I f
i l
E. A. BlcIz: Miocänes Pe trefaetenlager von Michelsberg. - Pontisohe Ablageru
n g en in Siebenbürgen.
Voyez; Reo.pér. Appendice. Antr.-Hongrie. H e n n an s tad t. P a g .252,254,259.
E. BiBings: Palaezoio fossils.
Voyez: Rec. pér. Paleont., Géol. et Minér, Dom. of Canada. Geol. Su rv ey .
I. P. Bishop; On a locality of flint implements in Wyoming County, N. T .
Voyez: Reo. pér. Amérique Sept. Albany. Museum of Nat. Hist. Report.
Pag. 89.
0 . Boettger: F a u n a der mittelmiocänen Schichten von Kostej im Banat.
Voyez: Rec. pér. Appendice. Autr.-Hongrie. He rm an n stad t. Pag. 260.
W. C. Brögger: Ueher die Ausbildung des Hypostones bei einigen sk an d in a vischen
Voyez; Reo. pér. géologie. Sveriges geolog. undersöckn. Pag.
VV. K. Brooks: The origin of th e oldest fossils and th e discovery of th e bottom
of th e ocean.
Voyez; Reo. pér. Amérique Sept. Washington. Smiths. In s tit. Reports.
Pag. 70.
F. Bnchenan: Mammut-Stoszahn aus der Weser bei Nienburg.
Voyez; Reo. pér. Appendice. Allemagne. Brème. Pag. 208.
E. Bureau; Étu d e s su r la flore fossile du calcaire grossier parisien.
Voyez: Reo. pér. France. Paris. Mém. Soo. philom. Pag. 147.
B. Bnrmeister: The organization of Trilobites, deduced from th e ir living
afflnities, "with a systematic review of th e species hith e rto described.
Voyez; Rec. pér. Grande Bretagne. Ray Society, London. Pag. 54. I.
J. B. Chapin: Cycodinooarpus Chapinii.
Voyez; Reo. per. Amér. Sept. Meriden. Scient. Assoc. Transact. Pag. 31.
J. M. Clarke: Notes on some crustaceans from th e Chemung group.
„ „ ; The genera of th e palaeozoic Brachiopoda.
„ „ : The genus Bronteus in th e Chemung rocks of New York.
„ „ : L ist of th e known fauna and flora of th e Marcellus epoch
in N. y .
„ „ : The Heroynian question.
„ „ : Descriptions of Bryozoa.
„ „ : On th e genus Acidaspis. - Coronura aspectans, Gonrad.
„ „ : Observations on Terataspis grandis. Hail.
„ „ : The succession of th e fossil faunas in th e section of th e Livonia
sa lt shaft.
„ „ ; New or rare specimens of fossils from th e horizons of th e
Livonia sa lt shaft.
„ „ : The stra tig rap h ie and faunal relations of th e Oneonta sandstone
and shales, th e Ith a c a and Portage groups in c entral New York.
Voyez: Ree. pér. Amér. Sept. Albany. Mus. of Nat. Hist. Reports.
Pag. 3 9 -4 0 .
J. SI. Clarke: The lower silu rian Trilobites of Minnesota.
„ „ : The lower silu rian Cephalopoda of Minnesota.
Voyez: Reo. pér. Géologie. Final Reports, geol. and nat. hist. Survey
of Minnesota.
B. Conwentz: Die Flora des B e rnsteins. Die Angeospermen des Bernsteins.
Voyez. Rec. pér. Allemagne. Danzig. Naturf. Ges. Pag. 13.
B. Conwentz: Untersu ch u n g en über fossile Hölzer Schwedens.
Voyez: Rec. pér. géologie. Sveriges geol. undersöckn. Pag.
J. G. Cooper: On fossil und sub-fossil land shells of th e U n it. States, with
notes on living species.
„ „ : West coast Pu lm o n ata , fossil and living.
„ „ : Corrections to fossil and sub-fossil land shells.
Voyez: Rec. pér. Amér. Sept. San Francisco. Cal. Acad, of Sc. Bulletins.
Pag. 29.
E. D. Cope: Descripción del Protohippus Castilli, n. sp.
Voyez: Rec. pér. Araér. Sept. Mexico. La Naturaleza. Pag. 102.
D. Czekelins: Ueber das Vorkommen eines Stosszahnes des vorweit. Elephan-
ten n ä ch s t Reussen.
Voyez: Reo. pér. Appendice. Autr.-Hongrie. H e n n an n s tad t. Pag. 249.
Dncrost e t L. Lortet: Étude su r la sta tio n préhistorique de Solutré.
Voyez: Hist, n a tu r. d. différ. pays. France. Lyon. Pag. 314.
W. B. Dali: Contributions to th e te rtia ry fau n a of Florida, w ith special reference
to th e miocene silex-beds of Tampa and th e pliocene beds
of th e Caloosahatohie river. I. Pu lmonate, Opisthobranchiate
and orthodont Gastropods. — II. Strep to d o n t and o th er Gastropods.
— I II. 1895. A new classiflcation of th e Peleocypoda. —
IV. 1898. I. Prionodesmacea: Nucula to lu lia . — II. Teleodesmacea:
Teredo to Ervilia.
„ „ : Notes on th e palaeontological publications of W . Wagner.
Voyez: Rec. per. Amér. Sept. Philadelphia. W ag n e r Free In s tit. T ran sactions.
Pag. 50.
W. B. Dali: Postpliocene fossils in th e coast ran g e of California.
„ „ : Fossil mollusks from la te r te rtia rie s of California.
„ „ : Note on shells from Costa Rica kitchonmidden, collected by
F lin t and Bransford.
„ „ : Distribution of californian te rtia ry fossils.
„ „ ; Report on th e Mollusks collected by th e in te rn a t, boundary
Commission of th e Unit. Sta te s and Mexico, 1892—1894.
Voyez; Rec. pér. Amér. Sept. Washington. U. St. N. Mus. Proceedings.
Pag. 77, 78, 85.
SV. B. Ball : Synopsis of th e re c en t and te rtia ry Leptonaceae of N. America
and th e W est Indies.
Voyez: Rec. per. Amér. Sept. Washington. U. St. Nat. Museum. Proceed.
Pag. 87.
J. YY. Dawsou: On th e stru c tu re of a specimen of U p h an ten ia from th e collection
of th e Amer. Mus. of Nat. Hist. New York.
Voyez; Reo. pér. Amérique Sept. New York. Amér. Mus. Nat. H ist.
Bulletins. Pag. 41.
W. Bawson: The mesozoio floras of th e Rocky Mountain region of Canada.
: A new genus of cambrian Pteropods.
; Cretaceous flora of th e Northwest.
: Notes on th e fossil woods from th e w e ste rn territo rie s of Canada.
: Note on p reliminary examination of a collection cretaceous plants
from P o rt McNeill, Vancouver island.
: On barrows and tra ck s of in v erteb ra te animals and o th er markings
in palaezoio rocks.