W. Kiikentlial: Die Wale der Arktis.
Voyez: Faunes. F a u n a aretica. Pag. 301.
F. Lailille: Notes su r l’ostóologio du Baleinoptère do Miramar.
„ „ : Note su r les dimensions de Stenodelphis Bl.aiiivillei.
Voyez : Eec. pér. Amér. Mérid. Rép. Arg. Rev. Mus. d. 1. Pla ta . Pag. 112 ; 113.
F. L atas te: Études su r la faune chilienne. IT. Chauves-Souris.
„ „ : A propros de lapins domestiques v iv an t en liliorté clans l’îlot de
l’é tan g de Caquenes (Cololiagua). I. II.
„ „ : La domestication de l’é léphant d’Afrique.
Voyez: Rec. pér. Amér. Mérid. Chili. Act. Soc. scient. Pag. 115; 117.
r . L a ta s te : Catalogue critique des Mammifères apélagiques sauvages de la
Voyez: Voyages scientifiques: Expioration scientifique cle la Tunisie.
W. Leclie: Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte des Zahiisystems der Säugetliierc.
Voyez; Ree. pér. Zool. génér. Bibliotheca Zoologica, Heft XVII. Pag. 378.
E. L o ren t: Ueber die W u th k ra n k h e it der Hunde.
Voyez: Rec. pér. Appendice. Allemagne. Brème. Pag. 197.
L. vou L o i-c n t-L ib n ru e r: Säugethiere von Madagaskar and Sansibar.
Voyez: Reo. pér. Allemagne. F ra n k fo rt s/M. Senckenb. n a tu rf. Oesoll-
schaft. Pag. 15.
0 . Lugger: On th e occurence of th e Canada porcupine in Maryland.
Voyez: Ree. pér. Amér. Sept. Washington. U. St. Museum. Procood.
Pag. 83,
G. P . Marsh: The Camel.
Voyez : Eec. pér. Amér. Sept. Washington. Smiths. In s tit. Reports. Pag. 52.
P . Matschlc: Zoogeographische B e tra ch tu n g en über die Säu gethieren der nördlichen
Alten Welt.
Voyez: Rec. pér. Zool. génér. F e stsch rift Archiv, f. Naturgesch. Pag. 372.
E. A. Meariis: Description of a rare squirrel Spermoplnlus (Icliidomys) tero-
ticaudus, Baird.
„ „ : Description of supposed new species and subspecies of Mammals
from Arizona.
„ „ : Description of a new species of th e e astern Chipmunk from tlio
upper Mississippi region, w e st of th e Great Lakes.
„ „ : Description of a new species of Weasel and a new subspecies of
th e g ray Fox, from Arizona.
„ „ : Observations on th e n o rth american hodgers, with special roforenoe
to th e forms found in Arizona, witli description of a now
subspecies from northeim California.
„ „ : Notes on th o o tte r (L u tra canadensis) and sliimks (genera
Spilogale and Mejjhitis) of Arizona.
„ „ : Descriptions of th re e new forms of pocket-mice fi om tlio inoxican
border of th e U. S.
Voyez; Rec. pér. Amér. Sept, New York. Bull. Aincr. Mus.
Nat. H ist. Pag. 42; 43; 48.
„ „ : Pre lim in ary diagnoses of new mammals from th e mexican border
of th e Unit. States,
,, „ : Descriptions of six new mammals of North America.
„ „ : Preliminary diagnoses of new inaminrils of tlio genera Lynx,
Urocyon, Spilogale and Mepliitis from tliomoxicaii boundary linn.
E. A. Mearns: Pre lim in ary diagnoses of new mammals of th e gen era Mephitis,
Dorcelaphus and Dicotyles from th e mexican border of tho
Unit. States.
„ „ : Pre lim in ary diagnoses of new mammals of th e genera Sciurus
Castor, Neotoma and Sigmodon from th e mexican border of th e
U n it. States.
„ „ : Notes on th e m ammals of th e Catskill m o u n ta in s, N.Y., with
general rem a rk s on th e fau n a an d flora of th e region.
Voyez: Rec. pér. Amér. Sept. Washington. Ü. St. Nat. Museum. Proceed.
Pag. 85; 8 6 .
L. Méliely: Monographia Chiropterorum Hungariae. (Curn appendice in lin g u a
germanica conscripta).
Voyez: Reo. pér. Autriche-Hongrie. Budapest. Ung. Akad. d. W issensch.
Pag. 135.
C. H. Merriam: Romerolagus Nelsoni. Un nuevo genero y especie del Conejo
del Popocatepetl, Mexico.
Voyez: Rec. pér. Amér. Sept. Mexico. La Naturaleza. Pag.
; The geographic d istribution of life in N orth America. W ith
special reference to th e Mammalia.
Voyez; Reo. pér. Amérique Sept. Washington. Sm ith s.
In s tit. Reports. Pag. 6 8 .
„ : Revision of th e n o rth american pocket mice (genera Pero g n a th
u s e t Cricetodipus) w ith descriptions of new species and
subspecies, and a key to th e known forms.
J. : Annotated lis t of mammals w ith descriptions of new species.
JJ ; Description of twen ty -six new species of n o rth ameorican
JJ JJ : An n otated lis t of Mammals, w ith description of new species
of Id ah o .
JJ JJ : Description of a new gen u s and two new species of n o rth
amerioan Mammals.
JJ JJ : Monographic revision of th e pocket Gophers, fam. Geomyidae
(exclusive of th e species of Thonomys).
Voyez: Faunes. Amérique. No rth american fauna. Pag. 383; 389.
J. C. Merrill: On th e h ab its of th e Rooky mountain goat.
Voyez: Rec. pér. Amér. Sept. Washington. U. St. N. Museum. Proceedings.
Pag. 80.
A. 15. Meyer: Notizen über die anthropomorphen Affen des Dresdener Museums.
Voyez: Zool. génér. A. B. Meyer: Mittheil. Pag. 380.
G. S. Miller J r .: Description of a new mouse from so u th e rn New Mexico and
„ „ : Descriptions of th re e new free-tailed bats.
„ „ ; History and characters of th e family Natalidae.
Voyez: Rec. per. Amér. Sept. New York. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. H ist.
Pag. 45; 49.
T. W. Mills: Squirrels: tlieir h ab its and intelligence, w ith special reference
to fe ig n in g .
Voyez: Reo. pér. Appendice. Canad, Record. Pag. 223.