20th. At lOh. p. m., similar Aurora to that of last night.
21st. At 9h. p. m., four arches, from W.N.W. to E.S.E.; their extremities
close together; beams distinguishable of the ordinary colour. At 2h.
a. m., one bright waving arch in the zenith, and several flashes in the S.W.
22d. At 9h. p. m., three arches from N.W. to S.E., much attenuated.
23d. At 8h. p. m., five bright arches, from W.N.W. to E.S.E.; across
the zenith; at 9h. p. m.; their centres bore S.W. 20° high; extremities still
W.N.W. and E.S.E.: some interior motion visible,
24th. At lOh. p. m., two arches from N.W. to S.E., centre N.E.—at llh.
p. m., they were in the zenith.
26th. At midnight, three indistinct and broken arches from N.W.b.N. to
S.E. across the zenith.
27th. At 9h. p. m., four arches from W.N.W. to S.E.; some interior
motion. At midnight, they joined in one arch 50° broad, extending from E.
to W., much attenuated.
28th. At midnight, many wreaths of Aurora from W. to E., forming corona
in the zenith, the beams of which were unusually large | faint colours, violet
at the lower extremities, and pea-green at the upper.
March 1st. At midnight, a broken and faint arch, centre S.W., which had
previously crossed the zenith.
2d. At lOh. p. m„ two arches, N.W. and E.S.E.: some interior motion,
but no beams.
3rd. At midnight, an arch faintly visible, E. and W.
4th. At midnight, two corona, S.W.b.W. 70° high, and several flashes;
no other Aurora visible.
6th. At lh. 30' a. m., an Aurora N.W., like the stem of a tree, shooting
out several branches S.E., which exhibited wreaths of beams. They passed
so rapidly to the S.W., that two of them disappeared in that quarter in ten
minutes. Many flashes visible at intervals; colours, violet below, and pea-
green above, very brilliant.
8th. Just after sunset, with a strong twilight, plainly saw an arched Aurora
from N.W. to S.E.b.S. centre S.W. 70° high. At 9h. p. m., three
arches N.W. and S.S.E. centre S.W.b.W. 10° high. A wreath in the zenith.
At lh. a. m., Aurora spread over the sky, moving towards the S.E.
9th. At midnight, three arches passed to the southward. Some quick
flashes; faint colours, violet and green, situated as before.
10th. At 9h. p.m. an arch seen through the clouds.
11th. At lOh. p.m. a bright arch W.N.W. and E.b.S. emanating from
a large body of Aurora in the N.W. quarter. The_ arch separated into
portions of several beams each, which broke away and passed to the S.E. in
succession, with great rapidity.
March 12th. At lOh. p.m. a double arch shaped like a sling, with the bend
N.W. and the ends S.E.; faint.
13th. At 9h. p.m. an arch across the zenith; extremities N.W. and
S.E.b.S., centre S.W. A wreath from N.W. towards E.S.E. but broken at
the height of 70° S.W.b.S., was seen distinctly to pass between a stratum
of white clouds and the earth. The upper border of these clouds was 80°
15th. At 1 lh. p.m., a faint irregular arch, N.N. W. and E.S.E., centre in the
17th. At midnight, an arched Aurora N.W. and S.E.; faint.
18th. At llh. p. m„ an Aurora similar to that of the 17th.
19th. At llh. p. m., a broken arch from N.b.W. to S.W.b.W., 10°
20th. At 9h. p. m., three faint arches N.W. and S.E. extremities close
together, centres S.W.
21 st. At midnight, many wreaths from N.W. to S. E., bright, but no colours ;
general motion from S.E. to N.W.
22nd. Two arches passed to the southward, before lOh. p. m., when
another appeared, much broken, .from N.W.b.N. to E.S.E.
23rd. At lOh. p. m., cloudy; three arches from N.W.b.N. to S.E.b.S.
beyond clouds.
24th. At lOh. p. m., two arches N.W. and S.E., faint; slight motion.
25th. At midnight, three arches similar to those of last night.
26th. At midnight, an arch N.W.b.W. and S.E.b.S.; very faint at each
extremity; beams distinguishable in the middle.
27th. At 9h. p. m., arch seen faintly N.N.E. and S.S.W.
28th. At 8h. p. m., an arch passed the zenith gradually to the southward.