View from Morgan's Rocks of the Hill in Hill River - - - - To face 33
The Trout Fall - - - - - " » 37
Manner of making a Resting Place on a Winter’s Night - - - 5 9 7 .
.Portrait of a Stone Indian.: - ^ . „ 104
A.Buffalo Pound - - - - - - “ >» H3
Interior of a Cree Indian Tent - »» 139
Portrait of Akaitcho and his Son - - - - ■ " >» *03
Expedition crossing Lake Prosperous - * - - - a 211
Marten Lake - — - - ^ " ” ^35
Expedition discovering’the Copper-Mine River _ - " »» ^37
Winter View of Fort Enterprise - - - •* ~ „ 246
Keskarrah, a Copper Indian Guide, and his Daughter, Green Stockings - , , 254
Portraits of two Esquimaux Interpreters - - - - - >> 262
Winter travelling on Great'Slave'Lake - - - —..........- .......' '»» 277
A Winter Wolf, and a View of the Dog-rib Rock - - - - . 312
Expedition posing through Point-Lake, on the Ice - - - - >> 323
The Bloody Fall - - ' - - - — - - - „ 350
A-view of the Arctic Sea, from the Mouth of the Copper-Mine River, at midnight A'jtfV. 361
Expedition doubling Cape Barrow - - - ■ ■ >> 367
Expedition encamped at Point Tumagain - - - - „ 387
Canoe broaching too in a Gale of Wind at Sunrise - - - >» 394
Expedition landing in a Storm 395
The Falls of Wilberforce - * - - - " . ” ” 397
Preparing an Encampment on Barren Grounds, for the gathering Tripe de Roche, &c. 412
Plate 25 - - - - .......................................................„ 7 0 7
Plate 26, Back’s Grayling’s - - _ - 3 - - * „ 7 1 1
The Four plates of Plants at the end of the Appendix and immediately preceding the Maps.
Maps at the end o f the book in the following order.
Route from York Factory to Isle k la Crosse.
From Isle k la Crosse to Slave Lake.
From Slave Lake to the Arctic Sea.
General chart of the Arctic Sea.
His Majesty’s Government having determined upon sending an
Expedition from the Shores of Hudson’s Bay by land, to explore
the Northern Coast of America, from the Mouth of the Copper-
Mine Biver to the eastward, I had the honour to be appointed to
this service by Earl Bathurst, on the recommendation of the Lords
Commissioners of the Admiralty; who, at the same time, nominated
Doctor John Kichardson, a Surgeon in the Royal Navy, Mr. George
Back, and Mr. Robert Hood, two Admiralty Midshipmen, to be
joined with me in the enterprise. My instructions in substance
informed me, that the main object of the Expedition was that of
determining the latitudes and longitudes of the Northern Coast of
North America, and the trending of that Coast from the Mouth of
the Copper-Mine River to the eastern extremity of that Continent;
that it Was left for me to determine, according to circumstances,
whether it might be most advisable to proceed, at once, directly to
the northward from York Factory till I arrived at the sea-coast, and
thence westerly towards the Copper-Mine River; or advance, in the
first instance, by the usual route to the Mouth of the Copper-Mine
River, and from thence easterly till I should arrive at the eastern
extremity of that Continents that, in the adoption of either of