L. C. Esbes: The antiquities on th e banks of tho Mississippi riv er and Lake Pepin.
Voyez: Beo. pér. Amérique Sept. Washington. Smiths. In s tit. Reports.
Pag. 54.
L. F a rra u d : B a sk e try dessigns of th e Salish Indians.
Voyez: Reo. pér. Appendice. New York. Mem. Amer. Mus. of N. H. Pag. 230.
H. Fiuck e tc .: Account of an tiq u itie s of Veracruz, Mexico. — Count of a n tiq
uities in Tennessee. — Account of an cien t mounds in Georgia. - Ex p lo ra
tio n s in Tennessee. — Some account of th e sarcophagus in th e N a t.
Museum. — Account of discovery of a stone image in Tennessee. - On
mined races in Liberia — On shell-heaps. — On th e u ses of th e brain and
marrow of animals among th e In d ian s of North-America. — Sketch of ancient
e a rthw o rk s of th e upper Mississippi. — Ac co u ntofaboriginal ru in s a t S avannah,
Tennessee. — Account of aboriginal ru in s of th e Williams farm in Ha rd in
county, Tennessee. — Account of aboriginal ru in s a t Savannah, Tennessee. —
Indian mounds n e ar fort Wadsworth, Dakota te rrito ry . — Antiquities on th e
Cache-la-poudre river, Weld county, Colorado te rrito ry . — A n tiquities in
New Mexico. — An tiq u ities in Lenoir County, N. Carolina. — Account of
th e old indian village Kushkeishkee, n e ar Newcastle, Pen n sy lv an ia . —
Anoient mound n e ar Lexington, Ken tucky. — Shell-heap in Georgia. —
Anoient ru in in Arizona. — The H ay sta ck mound, Lincoln county, Dakota. —
Earth-works in Wisconsin. - Mound in Wisconsin. — Ancient relics iu
n o rthw e ste rn Iowa. - The big elep h an t mound in G ran t county, Wisconsin.
Voyez: Ree. pér. Amérique. Sept. Washington. Smiths. In s tit. R ep o rts.
Pag. 56, etc.
H. F isch e r: Ueber mexioanische Steinflguren.
Voyez: Rec. pér. Allemagne. Fribourg. Naturf. Gesellsch. Pag. 16.
H. Fischer: Bericht über eine Anzahl S te in scu lp tu ren au s Costarica.
Voyez: Eec. pér. Appendice. Allemagne. Brème. Pag. 200.
C. A. Florenz: Formosanische Volkslieder nach chinesischen Quellen.
„ „ « : Beiträge zur Chinesischen Poesie.
„ „ n : Die sta atliche und gesellschaftliche Organisation im alten .Japan.
„ „ n : Z u r jap an isch en L ite ra tu r der Gegenwart.
„ „ r : Alliteration in der jap an isch en Poesie.
„ „ „ : Zur Psychologie des jap an isch en Witzes.
Voyez: Rec. pér. Asie. Japon. Yokohama. Mittheil. Pag. 13-’.
L. V. Flores: ü n orano de indigena boliviana.
„ „ „ : Tres cráneos de indijenas bolivianos.
„ „ „ : Cráneos de indijenas bolivianos.
„ „ „ : U n cráneo sifllitico de indijena.
Voyez: Ree. pér. Amér. Mérid. Chili. Act. Soc. scient. Pag. 113.
F. Fonck e t H. Eniiz: E in Beitrag zur K en n tn is s der Steinzeit im mittleren Chile.
Voyez: Rec. per. Amér. Mérid. Chile. Verb, deutsch, wiss. Ver. Pag. 114.
S. von Forster: Hügelgräberfunde.
Voyez: Rec. per. Appendice. Allemagne Nürnberg. Fe stschrift. Pag. 220.
G. Fowke: Archaeologic investigations in Jam es and Potomac valleys.
Voyez: Reo. pér. Anthropologie. Pag. 326.
W. Foy et 0 , Richter: Z ur Timor-Ornamentik.
Voyez: Reo. pér. Zool. générale. Abhandl. Kgl. zool. an th r. ethnogr.
iMuseum. Dresden.
