.
„ „ : Note on Macrogeomys Ch en ic i {Allen).
„ „ : On mammals collected in Bexar cou n ty and vicinity, Texas, by
H. P. Attwater, w ith field notes by th e collector.
„ „ : Descriptions of new n o rth american mammals.
„ „ : List of mammals collected by W. AV. Graugcr in New Mexico,
Utah , Wyoming an d Nebraska, w ith field notes by tho collector.
„ „ : Additional notes on Costarican mammals, w ith descriptions of
new species.
„ „ : F u r th e r notes on mammals collected by A. C. Bu ller, w ith descriptions
of new species.
„ „ : On a small collection of mammals from Peru, with descriptions
of new species.
„ „ : Preliminary description of a new m o u n ta in sheep from tho British
n o rtliw e st Territory.
„ ,, : Description of a new species of Sigmodon, from Bogota, Colombia.
„ „ : Descriptions of new mammals from western Mexico and lowor
„ „ : Revision of th e Chickarees or nortli american red Squirrels (subgenus
J. A. Alien : Oil mammals from tho n o rthw e s t Territory, collucLed by A..I. Stone.
„ „ : Descriptions of fivo new american Rodents.
„ „ : Now Rodents from Colombia and Venezuola.
„ „ : Tlie generic names Ecliimys and Lonclioros.
Voyez: Rec. pér. Amér. Sept. Now York. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. H ist.
Pag. 4 2 -4 9 .
J. A. Alien: The amerioan Bisons, living and oxtiiicts.
„ „ : On an ex tin c t typo of dog, from Ely cave.
Voyez: Roc. pér. Zool. génér. Memoirs. Mus. of Comp. Zoology. Bag. 36:3.
J. A. Allen: Mammals of Massachusetts.
„ „ : On th e eared seals (Otariadao), with dosoriptioiis of tho n o rth
Pacific species.
„ „ ; On th e mammals and w in te r birds of oast Florida.
„ „ : L ist of mammals collected in n. e. Mexico.
„ „ : On a revision of th e ethmoid bone in th e mammalia.
Voyoz: Rec. pér. Zool. génér. Bull. Mus. of Comp. Zoology. Pag. 365 -3 6 7 .
J. A. Allen: Do las especies del genero Bassaris.
Voyez: Ree. pér. Amér. Sept. Mexico. La Naturaleza. Pag. 99.
.1. A. Alien e t F. M. Cliapnian: On a collection of mammals from tiro island
of Trinidad, w’ith descriptions of now species.
„ „ „ „ n • On mammals from Yucatan, w ith descriptions
of new species.
„ „ „ „ „ : On a second collection of mammals from tlio
island of Trinidad and on some mammals
from th e island of Dominica.
„ „ „ „ „ : On a collection of m am m als from .Jalapa and
Las Vigas, Mexico.
Yoyez: Rec. pér. Amér. Sept. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. Now York.
Pag. 45; 47.
B. Biuimiillcr: Polydaotylie beim Reh.
Voyoz: Ree. pér. Appendice. Allemagne. Nürnberg. Pag. 2-20.
H. Beauregard e t E. Boulart: Recherches anatomiques su r les Balaenides.
Voyez: France. Nouv. Archiv. Mus. dTiist. nat. Pag. 319.
C. Berg: Notas sobre los nombres de algunos mamiferos sudamoricanos.
„ Lobodon carcinophagus, {ff. J.) Gr.
„ Dolichotis salinicola, Burm. e t bona species.
Yoyez: Eec. pér. Amér. mérid. Rep. Argent. Buenos Aires. Museo Naci-
onal. Gominunicaciones. Pag. 10 6 -1 0 8 .
F. A. Bielz: Die in Siebenbürgen vorkominenden Fledermäuse.
„ „ : Mammalia in Siebenbürgen.
Voyez: Rec. pér. Appendice. Autr.-Hongrie. H e n n a n n s ta d t. Pag. 2-58.
C. J. H. F. von Brauu. Ueber das Llama und Alpaca.
Voyez: Eec. pér. Appendice. Allemagne. Nürnberg. Pag. 218.
A. F. Brolim: El Perro do las pradoras o de Cliiliuahua.
Voyez: Rec. per. Amér. Sept. Mexico. La Naturaleza. Pag. 102.
F. B. Bruiiol : On th e habits of th e beaver.
Voyez; Reo. per. Amérique Sept. Washington. Smiths. In stit. Reports.
Pag. 57.
C. F. Canto: Description do deu x n o uveaux Cétacés do la còte du Chili.
Voyez: Rec. pér. Amér. Mérid. Chili. Act. Soc. scient. Rag. 117.