XII. 1891. J. W. Powell: Twelfth animal report of the United States
geological Survey. 1890 — 1891.
P a r t I. Geology. — Report of th e Director. — Administrative reports. —
N. S. S h a le r: The origin and n a tu re of soils. — W. .1. MeGee; The Lafayette
formation. - C. D. Waleott: Tlie n o rth american continent d a rin g Cambrian
time. — J . P. Wdings: The eruptive rocks of electric Pe ak en Sepulolire
m o unta in, Yellowstone National Park.
Avec 53 pl. et cartes e t 81 fig. dans le tex te de X I I I—675 pages.
P a rt II. Irrigation.
Avec 93 (51—146) pl. et cartes e t 190 (81—270) fig. dans lo te x te de
X I V - 576 pages.
XIII. 1892. J. W. Powell: Thirteenth annual report of the United States
geological Survey. 1891 — 1892.
P a r t I. Report of th e Director. — Adm inistrative reports.
Avec 2 cartes e t tex te de V I I—240 pages.
P a rt II. Geology. — I . C. Russell: Second expedition to mo u n t Sh Elias. —
N. S. S h a le r: The geological histo ry of Harbors. — B. AA’illis ; The mechanics
of Appalachian stru c tu re . — H. Gannett: The average elevation of th e
Un ited States. — T . N. D a le : The Rensselaer g rit plateau in New York. —
S. H. Scnddcr; The American te rtia ry Aphidae.
Avec 105 (2 —107) pi. et cartes et 41 flg. dans le tex te de X - 372 pages.
P a rt III. Irrigation.
Avec 77 (108-184) pl. e t cartes et 119 (42 -1 6 0 ) flg. dans le tex te de
X I - 4 8 6 pages.
XIV. 1893. J. W. Powell: Fourteenth annual report of the United States,
geological Survey. 1892 — 1893.
P a rt I. Report of th e Director. — A dm in istra tiv e reports.
Avec 1 carte et tex te de V I—321 pages.
P a r t II. W. J. McGee; Potable w a ters of e aste rn Un ited States. — A. C. Peale;
N a tu ral mineral w a te rs of th e Un ited Sta te s. — F. H. Newell: Re su lts of
stre am measurements. — W. Cross: The lacoolitic m o u n ta in groups of
Colorado, U tah , and Arizona. — AV. Liiidgren: The gold-silver veins of Ophir,
California. — A. Keith: Geology of th e Catoctin belt. — J. S. D ille r : Tertia
ry revolution in th e topography of th e Pacific coast. — H. W. Tnriicr:
The rocks of th e Sierra Nevada. - C. D. AVallcott: Pre-Cambrian igneous
rocks of th e U n k a r terran e, Grand Canyon of th e Colorado, Arizona. AVith
no tes on th e pétrographie character of th e lavas, by J . P. Iddings. — T. N. Dale :
On th e s tru c tu re of th e ridge between th e Taoonic and Green m o untain
ranges in Vermont. — N. T. Dale: The s tru c tu re of Monument mountain
in Great Barrington, Massachusetts. — J. D. AA’eeks: The Potomac and
Roaring Creek coal fields in AVest Virginia.
Avec 83 (2—84) pl. e t cartes et 75 flg. dans le tex te de X X—597 pages.
XV. 189.5. J. W. Powell: Fifteenth annual report of the United States
geological Survey. 1893-1894.
R ep o rt of th e Director. — Administrative reports. — N. S. S h a le r: Preliminary
report on th e geology of th e Common roads of th e United States. -
1,. K. AVard: The Potomac formation. - A. C. Lawson: Sketch of Iho geology
Of the San Francisco peninsula. - C R. van Disc e t AV. S. Rayley: P re lim
in a ry rep o rt on th e Marquette iron-hearing d istrict oi Michigan. W ith a
chapter on th e Republic Trough, by AA'. L. Smyth. - G. H. AVilhams: The
general re la tio n s of th e g ranitic rocks in th e middle a tlan tic Piedm o n t pla teau
. - C. R. Keyes: The origin and re lations of Central Maryfond g ran ite s .
