longitude, with a flag upon it, and a letter at the foot of it,
which may convey to him some useful information. It is possible,
however, that he may keep outside of the range of islands which
skirt this part of the coast.
Journey across the Barren Grounds—Difficulty and delay in crossing Copper-Mine River—
Melancholy and fatal Results thereof—Extreme Misery of the whole Party—Murder of
Mr. Hood—Death of several of the Canadians—Desolate State of Fort Enterprise—
Distress suffered at that Place—Dr. Richardson’s Narrative—Mr. Back’s Narrative-
4» * ti7.MY original intention, whenever the season should compel
us to relinquish the survey, had been to return by the Copper-
Mine River, and in pursuance of my arrangement with the Hook
to travel to Slave Lake through the line of woods extending thither
by the Great Bear and Marten Lakes, but our scanty stoek of
provision and the length of the voyage rendered it necessary to
make for a nearer place. We had already found that the country,
between Cape Barrow and the Copper-Mine River, would not
supply our wants, and it seemed probable that it would be less
likely to do so now, besides, at this advanced season, we expected
the frequent recurrence of gales, which would cause great detention
if not danger in proceeding along that very rocky part of the coast.
I determined, therefore, to make at once for Arctic Sound, where
we had found the animals more numerous than at any other place;
and entering Hood’s River, to advance up that stream as far as
it was navigable, and then to construct small canoes out of the
materials of the larger ones, which could be carried in crossing the
barren grounds to Port Enterprise.
August 19.—We were almost beaten out of our comfortless abodes
by rain during the night, and this morning the gale continued