A. Appellüf; Cephalopoden von Ternate.
Voyez; Rec. pér. Allemagne. F ran c fo rt s/M. Senckenb. n a tu rf. Gesellsch.
Pag. 16.
F. Archer: Supplement Report upon th e testaceous Mollusca of th e L. M. B.
C. district.
Voyez: Reo. pér. Appendice. Gr. B retagne. Liverpool. Pag. 263.
F. C. Baker: The molluscan fau n a of w e ste rn New York.
Voyez; Rec. pér. iàmér. Sept. St. Louis. Transact. Acad, of Sc. Pag. 36.
F. C. Baker: Notes on a collection of shells from th e Mauritius, w ith a consideration
of th e gen u s Magilus of Montfort.
Voyez Reo. pér. Amér. Sept. Rochester. Acad, of Sc. Proceed. Pag. 36, 37.
F. C. Baker: Descriptions of new species of Muricidae, w ith rem a rk s on th e
apices of c ertain forms.
„ „ : Catalogue and synonomy of th e re cen t species of th e family
Muricidae. I.
Voyez: Rec. pér. Amér. Sept. Rochester. Acad, of Sc. Proceed. Pag. 36.
F. TV. Bancroft: The anatom y of Chelyosoma productum, Stimpson.
Voyez: Eec. pér. Amér. Sept. San Francisco. Cal. Acad, of Sc. Proceed.
3r<i Series. Pag. 30.
Ch. E. Beecher : Some abnormal forms of fresh -w a te r sh e lls from th e vicinity
of Albany, N. Y.
Voyez: Rec. per. Amérique Sept. Albany. Museum of Nat. Hist. Rep o rt.
Pag. 39.
E . B e rg h : Die Op isthobranchien.
Voyez: Rec. pér. Zool. génér. Bull. Mus. of comp. Zoology. Pag. 369.
R. Bergh: Opisthobranchiaten (Mai. Archipel).
Voyez; Rec. pér. Allemagne. Fran c fo rt s/M. Senckenb. n a tu rf. Gesellsch.
Pag. 16.
E. A. Bielz: Beitrag zur Ken n tn is s der siebenbürg. Land- u n d Süsswasserm
o llu sk e n .
„ „ : Nachträge und Bemerkungen zu id.
„ „ : Eine malacologische Excursion in das Burzenland.
„ „ : Vorarbeiten zu einer F a u n a der Land- u n d Süsswasser-Mollnsken
Siebenbürgens. I. I I. I II. IV.
„ „ : Neue Form en u n d A rten der siebenbürgischen Mollu sk en fau n a ,
„ „ : Malaco-zoologisohe Notizen.
„ „ : Beschädigungen an den Schalen der Süsswasser-Muscheln und
ih re U rs a c h e n .
„ „ ; Revision der Nacktsch n ek k en Siebenbürgens.
„ „ ; Ueber das Vorkommen der Pu p a tru n ca te lla , Pffr . etc. im Kerzer
„ „ ; Syst. Verzeichniss de r Land- und Süsswasser-Mollusken des
Oest. Staates. I. II.
Voyez: Reo. pér. Appendice. Autr.-Hongrie. H e rm an n stad t. Pag. 250, etc.
M. Bielz: Verzeiohniss der Land- und Süsswasser-Mollusken Siebenbürgens.
Voyez: Reo. pér. Appendice. Autr.-Hongrie. H e rm an n sta d t. Pag. 248.
F. Borcherding: Zur M ollusken-Fauna der nordwe std eu tsch en Tiefebene. I. II. III.
Voyez Eec. pér. Appendice. Allemagne. Brème. Pag. 201.
0 . Böttger: Ueber die L an d s ch n e ck en g a ttu n g Clausilia, Drp. (au s Griechenlan
d und Kleinasien m itg eb ra ch t du rch v. Oertzeii).
Voyez: Reo. per. Allemagne. F ran c fo rt s/M. Senckenb. n a tu rf. Gesellschaft.
Pag. 14.
E. L. Bouvier: Étude su r l’organisation des Am pullaires.
Voyez: Rec. pér. France. Paris. Mém. Soc. philom. Pag. 147.
M. Bniuii: Die Land- und Süsswassermollusken der Ostseeprovinzen. Beitrag
zu r K e n n tn is s der F a u n a baltica.
Voyez; Rec. pér. Russie. Dorpat. Archiv 2® Serie. Pag. 176.
TV. K. Brooks: The genus Salpa.
Yoyez: Rec. pér. Zool. génér. Mémoirs biol. labor. J. Hopkins Un iv .
Pag . 362.
S. Brusinn: Ueber die Mollusken-Fauna Oesterreich-Ungarns.
Voyez: Reo. per. Appendice. Autr.-Hongrie. Graz. Mittheil. Pag. 243.
C. J. Bush: Descriptions of new species.
Voyez; Ree. pér. Zool. génér. Bull. Mus. of comp. Zoology. Pag. 369.
E. P . Carpenter: Mollusca or shell-fish and th e ir allies.
„ „ : Shells of th o g u lf of California.
Voyez: Rec. per. Amérique Sept. W ashington. Sm iths. In s tit. Reports.
Pag. 53.
S. Clessiu: Die Mollusken F a u n a der Umgebung von Augsburg.
„ „ : Ueber Missbildungen der Mollusken u n d ih re r Gehäuse-.
Voyez: Rec. pér. Appendice. Allemagne. Augsbourg. Pag. 194, 195.
J. A. Cluhb: Notes on some points in th e stru c tu re of th e c erata of Dendrono
tu s arborescens.
Voyez: Rec. per. Appendice. Gr. Bretagne. Liverpool. Pag. 264.
J. G. Cooper: On fossil and sub-fossil land shells of th e U n it. States, w ith
notes on living species.
„ „ : W e s t coast P u lm o n a ta ; fossil and living.
„ „ : Coi'rections to fossil and sub-fossil land shells.
Voyez: Reo. pér. Amér. Sept. San Francisco. Cal. Acad, of Sc. Bulletins.
Pag. 29.
W. H. DaB: Revision of th e Craniidae and Discinidae.
Voyez: Reo. pér. Zool. génér. Bull. Mus. of comp. Zoology. Pag. 366.
TV. H. B a ll: Contributions to th e te rtia ry fau n a of Florida w ith special reference
to th e miocene silex-beds of Tampa and th e pliocene beds of th e
Caloosahatohie river. I. Pulmonate, Opisthobranchiate and orth o d o n t Gasteropods.
— II. Strep to d o n t and o th er Gasteropods. — I II. A new classification
of th e Pelecypoda. — IV. Prionodesmacea: Nucula to Julia. — Teleodesmacea:
Teredo to Ervilia.
Voyez: Rec. pér Amér. Sept. Philadelphia. Trans. W agner Free In s tit.
Pag. 49, 50.
TV. H. B a ll: The resu lts of re c en t investigations in to th e n a tu ra l h isto ry of
th e Chitonidae.
,, : Some re cen t observations 5) on Mollusks.
)) : Two remarkable forms of Mollusks.
Voyez: Rec. pér. Amér. Sept. W ashington. Philos Soc. Bullet. Pag. 8 8 ; 89.
TV. H. B a ll: Synopsis of th e re cen t and te rtia ry Leptonacea of N. America
and th e W est In dies.
,, ,, : Fossil mollusks from late r te rtia rie s of California.