oynoglossus, on th e coast of N. America. Texte de 5 pages. — W. H. D a li:
Note on shells from Costa Rica kitcheumodden, collected hy F lin t and
Bransford. — J. D. S. Jackson: Arsenic acid for protecting anatomical preparations
from insects. — G. D. Goode e t T. H. Bean: The oceanic bonito
(Orcynus pelainys, L.) on th e coast of th e U nit. States. Texte do 3 pages. —
W. H. D a li: Distribution of Californian te rtia ry fossils. Texte de 5 pages. ~
G. B. Goode: A revision of th e american species of th e genus Brevoortia,
w ith a description of a new species from th e gulf of Mexico. Texte de 14
pages. — Tlie occurence of Hippocampus antiquorum, or an allied form, on
S a in t George’s banks. Texte de 2 pages. — W. H. Dali: Description of new
species of shells from California in th e collections of th e Nat, Museum. Texte
de 2 pages. — G. P. Lawrence: Catalogue of th e birds of Dominica from
collections made for th e Smithsonian In stitu tio n by P. A. Ober, to g eth e r
w ith his notes and observations. Texte de 23 pages. — D. S. Jordan: Notes
on a collection of fishes from Clackamas river, Oregon. Texte de 16 pages. —
E. Ridgway: A review of th e american species of th e genus Scops, Savigny.
Texte de 38 pages. — J. C. Merrill: Notes on th e ornithology of so u th e rn
Texas, being a list of birds observed in th e vicinity of F o rt Brown, Texas,
1876-1878. Texte de 56 pages. — G. B. Goode et T. H. Bean: On a new
serranoid fish, Epinephelus Drummond-Hayi, from th e Bermudas and Florida.
Texte de 3 pages. — Description of two new species of fishes, L u tjan u s
Blackfordii and L. Stearnsii, from th e coast of Florida. Texte de 6 pages. —
S. Stearns: A note of th e gu lf Menhaden, Breevoortia patronus, Goode. —
G. IL Goode et T. H. Bean: A note upon th e black grouper (Epinephelus
nigritus, Holbrook) of th e so uthern coast. Texte de 3 pages. — G. N. Lawrence:
Catalogue of th e birds of St. Vincent, from collections made by P. A. Ober, w ith
his notes thereon. Texte de 14 pages. — 'P. H. Bean: Description of a new
spaiToid fish, Sargus Holbrookii, from Sav an n ah bank. Texte de 3 pages. —
C. Mills: Catalogue of oasts of the heads of six ty four In d ian prisoners of
various we stern tribes, and held a t fort Marion S*. Augustine, Ela. Texte de
14 pages. — T. G ill: Synopsis of th e pedioulate fishes of th e e aste rn coast
of extratropical No rth America. Texte de 7 pages. — Note on th e Anten-
nariidae. Texte de 3 pages. — On th e proper specific name of th e common
pelagic a tten n ariid Pterophryne. Texte de 4 pages. — Note on th e Ceratiidae.
Texte de 5 pages. — Note on th e Maltheidae. Texte de 2 pages. — G. N.
Lawrence: Ca’alogue of th e birds of Antigua and Barbuda, collected by F. A.
Ober, with liis observations. Texte de 11 pages. — F. Steindacbner: Note
on Perea flavescens. — J. P. Jefferson, J. T. Porter e t T. Moore: On th e
destruction of fish in th e vicinity of th e Tortugas during September and
October, 1878. Texte de 3 pages. — R. Ridgway: Descriptions of several new
species and geographical races of birds contained in th e collection of th e
U. St. Nat. Museum. Texte do 6 pages. — Description of two new species
of birds from Costa Rica and notes on o th er rare species from th a t country.
Texte de 4 pages. - G. IL Goode e t T. H. Bean: Descriptions of two gadoid
fishes, Phycis Chester! and Haloporphyrus viola, from th e deep-sea fauna of
th e n o rthw e stern Atlantic. Texte de 5 pages. — Description of Argentina
Syrtensium, a new deep-sea fish from Sable island bank. 'I’exte de 3 pages. —
V. fi. Edwards: On th e occurence of tlie oceanic bonito, Orcinus pelamys (L.)
Poey, in Vineyard sound, Massach. — S. Wilmot: Notes on th e we stern
Gizzard shad, Dorosoma cepedianum iietersirum, (Raf.) Jordan. Texto de
2 pages. - G. B, Goode: The occurence of th e Canada porcupine in West
Virginia. — G. N. Lawrence: Catalogue of th e birds of Grenada, from a
collection made by F. A. Ober, in cluding o th ers seen by him, b u t n o to b ta in ed .
