th e laws governing th e movement of storm centres. - B. Alvord: On th e
re cen t e arthquakes in North Carolina. — G. K. Gilbert: On a cold geyser
or in te rm itten t a rte sian well in Ohio. — F. W. Clarke: On th e molecular
h e ats of similar compounds. — IV. Ferrill: On th e law connecting th e
velocity and direction of th e wind w ith th e barometric gradient. Texte de
4 pages. — E. S. Holden: On th e adopted value of su n ’s ap p aren t diameter.
Texte de 8 pages. - C. G. Forshey: On th e alluvial basin of th e Mississippi
river styled th e delta. Texte de 9 pages. - S. Alexander: On th e zodiacal
light. Aveo 9 flg. dans le tex te de 11 pages. — E. S. Holden: On Sir \V.
Herschel’s observations of th e satellites of Uranus. Texte de 7 pages.
Vol. II. 1874-1878. E. B. Elliott; Calendar formulae. - BY. S. Taylor: A
c alendar proposed by a persian a stronomer in 1079. — J. BY. Powell: Mo-
noolinal ridges. Texte de 8 pages. — G. Mallery: A calendar of th e Dakota
Indians. Texte de 5 pages. — M. Bakkcr: The histo ry of MalfattPs problem.
Texte de 11 pages. — T. Gill: The morphology of th e an tle rs of th e Cer-
vidae. — Cl. Abbe: Report of th e Committee to collect information relative
to th e meteor of December 24tL, 1873. Aveo 1 carte e t 2 flg. dans le te x te
do 23 pages. — BI. H. Doolittle: Aerolithic disturbance of p lan e tary motions. —
BY. H. Dali: The re su lts of re cen t investigations into th e n a tu ra l history
of th e Chitonidae. — G. K. Gilbert: The W asatch a growing mountain. —
BY. B. Taylor: Life and character of Jos. Henry, his scientific labors. Aveo
1 p o rtrait et tex te de 166 pages. — M. G. Meigs: On th e movements caused
in large icefields by expansion and contraction, as illustrative of th e formation
of anticlinical and synclinical axes in geological formations. Avec 4 flg.
dans le te x te de 4 pages. — F. B. Meek: Description of new species of
fossil p lants from Alleghany county, Virginia; w ith some rem a rk s on the
rock seen along th e Chesapeake and Ohio railroad, n e ar th e wh ite sulfur
springs of Greenbrier county. W est Virginia. Avec 2 pl. e t te x te de X IX
pages. — J. BY. Powell: Biographical notice of A. B. M.arviue. Texte de
V III pages.
Vol. III. 1878 — 1880. C. BL Riley: Pupation of th e Nymphalidae. - C. A. Scbott:
The secular change in th e magnetic declination in th e Unit. States and at
some foreing stations. Texte de 6 pages. — BI. Baker: Discussion of a geometrical
problem. Aveo 4 fig. dans le tex te de 11 pages. — BY. H. Dali: Some
recent observations on Mollusks. — J. 0 . Dorsey : On th e gentile system of
th e Omahas. Aveo 3 fig. dans le te x te de 11 pages.
Vol. IV. 1880—1881. J. BY. Chickering: Notes on Roan mountain. No rth Carolina.
Texte de 5 pages. — L. F. BYard: Field and closet notes on th e flora
of W ashington and vicinity. Texte de 56 pages.
Vol. V. 1881 — 1882. BY. Ferrel: On th e conditions determining temperature.
Texte de 7 pages. — M. Baker: On a geometrical question re la tin g to
spheres. — H. A. Hazen: On th e re ta rd atio n of stormcentres a t elevated
stations, and high wind as a propable cause. Texte de 5 pages. — T. Gill:
On th e classification of th e insectivorous mammals.
Vol. VI. 1883. E. B. Elliot: Fo rm ulas for th e computation of Easter. Texte de
7 pages. — BY. C. Kerr: The geology of H a tte ra s and th e neighboring coast.
Texte de 3 pages. — Cl. Abbe: Determining th e tem p e ra tu re of th e air. —
BY. H. Dali: Glaciation in Alaska. Texte de 4 pages. — BY. B. Taylor: Note
on th e rings of Satu rn . Texte de 5 pages. — H. A. Hazen: Thermometer
exposure. — C. E. Dutton; The volcanic problem stated. Texte de 7 pages. —
C. D. BYalcott: The Cambrian system in th e Unit. States and Canada. Aveo
1 fig. dans le tex te de 4 pages. — C. H. E u n u n el: Alignement curves on
an y surface, w ith special application to th e ellipsoid. Avec 1 flg. dans le
to x te de 10 pages. — The th eo ry of errors practically tested by target-
shooting. Avec 2 flg. dans le to x te de 11 pages. — II. Parqiibar: Form of
least-square computation. — A. S. Cbristie: Contacts of plane curves. Texte
de 5 pages.
