53. Steen Bille’s: Bericht über die Reise der Corvette Galathea um die
Welt in den Jahren 1845—1847. Aus dem Dänischen übersetzt
und theilweise bearbeitet von W. von Rosen. Kopenhagen, C. H.
Beitzel. — Leipzig, C. B. Lorck, 1852. In 8°.
E r s t e r B a n d . 1852. Avec 7 pl., 1 carte et te x te de XIV —464 pages.
Z w e ite r B a n d . 1852. Avec 7 pl., 1 carte e t tex te de X —517 pages.
54. W. J. L. Wliarton: Captain Cook’s journal, during the first voyage
round the world, made in H. M. Bark Endeavour 1768— 1771.
A literal transcription of the original Mss. With notes and introduction.
London, E. Stock, 1893. In 8°.
Avec 1 portr., 2 pl., 3 cartes, 2 facs. et te x te de L IV - 4 0 0 pages.
Pag. 597; 783. I.
I . I. Hayes: On arctic explorations.
Voyez: Eec. per. Amérique Sept. W ash in g to n . Sm iths. In s tit. R eports.
Pag. 53.
L. Kumlein: Report of explorations in Greenland.
Voyez: Reo. pér. Amérique Sept. Washington. Sm iths. In s tit. R eports.
Pag. 59.
0 . Nordenskiold: Algunos datos sobre la p a rte a u s tra l del co n tin en ta su d americano.
Voyez: Reo. pér. Amér. Mérid. Chili. Act. Soc. scient. Pag. 118.
Arctic series of publications, issued in connection with the Signal
Service, U. S. Army.
86. I. 1885. P. H. Ray: Report of the international polar Expedition to
Point Barrow, Alaska. Washington, 1885. In 8°.
Ethnology. — Zoology. — Botany. — Meteorolgy. — Astronomy.
Avec 20 pl., 2 pl. ool., 2 cartes e t 9 fig. dans le tex te de 695 pages.
II. 1886. ll M. Turner: Contributions to the natural history of Alaska.
Results of investigations made chiefly in the Yukon District and
the Aleutian Islands, conducted under the auspices of the Signal
Service, United States Army, extending from May 1874 to
August 1881.
Researches in Alaska: General description. - Meteorology. —
Plants. — Pishes. — Birds. — Mammals.
Avec 11 pl. ool., 15 pl. e t tex te de 226 pages.
III. 1887. E. W. Nelson: Report upon natural history collections made
in Alaska between the years 1877 and 1881.
Narrative. - Birds of Alaska, with a partial bibliography of
Alaskan ornithology. - E. W. Nelson and E. W. Trne: Mammals
of Northern Alaska. - E. W. Nelson and T. H. Bean: Field notes
on Alaskan fishes with additional notes. — E. W. Nelson and
W. H. Edwards: Report upon the diurnal Lepidoptera collected
in Alaska.
Avec 12 pl. ool., 8 pl. et te x te de 337 pages.