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Introduction to the astronomical observations, made at the Royal Observatory,
Greenwich, in the year 1887 etc., under the direction of
W. H. M. Christie, Astronomer Royal. (Extracted from the Greenwich
Observations, 1887 etc.). London. In 4°.
Ten year catalogue of 4059 stars deduced from observations extending
from 1877 to 1886 at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, under the
direction of W. H. M. Christie, Astronomer Royal, reduced to the
epoch 1880-0. (Forming Appendix II to the Volume of Greenwich
Observations for the year 1887). London, 1889. In 4°.
Recomputation of the position of the ecliptic from observations of the
sun in the years 1877-1886, and corrections to refraction in meridian
observations of stars, sun, moon and planets, for revised readings of
the exterior thermometer and of the barometer, in the years 1 8 7 7 -
1886, made at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, under the direction
of W. H. M. Christie, Astronomer Royal. (Forming appendix III to
the volume of Greenwich Observations for the year 1887). London,
1889. In 4°.
Results of the observations of the time of swing of the indian invariable
pendulums made at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, in the year
18.89. (Forming the appendix to the volume of Greenwich Observations
for the year 1889). London, 1891. In 4°.
Five year catalogue of 258 fundamental stars deduced from observations,
extending from 1887 to 1891, made a t the Royal Observatory, Greenwich,
under the direction of W. H. M. Christie, Astronomer Royal,
reduced to the epoch 1890'0. (Forming appendix to the Greenwich
Observations for the year 1891). London, 1893. In 4°.
Uoyal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope. Ad pag. 709, 785.
I. Annals.
Yol. I. D. Gill: Observations of Comets, 1880-1894. - D. Gill: An account
of telegraphic operations connecting Aden and th e Cape of Good Hope, in
th e y e ars 1881 and 1882. - W. H. Finlay: Telegraphic d e te rminations of
th e longitudes of Lorengo Marques (Delagoa Bay), Mozambique and Zanzibar,
and th e longitude of Quilirnane. - Oocultations of Sta rs by th e moon
observed a t th e Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope, in th e y e ars 1834
to 1880. — W. H. Finlay: On th e varia tio n s of th e 'in s trum e n ta l adjuste-
m en ts of th e Cape tr a n s it circle.
Vol. II. W. H. Finlay: On th e variations of th e in strum e n ta l ad ju s lem en ts
of th e Cape transit-circle.
Vol. III. 1896. 1). Gill e t J. C. Kapteyii: The Cape photografle Durchmuste-
ru n g for th e equinox 1875. - In tro d u ctio n by D. Gill. - In tro d u ctio n by
J. C. Kapteyn. — Durohmnsterung Catalogue, —18° —37°.
Vol. IV. 1897. D u rchm u ste ru n g Catalogue, - 8 8 ° -5 2 ° .
Vol. VI. 1897. D. Gill, A. Anwcrs et W. F. Flkin: A d e te rmination of th e
solar p arallax and mass of th e moon, from heliometer observations of th e
minor p lanets Iris, Victoria and Sappho made in th e y e ars 1888 and 1889
a t th e Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope, in co-operation w ith th e
Observatories of Yale College (Newhaven), Leipzig, Gottingen, Bamberg and
Oxford (Radcliffe), and from merid ian observations made a t all th e principal
observatories. Vol. I.
Vol. VIT. 1896. A d e te rm in a tio n of th e solar p a rallax an d mass of th e moon,
from heliometer observations of th e m inor p lan e ts Iris, Victoria and Sappho
made in th e y ears 1888 and 1889 a t th e Royal Observatory, Cape of Good
Hope in co-operation w ith th e Observatories of Yale College (Newhaven),
Leipzig, Gottingen, Bamberg and Oxford (Radcliffe), and from meridian
observations made a t all th e principal observatories. Vol. II.
II. Th. Maclear: Results of meridian observations made at the Royal
Observatory, Cape of Good Hope during the years 1861, 1862, 1863,
1864 and 1865. 1897.
D. G ill: Results of Meridian observations made at the Royal Observatory,
Cape of Good Hope, during the years 1879, 1880, 1881, 1882,
1883, 1884, 1885 to 1894.
Tables of instrumental corrections etc. 1895. — Separate results of
Meridian observations of stars made in the year 1895, reduced to
mean place for 1895 0.
III. D. G ill: Catalogue of 1713 stars, for the equinox 1885-0. From
observations made at the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope,
during the years 1879 to 1885. — With appendices: I. Catalogue
of 104 southern circumpolar stars. — II. Separate observations of
If « 2 and «1 Centauri. 1894.
IV. D. G ill: Heliometer observations for determination of stellar parallax
made at the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope. 1893.
W. H. F in la y : Star correction tables. Appendix to the Cape meridian
observations, 1890-1891.
Astronoiuical Observations made at the Radcliffe Observatory, Oxford,
in the year 1840 etc. By JI. J. Jonsson, Radcliffe Observer. Vol. I,
1840, etc. Oxford, 1872. In 8°. Ad pag. 710. I.
La Redaction des „Astronomisohe Na ch rich ten ” a d istribué à ses abonnés
la publication
P uhlicazioni dell’ Observatores privato di Collurania (Teramo). No. 1
etc. Collurania, 1898. In 8°.
V. Cernlli: Marte nel 1896 — 1897.
Avec 3 pl. et te x te de 127 pages.
Astronoinische Abhaiullnng-en. Als Ei'ganzungshefte zu den Astronomi-
schen Nachrichten herausgegehen von Prof. Dr. H. Krentz. No. I, etc.
Kiel, G. Schaidt, 1901. In 4°.
Washington Observations. Ad pag. 710. I.
Observations, 1884, Appendix I.
Jl. Yariiall: Catalogue of Stars observed at the Unit. Stat. Nav. Observatory
during 1845—1877.