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N. M a rtin : E x p erim en ts in regard to th e supposed „suotion-puinp” action of
th e mammalian h e art.
„ „ : On th e tem p e ra tu re limits of th e vita lity of th e mammalian heart.
„ „ : Observations on th e mean p re ssu re and th e chara cte rs of th e
pulse-wave in th e coronary arteries of th e heart.
„ „ : Vase-motor nerves of th e heart.
„ „ : The normal re sp irato ry movements of th e frog and th e influence
upon its re sp irato ry c entre of stimulation of th e optic lobes.
„ „ : The influence of stimulation of th e mid-hrain upon th e re sp irato ry
rh y thm of th e mammal.
On th e re sp irato ry function of th e in te rn a l in tercostal muscles.
Some observations on th e effect of lig h t on th e production of car-
bondioxyde gas by frogs.
„ „ : Pre lim in ary account of ex p erim en ts in reg ard to th e circulatory
and re sp irato ry charges observed in animals placed in th e p n e u matic
„ „ : Some experimen ts as to th e physiological effects of differential
„ „ : A self-feeding chronograph pen.
„ „ : The s tu d y and te a ch in g of biology.
„ „ : The physiology of secretion.
„ „ : Modern physiological laboratories-what th ey are and w h y th ey are.
„ : The s tu d y of th e physiological action of drugs.
„ „ : Some th o u g h ts about laboratories.
Voyez; Ree. pér. Zoologie générale. Memoirs biol. Labor. John Hopkins
University, Baltimore.
F. Vi. Mills: Studies in th e comparative physiology of th e heart. R h y thm and
in n erv a tio n of h e a rt in sea tu rtle . I. II.
» J) „ : The re ten tio n and th e loss of th e h a ir from a physiological
On th e physiology of th e h e a rt of th e snake.
The influence of th e n ervous system on cell life (Metabolism).
The blood and blood-vessels in h e a lth and disease.
Voyez: Ree. pér. Appendice. Canad. Record. Pag. 222, etc.
W. S. Morrow: The ra te of propagation of th e venous pulse.
Voyez: Ree. pér. Appendice. Canad. Record. Pag. 229.
H. Mnraoka: Das Johanneskäfer-Licht.
Voyez: Rec. pér. Asie. Tokyo. Imp. Univ. Journ. Coll. of Sc. Pag. 125.
A. R o lle tt: Physiologisches und Geographisches über das Blut.
„ „ ; Ueber Geschmack u n d Geruch.
Voyez: Reo. pér. Appendice. Autr.-Hongrie. Graz. Mittheil. Pag. 246.
B. Schenbe: Bemerkungen über die Nah ru n g der Japaner. Ein Beitrag zur
vergleichenden Physiologie der Nahru n g sm itte l.
Voyez: Reo. per. Asie. Japon. Yokohama. Mittheil. Pag. 131.
E. Solvay: The p a rt played by electricity in th e phenomena of animal life.
Voyez: Ree. pér. Amérique Sept. Washington. Smiths. In s tit. Reports.
Pag, 70,
T. M. Tsnkauioto: On th e poisonous action of alcohols upon different organisms.
Voyez: Ree. pér. Asie. Tokyo. Imp. Univ. Jo u rn . Coll, of Sc. Pag. 125.
308. F. E. Beddard: Animal coloration, an account of the principal facts
and theories relating to the colours and marking of animals. London,
Swan Sonneschein and Co., 1892. In 8°.
Avec 4 pl. col. et des illu stra tio n s dans le tex te de 288 pages.
309. A. B. Griffiths: The physiology of the invertebrata. London, L.
Reeve and Co., 1892. In 8°.
Avec 84 flg. dans le te x te de 477 pages.
310. R. Wagner: Handwörterbuch der Physiologie mit Rücksicht auf
physiologische Pathologie. In Verbindung mit mehreren Gelehrten
herausgegeben. Band I—IV. Braunschweig, F. Vieweg u. Sohn,
1842-18.53. In 8°.