5 7 4 A P P E N D I X . rJ IDJ D I 3 V I A T I O N S O P T H E M A G N E T I C N E E D L E . ‘5 7 5
Feb. At 9 A.M. At Noon At 2 P.M. At 3 P.M. T"~ At 4 P.M. At 9 P.M. Aurora At Midnight. Aurora '
1821 1P Noesoeitfdi olenl'i Then anWd Windeasther : PNoeseoidftiloen Ther. anWd Windeast her
IP osSiftlilo&nj Ther. 1 anWd Winedast her' Needle ; P^o soift^ion Ther. 1 ;®. nwd iWiideast her
posoiftion Needle Ther. ■ f anJd W Winedatshj er.
Posoitfi.o.n Needle Ther. . anId W-Wineadtsli er", , Neeodfl0e1 1 .Ther; 1i a' nd WWineadtsh!er.
Feb. 24 348 20 —18 WSWclo. ulidgyht b. 348 26 .1o3 WSWsn.o lwight b. 348 30 —15 WSWs.n loigwht b. pov..^ 1 - o ~~^======= 1 --n- ---.- p 348 28 — Û WSW1 .h laigzhyt !: ai~rs, w34È8 k30* i t 1' 2°5 WSW. light airs, hazy visible;
25 348 20; —24 Southc, lleiagrht airs, 348 30 —17 Southc, lleiagrht airs, 348 32 —16 South,c lliegahrt airs, 348 22 .—18_ Calm and cleaf ! 348 30 -22 ' ’ Calm and clear 348 25 —17| SWan. dli ghhazt ya,i rssn,,o.twh ic"k ! not 348 28 -15 SW. moderate, snow not !
26 348 25 —12 dNaWrk . amnodd celroanted,y: 348 32 H NbWcl.o ufrdeysh b. 348 35 — H '•J■ ovrethr,y’m coledaerrate, j348 34 — 8 N:o rtahn,d m cloedaet ij1 348 35 -12 Some streaked clouds 348 30 -17 Norti hh,a zliyg ht b“.HH 1 hot 348 33 -19 ’ Nearly calm, clear visible]
27 348 15 -22 iVbN.c lmeaorderate, 348 22 -22 NWc. lferaersh b. 348 22 —20 NbEc.l efraersh b. 348 26 -23 NbE. moderate.! [ very 53 4P8. M23. -26 NW. moderate, clear 348 20 -32 NW, moderate, . clear visible 346 30 -32 NW. moderate, clear 1
; clear , visible
28 3479 20 347 40
—31 |v erCya lcmle,a r 347 50 —27 WSWcl.e alirght b. 347 50 -26 North,s kmyackerel 348 30 —28 Nio r_t.hc,l leigahrt a.i rj] 348 34 -33 North, light airs, I very clear' '' 348 40 -43 WSW.! ncelaeralry! ca’lm, not 348 40 —45| North, light airs, clear visible
Mar. 1 348 25! —44 mWi.sbhtyoS r.n ilzeigoanhr tt hbe. ! 348 25 —31 WSWc.l elaigrht b. 348 25 —30 SWa.n dm ocldeearrate 348 28 ,—27 SW. fresh and!
-cloudy \ 348 26 -30 - WbSj. maozdye r|ate,, ; 348 22 —30 WbS. hmaozdye; riate,. : visible 318 25 —27; SWatm. mosopdheerraet,e s, ndoewnse not «
2 34a7t 84 0! —26 tShWick. fwreesahth be.r 347 53, —17 SWde.n mseo dhearzaete, 347 55 —15 SWa.n mdo hdaezryate 347 56 r-17 SW. more cleat ( 35 47P .M58. -26 WbS. moderate, clear 348 30 —27 SW.j mcloedare]rate, : visible 348 26 —32 EbSj . ligclheta rbj.’ very visible!
34S 26 —23 NaEn. dm coloduerdayte 348 30 —12 EdNenEs.e matomdoesrpahte., 6 S; E.a.n md ocdleeararte 338 34 TOESE. modeiate, clear 1 348 30 ESE. light b. clear 348 40 —12 Nearly calm, and clear Visible^
4 j ;3 a48t 91 0 j*
— 1 cEloausdt,y l iwgehatt bhe. r 348 25 +10 daErSk Ea.n ldig chlotu bd.y ,; 348 28 +111 EbS.c lloiguhdty airs, 348 33 +12 EbS..^cloudy light airs]j
348 40 + 7 Calm and dear 848 50 zero Northc, lforuedshy ;b. and S not 348 40 4, Nort! h, and I j cmlooudderyate visible!
