K ran k h eit. — E. Leyden; Beiträge zu r topischen Diagnostik der Gehirn-
k ran k lie iten (aus der I medicinischen K iin ik zu Berlin). — J . L is te r : On th e
principles of an tiseptic surg e ry . - J . P a g e t: On scientiflc s tu d y in th e
pratice of medicine and surgery. — L. Popoff: Ueber die Verschiedenheit
des Pulses in den E ad ialarterien (pulsus differens) als ein Symptom der
Stenose des linken venösen Ostium. — G. E. Rindfleisch: Ein einfachstes
Haemochromoskop. — Sch ü tz: Die Lungenseuohe-Impfung und ih re Anti-
septik. — F. Semon: Die E n tw ick elu n g der Lehre von den motorischen
Kehlkopflähmungen se it der E in fü h ru n g des Laryngoskop. — H. S en a to r:
Ueber P n eum atu rie im Allgemeinen und bei Diabetes m ellitus insbesondere. —
B. J . Stokvis: Ueber den gegenseitigen Antagonismus von Giften und Heilmitteln
und die combinirten W irk u n g gegenseitig an tag onistischer Mittel.
Nach Versuchen am isolirten Froschherzen. — G. Tizzoni: Ueher experimentelle
Im m u n itä t gegen den Tetanus. — M. Wolff: Ueber Vererbung von
In fec tio n sk ran k b e iten . — H. Wood: Stry ch n in e as a re sp irato ry s t im u la n t.—
T. Ziemssen: Ueber seltnere Form en der Pleuritis.
Avec 4 pl. e t 31 illu stra tio n s intercalées dans le te x te de 458 pages.
294, Festschrift, Rudolf Ylrcliow zu seinem 71 Geburtstage, gewidmet von
den früheren und jetzigen Assistenten des Berliner pathologischen
Instituts. Berlin, G. Reimer, 1891. In 4°.
F. Hoppe-Seyler: Beiträge zu r K e n n tn is s des Stoffwechsels bei Sauerstoffmangel.
— F . T. Recklinghausen: Die fibröse oder deformirende Ostitis, die
Osteomalacie und die osteoplastische Carcinosen in ih ren gegenseitigen
Beziehungen. Mit 5 Tafeln. — E. Klehs: Beitrag zu r Lehre von den throm-
bischen Processen. Mit 2 Tafeln. — M. Roth: Ueber Cholelithiasias. Mit 2
Tafeln. — E. Ponflick: Ueber Recreation der Leber beim Menschen. Ein
Beitrag zu r Cellular-Pathologie. Mit 1 Tafel. — 0 . Liebreich: Ueber F e t t e .—
E. Salkowski : Zur K en n tn iss der Fettwachsbildung. — J. Orth : Ueber käsige
Pneumonie. Mit 2 Tafeln. — E. Jürgens: Beiträge zur normalen und pathologischen
Anatomie des menschlichen Beckens. Mit 1 Tafel. — P. Grawitz:
Ueber die haemorrhagischen In fa rk te der Lungen. Mit 4 Tafeln. — 0 . Israel;
Epithelioma folliculare cutis. Mit 3 Tafeln. — R. Langerhans: Ex p erim en teller
Beitrag zu r Fettgewebsnekrose. - D. Haiisemann: Ueber Zelltheilung
in der menschlichen Epidermis. Mit 1 Tafel.
295. 31. Foster et E. Ray Lankester: The scientific Memoirs of Thomas,
Henry, Huxley. London, Macmillan and Co. 1898, In 8°.
Vol. I. 1898. I. On a h ith e rto nndescribed s tru c tu re in th e h um an hair
sh e a th . — II. Ex am in atio n of th e corpuscules of th e blood of Amphioxus
lanceolatus. — III. Description of th e animal of Trigonia, from actual dissection,
— IV. On th e an atom y and th e affinities of th e family of th e Medusae. —
V. Notes on Medusae and Polypes. — VI. Observations su r la circulation
du sang chez les Mollusques des genres Firole e t Atlante. - VII. Observations
upon th e anatomy and physiology of Salpa and Pyrosoma. — V III.
Remarks upon Appendicularia and Doliolum, two genera of th e Tunicata. —
IX. Zoological notes and observations made on board H. M. S. „R attle sn ak e ”
during th e years 1846 — 1850. — X. Observations on th e genus Sagitta. —
XI. An account of researches into th e an atom y of th e hydrostatic Aoalephae. —
X II. Description of a new form of sponge-like animal. - X III. Report upon
th e researches of Prof. Müller into th e anatom y and development of th e
Echinoderms. — XIV. Ueber die Sexualorgane der Diphydae u n d Phyospho-
ridae. - XV. L ac inularia so c ia lis : A contribution to th e an atom y und
physiology of th e Rotifera, - XVI. Upon animal individuality. - XV II. On
th e morphology of th e oephalous Mollusca, as illu stra ted by th e an atom y
of c ertain Heteropoda and Pteropoda collected d u rin g th e voyage of H. M.
S. „R attle sn ak e ” in 1 8 4 6 - 1 8 5 0 . - X V III. Researches in to th e s tru c tu re of
th e Ascidians. — XIX . On th e an atom y and development of Echinococous
veterinorum. - XX. On th e id en tity of s tru c tu re of p lan ts and animals. —
XXI. Observations on th e existence of cellulose in th e tu n ic of Ascidians.—
X X II. On th e development of th e teeth, and on th e n a tu re and imp o rt of
N a sm y th ’s p e rsisten t capsule. — X X III. The cell-theory (review). — XX IV.
On th e va scu la r sy s tem of th e lower Annulosa. - XXV. On th e common
p lan of animal forms. — XXVI. On th e s tru c tu re and relation of th e cor-
puscula ta c tu s (tactile corpuscles or axile corpuscles) and of th e pacinian
bodies. — XX V II. On th e u ltim a te s tru c tu re and relations of th e malpighian
bodies of th e spleen and of th e to n silla r follicles. - X X V III. On certain
zoological a rg um en ts commonly adduced in favour of th e h y p o th esis of th e
progressive development of anim al life in time. — X X IX . On n a tu ra l h isto ry
as knowledge, discipline and power. — XXX. On th e p re sen t sta te of k n ow ledge
as to th o s tru c tu re and fu n c tio n s of nerve. - X X X I. On th e
phenomena of gemmation. — X X X II. Contributions to th e an atom y of
Brachiopoda. — X X X III. On hermaphrodite and flssiparous species of tubi-
oolar Annelidae (P ro tu la Dysteri). - XX XIV. On th e s tru c tu re of Noctiluca
miliaris. — XXXV. On th e enamel and den tin e of th e tee th . — X X X V I.
Memoir on Physalia. — X X X V II. On th e an atom y of Diphyes, an d on th e
u n ity of composition of th e Diphyidae and Phyosphoridae eto. — X X X V I I I .
T eg am en tary organs. — XX XIX. On -the method of palaeontology. — XL .
Observations on th e s tru c tu re and affinities of Him an to p teru s. — X L I.
F u rth e r observations on th e s tru c tu re of Appendicularia flabellum (Chamisso).—
XL II. Note on th e reproductive organs of th e cheilostome Polyzoa. - X L III.
Description of a new crustacean (Polycephalus Cooperi, Huxley) from th e
coal-measures. — XLIV. On Dj'steria, a new gen u s of Infusoria. — XLV.
Review of Dr. H an n o v e r’s memoir; Ueher die E n tw ick elu n g u n d den Bau
des Saugethierzahns. - XLVI. L e tte r to Mr. Tyndall on th e stru c tu re of
glacier ice. - XLVII. On Cephalaspis and Pteraspis. — XL V III. Observations
on th e g en u s Pterasp is. — XL IX. On a new species of Plesiosaurus (P.
Etheridgii) from Street, n e a r Glastonbury; w ith rem a rk s on th e stru c tu re
of th e a tla s and ax is vertebrae and of th e cranium in th a t genus. - L. On
th e th eo ry of th e v e rteb rate skull.
Avec 32 pl. e t tex te de X V - 6 0 6 pages.
Vol. II. 1 8 9 9 . I. On th e s tru c tu re and motion of g laciers. — II. On th e agamic
reproduction and morphology of Aphis. - III. On some p o ints in th e
an atom y of Nau tilu s Pompilius. — IV. On th e p e rsisten t types of animal life.—
V. On th e Stagonolepis Robertsoni (Agassiz) of th e Elgin san d sto n e s; and
on th e re cen tly discovered footmarks in th e sandstones of Cummingstone. —
VI. On some amphibian and rep tilian rem a in s from So u th Africa and
Australia. - VII. On a new species of Dicynodon (D. Murrayi) from n ear
Colesberg, S. Africa; and on th e s tru c tu re of th e sk ull in th e Dicynodonts.—
V III. On Rhamp h o rh y n ch u s Bucklandi, a ptero sau rian from th e Stonesfleld
Slate. — IX. On a fossil bird and a fossil cetacean from New Zealand. —
X. On th e dermal a rmour of Crocodilus Hastingsiae. — XI. British fossils.