Bulletin, N°. V. Educational series, N°. 1. 1901.
R. D. Salisbury et W. V. Atwood: The geography and surface geology of th e
region about Devil's lake and th e Dalles of th e Wisoonsin.
Avec 38 pl. e t 47 fig. dans le te x te de X - 1 4 9 pages.
Bulletin, N°. VI. Economic series, N°. 3. 1900.
U. S. Grant: Pre lim in ary Report on th e Copper-bearing rooks of Douglas Cy,
Avec 11 pl. et tex te de 5-5 pages.
Bulletin, N°. VII. Part. I. Economic series, N°. 4. 1901.
E. R. Buckley: The clays and clay in d u strie s of Wisconsin.
Aveo 55 pl. e t tex te de X I I—304 pages.
Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College, in
Cambridge, Mass.
Vol. VII. (Geological Series I). 1880-1884. M. E. 'Wadsworth; On th e geology
of th e iron and copper districts of Lake Superior. — J. S. DUler: The
felsites and th e ir associated rocks, No rth of Boston. — M. E. Wadsworth:
On an occurence of gold in Maine. — A microscopical stu d y of th e iron ore,
or peridotite of Iron-mine hill, Cumberland, Rhode Island. — C. E. BamUn:
Observations upon th e physical geography and geology of Mount Kta ad n . —
1 . Lesqnerenx; Report on th e recent additions of fossil p lan ts to th e Museum
Collections. —J. E. Wolff: The g re at dike a t Hough’s Neck, Quincy, Mass. —
L. Lesqnerenx: On some specimens of permian fossil p lants from Colorado. —
W. M. Davis: On th e relations of th e tras sic trap s and sandstones of th e
e astern 'Ü. States. — The folded Helderberg limestones, e a s t of the Catskills. —
J, D. Whitney and M. E. Wadsworth: The azoic system and its proposed
Vol. XVI. (Geological Series. II.) 1888-1895. W. B. Dobbs: Contributions from
th e petrographical Laboratory. I. On tlie petrograpliical chara cte rs of a dike
of diabase in th e Boston basin. — N. S. Shaler: On th e geology of tho
cambrian district of Bristol County, Mass. — L. Lesqnerenx: Specimens of
fossil p lan ts collected a t Golden, Colorado, 1883. — W. M. Davis: The fau lts
in th e triassic formation n e ar Meriden, Connecticut. — N. S. Shaler: On th e
occurence of fossils of th e cretaceous age on the island of Martha’s Vineyard,
Mass. — W. M. Davis and C. L. Whittle: The in tru siv e and extrusive triassic
trap sh eets of th e Connecticut-Valley. — N. S. Shaler: The topography of
Florida. W ith a note by A. Agassiz. — J. E. Wolff: Contributions from th e
petrographical laboratory. II. On some occurence of o ttre lite and ilmenite
sch ist in New England. — III. J. B. Sears: On kerato p h y re from Marblehead
Neck, Mass. - IV. J. E. 'Wolff: Metamorphism of clastic feldspar in
conglomerate schist. — N. S. Shaler: The conditions of erosion beneath
deep glaciers, based upon a s tu d y of th e boulder tra in from Iron-hill, Cumberland,
R. I. — J. E, Wolff and B. S. T a r r: Contributions from th e petro-
graphical laboratory. — V. Aomite tra c h y te from th e Crazy Mountains,
Montana. — G, P. Merrill: V. Report upon rocks collected from th e Galapagos
islands. — L. S. Griswold: Contributions from th e petrographical
laboratory. VI. A basic dike in th e Connecticut triassic. — B. T. Dill: Notes
on th e geology of th e island of Cuba, based upon a reconnoissance made
for A. Agassiz.
Vol. X X V III (Geol. Series, III). 1895. 1. J. A. Merrill: Fossil sponges of th e
flint nodules in th e lower cretaceous of 'Texas. — II. A. Agassiz: The
elevated re e f of Florida. With notes on th e geology of so u th e rn Florida, by
L. S. Griswold. — I II. E. 0 . Bovey: Note on an a rte sian well su n k a t Key
West, Florida, in 1895. Based on a collection made by A. Agassiz: — IV.
A. Agassiz; A v isit to th e g re a t barrie r re ef of Australia in th e steamer
„Croydon” durin g April and May 1896. — V. R. T. B ill: The geological
h isto ry of th e Is thm u s of P an am a and portions of Costa Rica. .
Vol. XX XIV (Geol. Series, IV). 1899. B. T. B ill: The geology and physical
geography of Jamaica. Study of a ty p e of an tille an development. - W ith
an appendix on some cretaceous and eocene corals from Jamaica by
'r. W. Vaughan.
Holetiu (le la Coniisioii geológica de México. In fol.
N°. 1. 1895. A. del Castillo e t J. G. Aguilera: F a u n a fosil de la S e rran ía mineral
de Catorce en San Luis Potosí. Avec 24 pl. et te x te de X V I - 5 5 pages. - N°. 2.
E. Ordonez: Las rocas eruptivas del su ro e ste de la Cuenca de Mexico. Aveo
1 pl. e t 8 flg. dans le tex te de 46 pages. - N°. 3. C. Sapper: Sobre la
geografia fisica y la geologia de la P en in su la de Yucatan. Avec 2 pl., 4 cartes
et tex te de 57 pages. - N°. 4 - 6 . 1896. Bosquejo geologico de Mexico. Avec
1 portr., 5 cartes e t 6 fig. dans le tex te de 270 pages. — N°. 7—9. 1897.
J. G. Aguilera: Le minerai de Pachuca. Avec 6 pl., 8 cartes e t 10 flg. dans
le tex te de 183 pages. - N°. 10. 1898. R. Agnilar y Santillan; Bibliografia
geologica y m inera de la República Mexicana. Texte de 158 pages. — N°. 11.
1898. J. G. Aguilera: Catálogos systematico y geografico de las especias
mineralógicas de la República Mexicana. Texte de 115 pages. — N°. 12. 1899.
E. Ordonez e t M. .R angel: El Real del Monte. Avec 21 pl., 4 cartes et 9 flg.
dans le te x te de 105 pages. — N°. 13. 1899. E. Böse: Geologia de los Alrededores
de Orizaba, u n perfil de la v e rtien te oriental de la Mesa c en tral de
Mexico. Avec 2 pl., 1 c arte et 4 flg. dans le tex te de 52 pages. N°. 14. 1900.
Ira P a rte. E. Ordonez; Las Rhyolitas de Mexico. Aveo 5 pl., 1 c a rte e t te x te
de 75 pages.
J. G. Aguilera et E. Ordonez : Datos para la geologia de Mexico. Mexico,
1893. In 8°.
Texte de 87 pages.
J. G. Aguilera et E. Ordonez: Expedición cientiflca al Popocatepetl.
Mexico, 1895. In 8°.
Avec 6 pl., 2 cartes et te x te de 48 pages.
Kais. Königl. geologische Reiclisanstalt, Wien. Ad pag. 505. I.
A. Jahrbuch, I -X V . 1850-1865.
Register van Band I—X.