Avec 48 pl. e t cartes ot 29 fig. dans le to x te de X IV -7 5 o pages.
XVI. 1896. C. 1). Walcott: Sixteenth report of the United States geological
Survey. 1894 — 1895.
P a r t I. R eport of th e Director. Avec 1 carto et tex te de 130 pages. - 0 . C. M a ish .
The Dinosaurs of North America. Avec 84 pl. e t 6 6 fig. dans le te x te de
272 pages. - U. F. Reid; Glacier bay and its glaciers. Avec 12 pl. et cartes
e t tex te de 41 pages. - L. F. AVard: Some analogies in th e lower cretaceous
of Europe and America. Avec 11 pl. e t 3 flg. dans le tex te de 74 pages
T. N. Dale; S tru c tu ra l details in th e Green Mountain region and in e a s to in
New York. Avec 31 flg. dans le te x te de 22 pages. - G. B. van Dise: P rin ciples
of North American pre-Cambrian geology. AVith an appendix ° n Ao''’’
and fra c tu re of rocks as related to s tru c tu re , by L. M Hoskins. Avec 10 pl.
e t cartes et 69 fig. dans le te x te de 815 pages.
P a rt II. AV. Cross et E. A. F. Penrose J r .: Geology and m ining in d u strie s of
th e Cripple Creek d istrict, Colorado. Avec 14 pl. et cartes e t 37 flg. dans le
tex te de 209 pages. - G. H. Fldridge: A geological reconnaissance across
Idaho. Avec 3 cartes e t 4 fig. dans le te x te de 6 6 pages. - N. S. Shaler:
The geology of th e road-building stones of Massachusetts w ith some consideration
of sim ila r m ate ria ls from o th er p a rts of th e Un ited States. Avec 7
pl. e t te x te de 64 pages. - J. F. Spiir: Economic geology of th e mercur
m ining district, Utah. W ith in troduction hy S. F. Finmons. Avec 10 pl. et
cartes e t 6 fig. dans le tex te de 112 pages. - F. H. Newell: The public
lands and th e ir w a te r supply. Avec 5 pl. ct cartes e t 10 flg. d an s le tex te
de 76 pages. - E . Hay: W a te r resources of a portion of th e g re a t p lain s.
Avec 3 pl. e t cartes e t 8 fig. dans le te x te de 53 pages.
P a rt I II. Mineral resources of th e U n ited States, 1894. Metallic p ro d u c ts. -
J. Birkinhine: The production of iron ores in various p a rts of th e world. -
J. M. Swank: Iro n and steel and allied in d u strie s in all countries. -
G. F. Becker: Reconnaissance of th e gold fields of th e so u th e rn Appalachians.
- C. Kirchhoff: Copper. - Lead. - Zinc. - J . D. AVceds: Manganese.
- C. M. Rolker; The production of tin . - E. L. Packard; Aluminum. -
C. W. Hayes: Bauxite. — Quiksilver. — Nickel. -- Chromium. — Tungsten.
E. AA'. Parker: Antimony. — Platinum.
Avec 23 pl. e t cartes et 9 fig. dans le te x te de X I I I - 6 4 6 pages.
P a rt IV. Mineral resources of th e United States, 1894. Nonmetallic products.
E. AV. Parker: The production of coal in 1894. — J. D AVeeds: Manufactuie
of coke. - N. S. Shaler : Origin, distrib u tio n and commercial value of peat
deposits. - J. D. AA'ceds: Petroleum. - Na tu ral gas in 1894. - E. AV. Parker :
Ashpaltum. — AV. C. Day : Stone. — Soapstone. - C. G. Tale: Magnesite. -
J . Middleton: Clay. - H. Rlcs: Technology of th e clay in d u stry . - Cement. -
E. AV. Parker: Abrasive materials. - G. F. Kunz: Precious stones. —
Fertilizers. - C. G. Memniiiiger ; Commercial development of th e Tennessee
phosphates. - E. AV. Parker: Su lp h u r and pyrites. - Salt. - Fluorspar. -