E. Ingersoll: On th e flsh-mortality in th e g u lf of Mexico.
Voyez; Rec. per. Amér. Sept. Washington. U. St. N. Museum. Proceedings.
Pag. 83.
C. Isliik awa : On th e varia tio n s of th e proportional len g th s of th o head, etc.
as to th e total len g h t in o ur common eel.
Voyez: Rec. pér. Zool. génér. Annot. zool. jap an . Pag. 360.
R. Jatzow e t H. Lenz: Fische von Madagaskar, etc.
Voyez: Rec. pér. Allemagne. F ran c fo rt s/M. Senckenb. n a tu rf. Gesell-
scliaft. Pag. 15.
J. P. Jefferson: On th e m o rta lity of fishes in th e g u lf of Mexico in 1878.
Voyez: Rec. per. Amér. Sept. Washington. U. St. N. Museum. Proceedings.
Pag. 79.
J. P. Jefferson, J. T. Porter e t T. Moore: On th e destruction of th e flsh in
th e vicinity of T o rtugas d u rin g September and October, 1878.
Voyez; Rec. pér. Amér. Sept. Wasliington. U. St. N. Museum. Proceedings.
Pag. 78.
S. H. Johnson: Notes on m o rta lity among flshes of th e g u lf of Mexico.
Voyez: Rec. per. Amér. Sept. Washington. U. St. N. Museum. Proceedings.
Pag. 84.
J. M. Jones: List of th e flshes of Nova Scotia.
„ „ : On th e m a rin e zoology of Nova Scotia.
Voyez: Rec. pér. Amérique Sept. Nova Scotia. Halifax. Pag. 23.
D. S. Jordan: Description of a species of flsh (Mitsukurina Owstoni) from
Japan, th e type of a d istin c t family of lamnoid sh a rk s .
Voyez: Rec. per. Amér. Sept. San Francisco. Cai. Acad, of Sc. Proceed.
3ri Series. Pag. 30.
D. S. Jordan: Notes on a collection of fishes from Clackamas river, Oregon.
„ „ : Notes on certain typical specimens of american fish in th e
B ritish Museum and in th e Muséum d’h ist. n a t. a t P a ris.
„ „ : Description of new species of n o rth american flshes.
,, „ : Notes on a collection of flshes obtained in th e s tre a ts of
G u an aju a ta and in Chapala lake, Mexico, by A, Dngcs.
„ ,, : Notes on a collection of fishes from e a s t Florida.
„ ,, : Notes on a collection of fishes from St. Jo h n s river.
„ ,, : On a forgotten paper of Dr. Ayres and its bearing on th e
nomenclature of th e cyprinoid flsh e so fth e San Francisco markets.
„ „ : Note on „Serna” and „Dacentrus.”
„ ,, : Description of a new species of Caranx (G. Beani), from Beaufort,
N. Carolina.
Voyez: Rec. pér. Amér. Sept. Washington. U. St. N. Museum. Proceedings.
Pag. 78—83.
D. S. Jordan e t C. H. G ilbert: Notes on th e fishes of Beaufort harbor, N. Carolina.
,, ,, „ „ ,, : Notes on a collection of fishes from San Diego,
,, „ „ ,, ,, ; Description of a new flounder (X y streu ry s liolepis)
from St» Catilina island, California.
„ ,, ,, „ „ : Description of a new ray (P la ty rh in a triseriata )
from th e coast of California.
„ ,, ,, „ „ : Description of a now „rock cod” (Sebastichtys
serrioeps) from th e coast of California.
D. S. Jo rd a n e t c . H. G ilb e rt: On th e occurence of Cephalosoyllium laticeps,
[Dumeril) Gill, on th o coast of California.
» » » » J, : On th e oil-shark of so u th e rn California (Galeorhin
u s galeus).
» « » » » ! Description of a new flounder (Pleu ro n ich th y s
verticalis) from th e coast of California, w ith notes
on o th er species.
r> » » )» ff : Notes on sh a rk s from th e coast of California.
ff ff ff ff ff ! On th e generic re la tio n s of P la ty rh in a ex asp era ta .
ff ff ff ff ff : Description of a new species of Sebastichthys
(miniatus), from Monterey bay, California.
ff ff ff ff ff : Description of a new species of „rock-fish” (Seb
a stich th y s c arn a tu s) from th e coast of California.
ff ff ff ff ff ' Description of a new species of ray (Raia stellulata)
from Monterey, California.
ff ff ff ff ff ! Descriptions of new species of X ip h iste r and
Apodichthys from Monterey, California.
55 55 55 55 55 ¡ Descriptíons of two new species of Sebastichthys
(S. entórnelas and S. rhodochloris) from Monterey
bay, Calif.
55 55 55 55 55 Desorlptlon of a new agenoid flsh (Brachyopsis
x y osternus), from Monterey bay, Calif.
55 55 55 55 55 ^ Descriptiou of a new flounder (Hippoglossoides
exilis) from th e coast of Calif.
55 55 55 55 55 ^ Descifiption of a new species of ra y (Raia rh in a)
from th e coast of Calif.
55 „ „ „ „ : Descriptions of two new fishes, Ascelichthys rhodorus
and Scytalina cerdale, from Neah bay,
W ash in g to n te rrito ry .
55 55 55 55 55 • Desoriptlon of tw o new species of flshes, Sudis
ringens and Myctophum crenulare, from San ta
Ba rbara channel, Calif.
55 55 55 55 55 ¡ Desci'iption of two new species of flounders (Pa ro
p h ry s isch y ru s an d Hippoglossoides elassodon,
from P u g e t’s sound.
55 55 55 55 55 ¡ Descriptiou of seven new species of sebastoid
flshes, from th e coast of California.
55 55 55 55 55 ' Descriptlon of a new enibiotoooid (Abeona aurora)
from Monterey, Calif., w ith notes on a related
55 55 55 55 55 ' Descriptioii of a new flounder (Pla ty som a tich th y s
stomias), from th e coast of Calif.
55 55 55 55 55 •' Doscription of a new species of deep-water flsh
(Icich th y s Leckingtoni), from th e coast of Calif.
55 55 55 55 55 ¡ Descriptiou of a new embotocoid (Ditrema atripes),
from th e coast of Calif.
55 55 55 55 55 = Doscription of a new scorpaenoid flsh (Sebastichth
y s meliger), from th e coast of Calif.
55 55 55 55 55 5 Descriptiou of a new scorpaenoid fish (Sebastichth
y s proriger), from th e Monterey bay, Calif.