31a7t 81 0j
at 9 zero daErbkS a.n ldig chlto ubd.+ 8 ENEcl.o luigdhyt and ,348 15 East, more clear 318 22 347 20 y + 9| + «i i | , Da^rk clouds 348 25 Calm and clear not 348 25 5 East, light airs, clear .
visible 6 34a8t 940 zeio Bastf, olgigghyt airs, . fCoaglgmy," +15 Calm and foggy 31 48 + 8 East, light b. cloudy . 348 40 + 2 . East, fresh b. hazy not 349 10 small snow not
7 348 55j — 5 darCk,a cllmo ,The obse p.m. were uds ' ! 348 50. + 6 dj aSrWk a. rliidg'hclto bn.d y
rdyisactoion tnisn uate d2 .,348 53 North, light air| small snow *
348 5A5t F—iv, e5. PN.MN.W. light b. dark and cloudy 348 50 B | EdNaErk. amndo dcelroau.dtey b. . not 349 10 —•'8 ENE. lciglohutd bs. dense ' not '
317 351 SEan. dl icglheat rb. 348 25 SaEn.d l icglheat rb. 348 28 Calm and clean 348 30 i ■ N! Wve. rlyig chleta arirs, ■ 1 349 35 cloudy visible
347 50j SE. light b. ' NWbW. fresh b. clear 3a4t8 1010 + 8 SE. constant '348 30 +10 Snow ceased | 348 40 +12 Cloudy | 349 40 + 5 ; not. at 11 30
constant snow ! snow cloudy 349 Ï0 visible
10 348 40 —10 tVsboSm. el icglhotu dasir s,i 348 45 2 Wdeasrtk," clljoghntd sb . - iiC| lo|u sdpheder aetmo-j 348 50 — 3 Wésatn, ldi gchlotu bd.y dark NW. strong b; doudy NW. strong b. cloudy at 11 30 visible
3a4t8 101 0 11* 347 30 18 NWbW. strong —18 NWbW. strong 348 22 nn Strong breeze«!
b’. clear cold noon • NWbW. strong b. 349 38 & ; and cold j very told 1 348 25 8 j clear 1 348 30 -35 NEbN. fresh b. dear visible
349 38 ——39 39 West,SW. light ditto,b. ditto clear, visible
a3t 4m9 id30n.
12 348 50j WclbeNar. manodd ecroaltde ,j 348 18 n o Weasnt,d m cloedaerrate 318 30 —20 SW. cmloedaetr'a:t•e ,I | clear j ds ; 348 0U —26 not 348 55 —29 WNW. moderate, hazy visible
13 348 12j NbW. fresh b.. 348 15 —25 Noratnhd, mcleoadrerate 318 20 —26 WSW. light b.j clear and cold I fv.| clear j ‘348 28 WSW.c lliegahrt b. and 348 25 —36 hazy not 1 349 50 —32 SW. moderate, hazy visible
14 348 12 WhbaNz.y f, rceoslhd b. j 318 22 —13 W. bmNu. chst rdornifgt b. 348 25 WbN. Strong b. j 348 22 10 NW, strong b. doudy 348 20 fails NW: . hsatrzoyng b. visible 348 20 —17 North, strong b. hazy visible
15 348 00, —19 SvWer. yl icglehatr b. 348.8 —10 WbS.c lliegahrt and 348 30- P NW.Hgj>tb,| ‘348 40 -io WNW. light b. very North, light, clear not 348 38 NNW. light b. clear
Wf*N Wclo-u ldigyh t |
n : clear 348 40 16 17 visible
ië! 348 10 WclSoWud.l elisgsh stk-by. 348 15 Wi’ SW.s [kcyloudless 348 33 — .1 1348 60 "tO NWbNcl.e alright b. 348 50 -20 WbN. light b. clear not 348 50 —25 NWbN. light b. dear visible
17r 348 40 •^-23; W’ seks,ytc, lflorigueehd stfr oamir s, 348 48. -7-18 jN! W. lCiglehatr airs, 348 50 —11 'NW.J>2^airi,: 348 45 -18 NW. light airs, clear i At 10 —28 NWbN* light b. clear
jN-; o| r't hcl,o iujd£s g ;
5 Ei aiKstc,l leiagrh t b. ^'
348 55 1 ù ü t 348 52 —31 not
18 348 12 —21 ; .. . Calm 3a4t8 1315' —14 sNtrWeabkNed. :l ciglohutd bs> 348 45 ,—17 i 348 45 —19 North, light and clear —30 West, light b. clear not
19 348 40 —31 Ca• lmho arnizdo nc lea‘r 348 30 —18 astc,l eliagrht b. 348 35 —19 '348 45 -22 East, light b. clear 348 50 NE; light b. clear 348 15 ~3B§ NE. light b. hazy 348 52 visible