B a n d I I . 1892. Magnetismus. Besorgt durch E. Riecke.
Aveo 10 pl. e t 12 flg. dans le tex te de V I I I - 3 8 0 pages.
B a n d I I I . 1893. Galvanismus und E lektrodynamik. E rste r Theil. Ab h an d lu n gen
bis 1857. Besorgt durch H. Weber.
Aveo ] pl. et 66 fig. dans le tex te de X I I - 6 7 6 pages.
B a n d IV . 1894. Galvanismus u n d Elektrodynamik. Zweiter Theil. 1 858-1880.
Besorgt durch H. Weber.
Avec 4 pl. et 9 fig. dans le te x te de X IV -6 3 8 pages.
B a n d V. 1893. Wellenlehre. Besorgt du rch E. Riecke.
Avec 18 pl. e t te x te de X X X - 4 8 3 pages.
B a n d V I . 1894. Mechanik der menschlichen Gehwerkzeuge. Besorgt durch
F. Merkel und 0 . Fischer.
Avec 17 pl. e t 4 flg. dans le te x te de XXIV —326 pages.
79. G. Zeiiner: Technische Thermodynamik. Zweite Auflage, zugleich
vierte vollständig neu bearbeitete Auflage der „Grundzüge der
mechanischen Wärmetheorie.” Leipzig, A. Felix, 1900. In 8°.
B a n d I . 1900. F u n d am en ta lsätze der Thermodynamik. Lehre von den Gasen.
Avec 65 fig. dans le tex te de X V I -4 8 6 pages.
B a n d H . 1901. Die Lehre von den Dämpfen.
Avec 51 flg. dans le tex te de V I I - 4 6 3 e t An h an g de X X IX pages.
Ad pag. 707; 785. I.
Greeinvich Boyal Observatory. Ad pag. 709; 785. I.
A publié;
G. Bidden A iry : Numerical lunar theory. London, Ey?-e and Spottisivoode.
In 4°.
Texte de X —178 pages.
Astronomical Observations made at the Royal Observatory Greenwich
in the years 1837; 1838; 1839; 1840; 1841; 1842; 1843; 1844; 1845;
1846; 1847. Under the Direction of G. Bidd ell Airy, Astronomer Royal.
Published by Order of the Board of Admiralty in obedience to her
Majesty’s Command. Lo.adon, 1838—1849. In 4°.
Astronomical and Magnetical and Meteorological Observations made at
the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, in the years 1848; 1849; 1850;
1851; 1852; 1853; 1868; 1869; 1870. Under the Direction of G. B id dell
A iry , Astronomer Royal. Published by Order of the Board of
Admiralty, in obedience to her Majesty’s Command. London, 1850 —
1855; 1870-1872. In 4°.
Appendix to the Greenwich Observations. Containing: No. III. Logarithms
of sines and cosines to time, for every ten seconds through the twenty-
four hours. — No. IV. Tables for converting sidereal times into mean
solar time. Computed under the Direction of G. B idd ell Airy, Astronomer
Royal. Published by Order of the Admiralty in obedience to
her Majesty’s Command. London, 1838. In 8°.
Catalogue of the places of 1439 stars, refered to the I s te January 1840;
deduced from the observations made at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich,
from 1836, January 1, to 1841, December 31. London, 1843. In 4°.
Catalogue of 2156 stars formed from the observations made during twelve
years from 1836 to 1847 at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich. London,
1849. In 4°,
I •