Vol. VII. 1884. J. C. Rnssell: The ex is tin g glaciers of th e h igh Sierra of California.
Avec 2 fig. dans le te x te de 5 pages. — C. Y. Rilley : Recent advances
in economic entomology. - J. C. Rnssell: W h a t is a glacier? - T. Robinson:
The s tra ta exposed in th e e ast sh a ft of th e water-works extension. Avec 1
flg. dans le te x te de 3 pages. — E. C. D n lto n : The volcanoes and lava of
New Mexico. Texto de 4 pages. — H. F a rq n b a r; Empirical formulae for th e
diminution of amplitude of a freely-oscillating pendulum. - A. H a ll: The
formulae for computing tlie position of a satellite. Avec 1 flg. dans le te x te
de 9 pages. — C. H. Kiiniinel; The quadric tran sfo rm a tio n of elliptic in te grals,
combined w ith th e algorithm of th e arithmetico-geometrio mean. Texte
de 21 pages. — M. H. Do o little: The verifications of predictions.
Vol. V III. 1885. BBL H. Dali: Two remarkable forms of Mollusks. - J. P. Iddings :
The columnar s tru c tu re in th e diabase of Orange mountain, N. J. Avec 4 fig.
dans le tex te de 6 pages. - G. L. Raveué: The th eo ry of Mercury. Avec 5
fig. dans le te x te de 7 pages. — R. S. BB’oodward: Some practical fe atu res
of a field time determination w ith a meridian tran s it. — C. H. Kuinniel : Can
th e a ttrac tio n of a finite mass be in fin ite ? Texte de 6 pages.
Vol. IX. 1886. J. C. Rnssell: Notes on th e fau lts of th e g re at basin and of th e
e astern base of th e Sierra Nevada. — T. Rnssell: 'Temperatures a t which
differences between mercurial and air th erm om eters are greatest. Avec 1
flg. dans le tex te de 8 pages. — E. Hayden: The Charleston e arthquake.
Avec 1 carte e t te x te de 7 pages.
Vol. X. 1887. C. E. Dnlton: On th e depth of eartq u ak e foci. Avec 1 fig. dans
le te x te de 3 pages. — M. H. Doolittle: Association ratios. Texte de 5 p a g e s .—
BI. Baker: A collection of solutions of th e trisection problem. — E. B. Elliott:
The quotients of space-directed lines.
Vol. XI. 1892. S. P. Langley : On th e observation of sudden phenomena. Avec
1 flg. dans le te x te de 10 pages. — C. E. Dutton: On some of th e g re ater
problems of physical geology. Texte de 14 pages. - J. P. Iddings: On the
crystallization of igneous rocks. Texte de 50 pages. — E. D. Pre.ston : Reduction
of pendulum observations. Texte de 16 pages. — F. BY. Clarke: ’The
relative abundance of th e chemical elements. Texte de 12 pages. —
J. R. Eastman: Assumption and fact in th e theories of solar and stellar
proper motions. Texte de 39 pages. — E. Hayden: Hurricanes in th e bay
of No rth America. Texte de 17 pages. — J. P. Iddings: The m in e ral composition
and geological occurence of certain igneous rocks in th e Yellowstone
Nat. Park. Avec 3 flg. dans le tex te de 28 pages. — G. II. Eldridge: On
certain peculiar stru c tu ra l fe atu res in tho Foot-Hill region of th e Rocky
mountains n e ar Denver, Colorado. Avec 2 pl. et 2 flg. dans le tex te de 28
pages. — H. BY. Turner; Mohawk lake beds. Texte de 25 pages. — BY. Cross:
Constitution and origin of sp h e ru lite s in acid eruptive rocks. Aveo 2 pl. et
tex te de 35 pages. — J. P. Iddiugs: Spherulitio crystallization. Avec 1 pl. et
tex te de 20 pages.
Vol. X II. 1892 — 1894. J. R. Eastman: The mexican meteorites. Texte de 14
pages. — A. BY. Grcely: Some peculiarities in th o rainfall of Texas. Avec