J . F . W l i i te a v e s : Canadian Stromatoporoids.
„ „ : Description of a new genus and species of Cysrideans from
th e Trentone limestone a t Ottawa. I. II.
« „ : On some remains of a sepia-like cuttle-fish from th e cretaceous
rocks in th e south Saskatchewan.
r> n • Note on a flsh to o th from th e upper Arisaig se rieso f Nova Scotia.
Voyez: Reo. per. Appendice. Canad. Record. Pag. 225 — 228, 459.
R. P. Whitfleld: Republication of descriptions of lower carboniferous Crinoidea
from th e Hall collection now in th e American Nat. Museum
of Nat. Hist., with illu stra tio n s of th e original type specimens
n o t heretofore figured.
« n • Republication of descriptions of fossils from th e Hall oolleotion
in th e Amerioan Museum of Nat. Hist., from th e rep o rt of
progress for 1861 of th e geological Survey of Wisconsin by
J . H a l l , w ith illu stra tio n s from th e original ty p e specimens
no t heretofore figured.
Voyez: Reo. pér. Appendice New T o rk . Mem. Amer. Mus. of N. H.
Pag. 230.
R . P . W h i t f le ld : Description of a new species of Crinoid from th e Burlington
” ” ' Remarks on Dictyophyton an d descriptions of new species
of allied forms from th e Keokuk beds a t Crawfordsville.
” ” • Observations on th e purposes of th e embryonic sh e a th s of
Endoceras and th e ir hearing on th e origin of th e siphon in
th e Orthocerata.
” ” * Description of Lymnea (Bulimnia) megasoma, Say with an
account of changes produced in th e offspring by unfavorable
conditions of life
” ” • E** fauna of th e lower carboniferous limestones of Spergen
Hill, Ind. with a revision of its fossils h itherto publiced,
and illu stra tio n s of th e species from th e original type series.
” ” ' Notice of some new spocie.s of p rimordial fossils in th e collections
of th e Museum, and corrections of previously de scribed
” ” : On a fossil scorpion from th e silurian rocks of America.
” ” ' Notice of a new Cephalopod (Lituites Biokmoreanus, n. sp.)
from th e Niagara rocks of Indiana.
„ „ : Notice of a very large species of Homalonotus from th e
Oriskany sandstone formation (Homalonotus major, n. sjj.).
„ „ : Notices of geological investigations along th e e astern shore
of lake Champlain, conducted by Prof. H. M. Seely and P.
E. Brainerd of Middlebury College, w ith descriptions of new
fossils discovered.
” ” '• Observations on some imperfectly known fossils from the
sandrock of lake Champlain, and descriptions of sevei-al now
» » • Additional notes on Asaphis canales, Conrad.
” ” • Description of a new form of fossil, balanoid cirripeds, from
th e Marcellus shale of New York. (Protobalanus Hamiltonensis,
R. P. Whitfleld: Note on th e fau n al resemblance between th e cretaceous
formations of New Je rsey and those of th e Gulf Sta te s.
,, „ : Observations on th e fau n a of th e rocks a t fort Cassen, Vermont,
w ith descriptions of a few new species.
„ „ : Observations on some cretaceous fossils from B ey ru t d istric t
of Syria, in th e collection of th e Amer. Mus. of Nat. Hist.,
w ith descriptions of some new species.
„ „ : On new forms of m a rin e Algae from th e T renton limestone,
w ith observations on B u th o g rap tu s laxus, Hall.
,, „ : Description of a new gen u s of fossil Brachiopod from th e
Helderberg limestones.
„ „ : Notice and description of new species and a new' gen u s of
», »» : Note on th e hypostome of Lichas (Terataspes) gran d is. H all.
», »» : Descriptions of new species of silu rian fossils from n e a r fort
Cassin and elsewhere on Lake Champlain.
»» )» : Observations on th e genus B a rrettia Woodward, w ith descriptions
of tw o new species.
», ,» : Descriptions of species of Rudistae from th e cretaceous rocks
of Jamaica W. I. collected by F. C. Nicholas.
»» ,» ! Observations on some „mud flow” m a rk in g s on rocks from
n e a r Albany N. Y. now in th e Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. New York.
Voyez; Rec. pér. Amérique Sept. New York. Amer. Mus. of Nat. H ist.
Bulletin. Pag. 41 -44, 46—49.
N. H. Winchell e t Ch. Schnchert: Sponges, Graptolites and Corals from th e
lower Silurian in Minnesota.
»» „ „ „ ,, : The lower silu ria n Brachiopoda of Minnesota.
Voyez; Rec. pér. Géologie. Pin a l Reports, geol. and n a t. hist. Survey of
Minnesota. Pag. 727.
N. H. Winchell et E. 0 Ulrich: Historial sketch of in v estigation of th e lower
Silurian in th e upper Missisissippi valley.
»» »» „ „ ,» : The low'er silu rian deposits of th e upper Mississippi
province. A correlation of th e s tr a ta w ith those in th e Cincinnati,
Tennessee, New York and Canad. prov., and th e stra tig rap h ie and geographical
d istrib u tio n of th e fossils.
Voyez: Rec. pér. Géologie. Fin a l Rep o rts Geol. and n a t. h is t Survey of
Minnesota. Pag. 727.
1 . C. Winkler; Des to rtu e s fossiles conservées dans le Musée Teyier e t dans
quelques a u tre s Musées.
„ : Description d’u n Crinoïde e t d ’u n Poisson du sy stèm e heersien.
„ : Description d’un nouvel exemplaire de P te ro d ac ty lu s m icronyx
du Musée Teyier.
„ : Mémoire su r le Belenostomus pygmaeus e t deux espèces de
,, : Mémoire su r les d en ts de poissons du te rra in bruxellien.
,, : Le Pterodactylus Koohi, Wagn.
„ : Mémoire su r quelques re ste s de poissons du système heersien.
„ : Deuxième mémoire su r les den ts de poissons fossiles du te r ra
in bruxellien.
„ : Etude su r le genre Mystriosaurus et description de deux exemp
laires n o uveaux de oe genre.