Texte de 14 pages. - N. T. Lnplon: On th e breeding h ab its of th e sea-catfish
(Ariopsis Milberti?) - T. H. Bean: On th e occurence of Stichaeus p u nc ta tus,
(Fabr.) Kröyer a t S. Michaels, Alaska. Texte de 3 pages. — W. H. Dali:
Report on th e limpets and chitons of th e alaskan and arctic regions, with
descriptions of genera and species believed to be new. Aveo 5 pl. e t 5 fig.
dans le tex te de 64 pages. — T. II. Bean: On th e id en tity of Euohalarodus
Pu tn ami, Gill, w ith Pleuronectes glaber, (Storer) Gill, w ith notes on the
h abits of th e species. T ex te de 5 pages. — G. IL Goode e t T. II. Bean: The
id en tity of Rhinonemus oaudaouta (Storer) Gill, with Gadus cimbrius, L.
Texte de 2 pages. — G. N. Lawrence: Catalogue of th e birds collected in
Martinique by F. A. Ober. Texte de 12 pages. — G. B. Goode e t T. H. Bean:
Note on Pla te ssa ferruginea, Storer and Pl. rostra ta , Storer. Texte de 2
pages. — On th e id en tity of Brosmius americanus. Gill, with Br. Brosme
(Müller) While. — J. P. Jefferson: On th e m o rta lity of fishes in th e gulf
of Mexico in 1878. - D. S. Jordan et C. H. Gilbert : Notes on th e fishes of
Beaufort harbor, N. Carolina. Texte de 24 pages. - - L. Beldiug: A partial
list of th e birds of Central America, edited by R. Ridgw.ay. 'Texte de 62
pages. — G. N. Lawrence: Catalogue of a collection of birds obtained in
Guadeloupe by F. A. Ober. Texte de 14 pages. - G. B. Goode: On two
fishes from th e Bermudas mistak en ly described as new by Giinllier. — T. H.
Bean: Description of a species of Lycodes (L. Turneri) from Alaska, believed
to be nndescribed. 'Texte de 4 pages. — R. Ridgway: Descriptions of new
species and races of american birds, including a synopsis of th e genus
T y rannus, Cuvier. Texte de 23 pages.
Vol. II. 1879. T. 51. Brewer: Notes on th e n e sts and eggs of the eight n o rth
american species of Empidonaces. Texte de 10 pages, — T. H. Bean: A
list of european fishes in th e collection of th e U. St. Nat. Museum. Texte
de 36 pages. — G. B. Goode et T. H. Bean: Description of a species of
Lycodes (L. paxillus) obtained by th e U. St. fish commission. Texte de 3
pages. - Description of a new species of Liparis (L. ranula) of Halifax, Nova
Scotia. — Description of a new species of amber fish (Serioia Stearnsii) obtained
n e a r Pensacola, Florida, by S. Stearns. Texte de 4 pages. — IL Giitke:
On th e birds of Heligoland. Texte de 5 pages. — G. B. Goode e t T. H. Beau:
Description of Alepocephalus Bairdii, a new species of fish from th e deep-
sea fau n a of th e -western Atlantic. Texte de 3 pages. — T. H. Bean: On the
species of Astrosoopus of th e eastern Un. States. Texte de 7 pages. — On
th e occurence of Hippoglossus vulgaris, Elem. a t Un a lask a and St. Michaels,
Alaska. Texte de 4 pages. — Description of on ap p aren tly ne-w species of
Gasterosteus (G. Atkinsii) from th e Sohoodio lakes, Maine. Texte de 3 pages. —
yy. N. Locklngtoii: Review of th e Pleuronectidae of San Francisco. Texte de
40 pages. — G. B. Goode: A preliininaryf catalogue of th e fishes of th e St.
Jolins river and th e east coast of Florida, w ith descriptions of a new genus
and th ree new species. Texte de 14 pages. - G. B. Goode e t T. II. Bean:
Catalogue of a collection of fislies sen t from Pensacola, Fla., and vicinity
by S. Stearns, witli descriptions of sex new species. Texte de 36 pages. —
0 . Hargcr: Notes on New England Isopoda. Texte de 9 pages. — A. E.
5’err ill: Notice of rocout additions to th e m arin e inverteb ra ta of th e n o rth
eastern coast of America, witli descriptions of new genera and species and
critical rema rk s on olliors. 1. Texto do 41 pages. - G. IL Goode e t T. II. Bean: