Austrnliaii Standard: August 1896. Tho golden west. Fol.
Avec pl. et tex te de 42 pages.
Australian Standard: JaiBy. 1897. The silver sulphides of Broken Hill. Fol.
Avec pl. et tex te de 82 pages.
Department of Mines and Water (Supply of Victoria.
Annual Report for 1896, 1899, 1900. Including reports on the working
of part III of Mines Act, 1890, diamond drills, water supply etc. etc. etc.
Melbourne, B. S. Brain, 1896, etc. Fol.
S p e c ia l R ep o r ts.
H. Herman: Report on the AValhalla gold-field. 1901. Fol.
Avec 8 pl. e t 23 plans e t cartes e t te x te de 6 6 pages.
H. S. WMtelaw: Underground Survey of Mines, Bendigo gold-field. Report on
Shamrock, Sherandoah, New Chum railway, E u rek a extended and South
Belle Vue u nited mines, New Chum line of Reef. 1901. Fol.
Avec 12 plans e t cartes et te x te de 13 pages.
Australasian Institute of Mining Engineers. Sydney. 1894.
Tran sa c tion s.
Yol. I. 1894. H. Ayers: In au g u ra l Address. Texte de 10 pages. — F. D. .loiiusoii:
A s tu d y of some ore deposits. Avec 1 pl. et tex te de 7 pages. — J. Stirling:
Notes on Victorian hrown coal beds. Avec 1 pl. et 3 flg. dans le te x te de
23 pages. — C. IV . M.arsh: Probable relation „the zinciferous sulphides ores
and th e oxidised ores of th e Broken-Hill Lode.” Avec 1 flg. dans le te x te de
10 pages. — J. Howell e t E. A. Ashcroft : The utilization of waste h e at
contained in slags from sm elting furnaces. Aveo 1 flg. dans le tex te de 6
pages. — Excursion to Gawler. Texte de 9 pages. — G. A. Goyder: The
action of cyanide of potassium on gold and some o th er metals and m inerals.
Avec 2 flg. dans le tex te de 15 pages. — U. Dudley: Mine plans and mine
models, w ith suggestions for, why, and how th ey may be combined. Texte
de 5 pages. — G. Smith: On th e occurence of dyscraisite in th e A. B. H.
consols mine, B am e r ranges, N. S. W. Avec 1 flg. dans le te x te de 6 pages. —
F. D. Power: The classification of valuable mineral deposits. Texte de 22
pages. — IV . B. Eoberfs; Electricity as a factor in ore dressing. Avec 1 fig.
dans le tex te de 5 pages. — Ü. Dudley: The silver lead ore zones of th e
Umberum-Berka lode. Texte de 5 pages. — J. J. East: On stibio-Fantalite,
a new mineral from th e stan n ife ro u s gravel a t Greenbushes, Bunburry,
W est Australia. Texte de 4 pages. - J. C. F. Johnson: The deposition of
gold. Texte de 3 pages.
Vol. II. 1894. J. Stirling: The mining we alth of Victoria. Processes of ab strac tin g
gold from th e ores. Texte de 19 pages. - C. C. H. Mole : Exhibit. — J. McKay :
Exhibit. — F. G. de V. Gipps: List of opal specimens. — G. Smith: Exhibit
from th e A. B. H. Consols mine, Broken Hill. — F. 1). Johnson: Exhibits
illu stra tin g forms assumed in some secondary depositions of gold ores. Texte
de 4 pages. — J. Tipping: Review of p a s t and p re sen t steam pumping a t
mines. Texte de 20 pages. — Th. Cornish: The gold and silver question.
Texte de 6 pages. — F. D. Jolmsoii: Physiography and geology of th e Wad-
n amin g a goldflelds, South Australia. Avec 1 pl. e t tex te de 13 pages. —
F. G. de V. Gipps: Some notes on th e W h ite Cliffs opal fields, W ilc an n ia.
Avec 1 pl. et te x te de 11 pages. - F. H. Power: On te s tin g reducing
machinery. Texte de 4 pages. - A. Camphell: L ig h t railways. Texte de 13
pages. — H. IV. F. Kayser: Good m an ag em en t and ore-dressing by automatic
machinery. Avec 3 pl. e t te x te de 9 pages. — J. Sharpe: Fuel-its combustion
and economy. Texte de 6 pages. - U. Dudley: A mining puzzle. Texto de
3 pages. - C. C. H. Mole : Some gold-bearing rocks a t Bongara, N. S. W .