A N TH R O PO LO G IE , E T H N O LO G IE . 335
Funk: Ueber W ah rsag u n g au s dem P an z er der Schildkröte.
„ : Ueber japanische Gebete.
Voyez: Rec. pér. Asie. Japon. Yokohama. Mittheil. Pag. 129.
J. Gaiindo y Villa: A p u n te s de epigrafia mexicana. I. I I. III.
„ : Apuntes epigráficos de la ciudad de Morelia.
Voyez : Rec. pér. Amér. Sept. Mexico. Rev. Soc. Cient. A. Alzate. Pag. 90,93.
W. H. Gardner: Ethnology of th o In d ian s of th e valley of th e Red riv er of
th e north.
Voyez: Ree. pér. Amérique Sept. W ash in g to n . Sm iths. In s tit. Reports.
Pag. 56.
F. Gantier: Sur une c ertaine argile blanche que m an g e n t les In d ien s de Bolivie.
Voyez: Rec. pér. Amér. Mérid. Chili. Act. Soc. Scient. Pag. 117.
Gehauer: Notizen ü ber den F o rts c h ritt der jap an isch en Civilisation au f dem
Gebiet der Ehe.
Voyez: Rec. per. Asie. Japon. Yokohama. Mittheil. Pag. 129.
G. Gibhs: On th e Tinneti or Chepewyan Ind ian s of b ritish and ru ss ian America.
„ „ : A physical a tla s of North-America.
„ „ ; On th e language of th e aboriginal In d ian s of America.
Voyez: Ree. pér. Amérique Sept. Washington. Smiths. In s tit. Reports.
Pag. 54, 56.
J . Gildemeister: Ueber einige niedrige Schädel aus der Domsdüno bei Bremen.
: Ueber Schädel des Reihengräber-Typus au s der üom sd ü n e 77 77
bei Bremen.
Voyez: Rec. per. Appendice. Allemagne. Brème. Pag. 199.
II. Gillman: The mound-builders and platycnemism in Michigan.
„ „ : Certain ch ara cte ristics p e rta in in g to ancien t m an in Michigan.
Voyez: Reo. pér. Amérique Sept. Washington. Smiths. In s tit. Reports.
Pag. 57, 58.
H. Goeringer: Präh isto risch e K a rte der Umgegend von Nürnberg.
Voyez; Reo. pér. Appendice. Allemagne. Nürnberg. F e stsch rift. P a g .220.
W. L. Goodwiu: Notes on an old In d ian encampment.
Voyez: Reo. pér. Appendice. Canad. Record. Pag. 226.
.1. H. Gore: Puokahoe, or indian bread.
Voyez: Rec. pér. Amérique Sept. W ashington. Smiths. In stit. Reports.
Pag. 62.
W. Gossip: On th e an tiq u ity of m an in America.
Voyez: Reo. pér. Amérique Sept. Nova Scotia. Halifax, Pag. 23.
M. M. Gracida: Mitologia mixteca.
Voyez; Reo. per. Amér. Sept. Mexico. Rev. Soc. Cient. A. Alzato. Pag. 94.
A. Graudidier: Note su r les Vazimba de Madagascar.
Voyez: Rec. pér. Prance. Paris. Mém. Soc. philom. Pag. 146.
E. Green, etc: A n cient rook inscriptions in Joh n so n county, 'Arkansas. —
Mounds and o th er rem a in s in Independence county, Arkansas. - Mounds
n e ar th e National Home, Milwaukee county, Wisconsin. - Explorations in
mounds in Whiteside and La Salle county, Illinois. — A n tiquities of Pox
riv er valley. La Salle county, Illinois. - Mounds in H en ry and Sta rk counties,
Illinois. - A n tiquities of Knox county, Illinois. - Description of a
group of mounds in Bureau county, Illinois. — Mounds in Spoon riv er
valley. — Buried flints in Cass county, Illinois. - In d ian remains in Cass
county, Illinois. — Antiquities of Jackson county, Illinois. — A stone fort