Vol. XXVIIt. Voyez : Ree. pér. Géologie. (Vol. I I I of tlie geolog. Series).
Vol. XXIX. 1896. A. Goes: XX. The Foraminifera. — G. H. Parker: The
reactions of Metridium to food an d o th er substances. - J. H. Geronld: LVI.
The anatom y and histology of Caudina aren a ta , Gould. - V. Wilcox: LVIII.
Spermatogenesis of Caloptenus femur-rubrum. - A. G. Mayer: LIX. The
development of th e wing scales and th e ir p igment in butterflies and moths. -
W. McM. Woodworth: LXV. Report on th e Turbellaria .collected by th e
Michigan fish Commission d u rin g th e sum m ers of 1893 and 1894.
Yol. XXX. 1896-1897. H. S. Jen iih ig s: The e arly development of A splanchna
Herrickkii de Geurne; a contribution to developmental mechanics. — A.
Agassiz e t W. McM. Woodworth: Some variations in th e genus Eucope. -
W. Faxou; Reports on th e re su lts of dredging in th e ,,Blake” . — XXXVII.
Supplementary notes on th e Crustacea. — A. G. .Mayer : On th e colors and
color-patterns of moths and butterflies. — G. H. Parker: The mesenteries
and siplionoglyphs in Metridium marginatum, iti. Edwards. — Photomechanical
changes in th e re tin al pigmen t cells of Palaemonetes and th e ir relation
to th e c en tral nervous system.
Vol. X X X I . 1 8 9 7 - 1 8 9 8 . W . McM. W o o d w o r t l i : Contributions from the zoological
Laboratory. L X X X I I t . Contributions to th e morphology of th e Turbellaria. -
II. On some Turbellaria from Illinois. — C . K . F a s t u i a n : On th e relations of
c ertain plates in th e Dinichthyids, w ith description of n ew species. -
J . F . P o r t e r : Contributions from th e zoological Laboratory. — L X X X I V .
Trichonympha, and o th er parasites of Ten u e s flavipes. — F . C . W a i t e :
L X X X V ' . Variations in th e brachial and lumbro-sacral plexi of Necturus
maculosus, Safinesque. — H. J . Hansen: Reports on th e dredging in th e
Albatros in 1 8 9 1 . — X X I I . The Isopoda. — G . H. P a r k e r e t C . H. T o z i e r :
Contributions from th e zoological Laboratory. - L X X X V I I . The thoracic
derivatives in th e postcardinal veins in swine. — H. V. S c a li: L X X X I X .
The segmentation of th e nervous sy stem in Squalus acanthias. A co n tribution
to th e morphology of th e v e rteb rate head.
Vol. XXXII. 1898-1899. A, Agassiz e t A. G. Mayer: Studies from th e Newport
marine Laboratory. — XLI. On Dactylometra. - On some Medusae from
Australia. - T. H. Montgomery J r .: The Gordiacea of c ertain american
collections. W ith p a rticu la r reference to th e n o rth american fauna. —
A. Agassiz: Reports on th e dredging operations of th e we st coast of Central
America to th e Galapagos, etc. by th e U. St. fish Commission ste am er „Albatross”
. - XXIII. Pre lim in ary report on th e Echini. - J. J. Hamakcr:
The nervous system of Nereis virens, Sars. A s tu d y in comparative n e u rology.
— C. R. Farstman: On remains of S tru th io lith u s chorsonensis from
n o rth e rn China, w ith rem a rk s on th e distribution of stru th io u s birds. —
F. L. Mark: Reports on tho dredging observations of th e we st coast of
Central America to th e Galapagos etc. - XXIV. Pre lim in ary report on
Branchiocerianthus urceolus, a new type of Actinian. — A. Agassiz et
A. G. Mayer: Acalephs from th e Fiji islands. - Reports on th e re su lts of
dredging in th e Golf of Mexico and th e Caribbean sea and on th e east coast
of th e Unit. States, 1877 to 1880. - XXXVIll. F. L. Bonvler e t H. Fischer:
Étude monographique des Pleurotomaires actuels.
Vol. XXXIII. 1899. A. Agassiz: The islan d s and coral reefs of Fiji.
