E. A. Mcariis: A s tu d y of tho v e rteb rate fauna of th e Hudson highlands, with
observations on th e Mollusca, Crustacea, Lepidoptera and th e flora of the
Yoyez: Eec. per. Amér. Sept. New York. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist.
Pag. 48.
F. W. Mills: Life in th e Bahama islands.
Yoyez: Rec. per. Appendice. Canad. Record. Pag. 222.
H. F. Osboru: Tho Huerfano lake basin S. Colorado, and its Wind riv er and
Bridger fauna.
Voyez : Eec. pér. Amér. Sept. New York. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. Pag. 47.
IS, A. Piiilippi: Neue Thiere Chile’s.
Voyez: Rec. pér. Amer. Mérid. Chile. Verh. deutsch. Wiss. Ver. Pag. 114.
II. P ie rs : Notes on Nova Scoii zoology. I, II, I II, IV.
Voyez: Reo. pér. Amér. Sept. Nova Scotia. Halifax. Pag. 26, etc.
L. P ia le ; F a u n a Chileiisis.
Voyez: Reo. per. Zool. Génér. Zoolog. Jah rb ü ch e r. Pag. 359.
J. Eae: Notes on some of th e birds and mammals of tlie liu d s o n ’s bay Co’s,
territo rie s and th e arctic coast.
Voyez: Reo. pér. Appendice. Canad. Pag. 223.
R. Railibuii: The litto ra l marine fau n a of Prineetown, Cape Cod, Massacliusetts.
„ „ : List of marine invertebrates, mainly from th e New England coast,
distributed by th e U. St. Nat. Museum.
Voyez: Rec. per. Amér. Sept. Washington. U. St. Nat. Museum. P ro ceedings.
Pag. 81, 84.
J . N. Rovirosa: Apuntos para la Zoologia de Tabasco. Vertebrados observados
en el territorio de Macuspana.
Voyez: Eec. pér. Amér. Sept. Mexico. La Naturaleza. Pag. 101.
F. S n ia ic lira st: Enumeración do las especies de mamiferos, aves, reptiles y
batracios observados en la pa rte c en trai y meridional de la Rep. mexicana. I. IL
Voyez: Rec. pér. Amér. Sept. Mexico. La Naturaleza. Pag. 100.
29. Biologia Centrali-America, or contributions to the knowlodge of the
faune and flora of Mexico and Central-America. Edited by F. I). God-
iiian and 0. Salvin. London, B. H. Porter, 1879. In 4°.
Vol. I. W. B. Hemsley: Enumeration of th e polypetalae, w ith descriptions of
new species. 1879-1888. In 4°.
Avec une introduction de IX, u n commentaire de LX II e t 619 pages texto.
Voi II. Enumeration of th e gamopetelae, witli descriptions of new species.
1 8 8 1 -8 2 . In 4°.
Toxto de 621 pages.
Vol. in. Enumeration of th e incomplotae, monocotyieclonos and cryptogainic
vasculares, w ith descriptions of new species. 18 8 2 -8 0 . In 4°. (’Ilio Cycada-
ceae, by W. I. Tiiiselton Dyer).
'Texte de 711 pages.
Vol. IV. Suppleinentum: additamenta, imeiidata et corrigenda Vol. I —I I —I I I .—
Enumeration of a small collection of plants of Cozumel Islands. — A list
of p lan ts from Holbox, Mugcres, Cozumel and R u a tan Islands. — Costa-Rican
ferns. — Appendice. Preliminary remarks. A sketch of th e liistory of tho botanical
exploration of Mexico and Central America. Outlines of th e geography
and Uie preoniinont featuios of the flora of Mexico and Central America. —
Summary and an aly sis of th e floras of o th er regions. — F u r th e r details of
th e d istrib u tio n of some of th e moro preominent n a tu ra l orders. - A specimen
of th e m o u n ta in flora of South Mexico an d Central America. -
Altitu d in al d istribution of orchids of Soutli Mexico, and th e dominating featu
re s of th e general vegetation. — Recapitulation of th e d om in en t fe atu res
of th e flora of Mexico and Central America and rem a rk s on its propable
derivation. Bibliography. 1886—88. In 4°.
Texte de 498 pages.
Vol. V. Atlas. 1 8 7 9 -8 8 . In 8 °.
Aveo. I l l pl., dont quelques u n e s coloriées.
II. FA U N E S .
1879-1882. E. R. Ustoii : Mammalia. -- F. L. Sclater: In troduction.
Aveo 22 pl. col. e t tex to de XX—220 pages.
A v e s.
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IL P a rt. I I .
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Dascillidae. Vol. III. P a rt. I.
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