Texte de 8 pages. - G. G. Turri: E rro rs in th e world’s p a te n t law s.
Texte de 14 pages.
Vol. I II. 1895. A. Montgomery; Suggestions as to classiflcation and description
of au stralasian useful m in e ral deposits. Texte de 14 pages. — J.M. Potter;
The causes of climatic, geological and geographical changes upon th e e a rth .
Texte de 35 pages. - Th. Mercer: Speculations on th e origin an d formation
of th e diamond, w ith especial reference to its formation and position a t
Bingara, N. S. W. Texte de 15 pages. - Th. Turnhull; Some notes on
sampling for gold. Texte de 4 pages. — G. A. Denny: Some notes on b an k et
deposits, w ith special reference to those m e t w ith a t th e Donny-Dalton
goldflelds, Vrÿheid District, South Afrioan Republic and th e process of
tre a tm e n t employed there. Aveo 5 pl. e t te x te de 15 pages. — F. D. Power:
A glossary of te rm s used in mining geology. Texte de 69 pages. — G. A.
Goyder: Notes on te wo rk in g of th e McArthur-Forrest process for ex tra ctin g
gold. Texte de 12 pages. - E. Provis: A few observations on m in e surveying
and surv ey in g in strum e n ts. Texte de 12 pages. — H. W. F. Kayser: E arly
histo ry of colonial m in in g in connection w ith „is scientific m an ag em en t a
succès?” Texte de 9 pages. - H. G. Baye: Broken Hill vughs-ooourence
and some probable causes. Texte de 6 pages. — J. T. Procter: Indicators
and q u a rts reefs. Avec 1 pl. e t tex te de 5 pages. - A. Montgomery: The
useful minerals of Tasmania. Texte de 28 pages. - IV. Bradford: The
„indicator” feature in some gold occurences. Avec 1 pl. et te x te de 5 pages. —
F. D. Power: Sampling and ore b u y in g on th e w e st coast of T asmania.
Texte de 6 pages. - IV. J. Pauli: Auriferous veins a t Charters Towers.
Texte de 7 pages. - Davis e t Knapp: Some notes on „the Davis Calyx
Drill.” Avec 1 pl. e t te x te de 6 pages. - E. M. Johnston: Historical sketch
of th e geological relation of A u stra lia and Tasmania. T ex te de 30 pages. —
F. D. Johusou: 'The „hydro-pneumatic sy s tem ” of s in k in g sh a fts th rough
W et Drifts. Avec 1 pl. e t tex te de 2 pages.
Vol. IV. 1897. F. D. Power: Receptacles for valuable mineral deposits. Avec
16 pl. e t tex te de 31 pages. - Th. White: An improved b lan k e t table. Avec
5 pl. e t te x te de 6 pages. - F. D. Jolinsou: Concerning c ertain perforated
rocks in th e Coolgardee District. Texte de 3 pages. - L. IViiliams; T rea tm
en t of th e mo u n t Reid auiiforous ores w ith th e help of cyanide of p o tassium.
Texte de 5 pages. - E. M. Thornley: Some notes on hydraulicing
and ground sluicing in New Zealand, and comparisons w ith th e drift gravel
of th e Corinna D istrict in ’Tasmania. Texte de 6 pages. — J. IV. Jaffray:
Developments in gold-extraoting machinery and some causes of failure.
Texte de 37 pages. - J. Stirling: Notes on some observations of tem p e ra tu
re etc. in th e deep mines of Bendigo. Avec 1 pl. et te x te de 17 pages. ~
E. Eiilgey: Some indications of ore deposits. Texte de 11 pages. - IV Bradford:
„Indicators” . Avec 8 pl. et tex te de 3 pages. - H. P. Collins: A proposed
new method of smelting lead concentrates. Toxte de 8 pages. - L. Jolly:
Notes on tlio Lofroy goldflelds. Toxto do 6 pages. - C. IV. Marsh: Notes