Vol. XXXIV. Voyez: Eec. pér, Géologie (Vol. IV of th e geological Series).
Vol. XXXV. 1899 — 1900. W. McM. Woodworth : Reports on th e dredging operations
of th e „.Albatross” in 1891. — Preliminary account of Planktonomertes
Agassizii, a now pelagic, nemertean. — J. W. Folsom: Contributions from
th e zoological Laboratory. - XCYI. The anatomy and pliysiology of th e
moutli-parts oft he Collembolan, Orchesella clnota, L. — G. H. Parker: Studies
from th e Newport marine i.aboratory. - X L II. L o n g itudunal fission in
Metridium m arginatum , Ilf. Edwards. — F. W. Bancroft: Contributions from
th e zoological Laboraiory. — XCVIII. Ovogenesis in Distaplia occidentaiis,
Ritter (M.S.) w ith rema rk s on o th er species. - T. W. Galloway: XCIX.
Observartioiis on non-sexual reproduction in Dero vaga. — G. H. Parker:
C. Photomechanical changes in tho re tin al pigments of Gammarus. -
F. C. Waite: CV. The s tru c tu re and development of th e an ten n a l glands in
Homarus americanus, Af. Edwards. — H. R. liu v ille : CIX. Maturation and
fertilization in pulmonate Gasteropods.
Station Zoologiqtie. A.cl pag. 155; 768. I.
Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel.
Monographie XV. 1887. G. V. Koch: Die Gorgoniden. I. Monographie der
Anthozoa Alcyonaria. In 8 °.
Avec 10 pl. col.. 25 zinoogr. e t 14 fig. dans le te x te de 99 pages.
Monographie XVI. 1887. H. E is ig : Capitelliden des Golfes v an Neapel u n d der
angrenzenden Meeres-Abschnitte n eb st U n te rsu ch u n g en zu r vergleichenden
Anatomie und Physiologie,
Avec 37 pl. et 20 fig. dans le te x te de 906 pages.
Monographie XVII. 1890. P . .Mayer: N a ch trag zu den Caprelliden.
Aveo 7 pl. e t tex te de 157 pages.
Monographie XVIH. 1893. J. W. Speugel : Die E n te ro p n eu sten des Golfes von
Avec 37 pl. col. e t noires e t te x te de 736 pages.
Monographie XIX. 1892. W. Gicsbrccbt: S y s tem a tik u n d P a u n is tik der pelagischen
Copepoden des Golfes van Neapel.
Avec 54 pl. col. et noires et te x te de 831 pages.
Monographie XX. 1893 A. Bella Yalle: Gammarini del Golfo di Napoli.
Avec 61 pl. col. e t noires ot te x te de 948 pages.
Monographie XXI. G. M. Miiller: Die Ostracoden des Golfes von Neapel.
Aveo 40 pl. col. e t noires e t tex te de 404 pages.
Monographie XXII. 1895 . 0 . Bürger: Die Nem ertin en des Golfes von Neapel.
Avec 31 pl. col. et noires et te x te de 743 pages.
Monographie XXIII. 1896. G. Jatta: I Cephalopodi vivento nel Golfo di Napoli.
(Sistem á tic a).
Aveo 31 pl. col. e t noires. et 64 fig. dans le te x te de 268 pages.
Monographie XXIV. 1897. H. Ludwig: Die Seesterne des Mittelmeeres.
Avec 12 pl. col. e t noires et 12 fig dans le te x te de 491 pages.
Monographie XXV. 1899. W. Giesbreclit: Asteroclieriden des Golfes von
Neapel, etc.
Avec 11 pl. et te x te do V I - 2 1 7 pages.
Monographie XXVI. 1901. P. Falkeuberg: Die Rhodomelaceen des Golfes von
Neapel, eto.
Avec 24 pl. e t 10 flg. dans le te x te de X V I -7 5 4 pages.
Archiv für Naturgeschichte. In Verbindung mit mehreren Gelehrten
herausgegeben von A. F. A. Wiegiuann. Erster Jahrgang. Band I, etc.,
1835 Berlin, Nicolai, 1835. In 8°. (Principalement Zoologie).