with them, moving in a parallel but more northerly line, and finally
settling on the banks of the St, Lawrence, and the great lakes
from whence it flows. The Lenapb, being more numerous, peopled
not only the greater part of the country at present occupied by the
United States, but also sent detachments to the northward as far as
the banks of the Biver Mississippi and the shores of Hudson’s Bay.
The principal of their northern tribes are now known under the
names of Saulteurs or Chippeways, and Crees; the former inhabiting
the country betwixt Lakes Winipeg and Superior, the latter
frequenting the shores of Hudson’s Bay, from Moose to Churchill,
and the country from thence as far to the westward as the plains
which he betwixt the forks of the Saskatchawan.
These Crees, formerly known by the French Canadian traders
under the appellation of Knisteneaux, generally designate themselves
as Eithinoyoowuc ( men), or, when they wish to discriminate
themselves from the other Indian nations, as Nathehwy-wi thin -
yoowuc (Southernmen)*.
* Much confusion has arisen from the great variety: of names, applied without
discrimination to the various tribes of Saulteurs and Crees. Heckewelderj .^considers
the Crees of Moose Factory to be a branch of that tribe of the Lenape, which is named
Minsi, or Wolf Tribe. He has been led to form this opinion, from the similarity of
the name given to these people by Monsieur Jeremie, namely, MonsonieS ; but the
truth is, that their real name is Mongso.a-eythinyoowuc, or Moose-deer Indians; hence
the name of the factory and river on which it is built. The name Knisteneaux, Kris-
teneaux, or Killjsteneaux, was anciently applied to a tribe of Crees, now termed Mas-
keguns, who inhabit the river Winipeg. This small tribe still retains the peculiarities
of customs and dress, for which it was remarkable many years ago, as mentioned
by Mr. Henry, in the interesting account of his; journeys in these countries. They are
said to, be great rascals. The great body of the Crees were at that time named Opim-
mitisb Ininiwuc, or Men of the Woods. It. would, however, be an endless task M
attempt to determine the precise people designated by the early French writers. Every
small band, naming itself from its hunting grounds, was described as a different nation.
The Chippeways who frequented the Lake of the Woods were named from a
particular act of pillage—Pilliers, or Robbers: and the name Saulteurs, applied to a prin-
The original character of the Crees must have been much modified
by their long intercourse with Europeans ; hence it is to be understood,
that we confine ourselves in the following sketch to their
present condition, and more particularly to the Crees of Cumberland
House. The moral character of a hunter is acted upon by the
nature of the land he inhabits, the abundance or scarcity of food,
and we may add, in the present case, his means of access to spirituous
liquors. In a country so various in these respects as that
inhabited by the Crees, the causes alluded to must operate strongly
in producing a considerable difference of character amongst the
various hordes. It may be proper to bear in mind also, that we are
about to draw the character of a people whose only rule of conduct
is public opinion, and to try them by a morality founded on divine
revelation, the only standard that can be referred to by those who
have been educated in a land to which the blessings of the Gospel
have extended.
Bearing these considerations in mind then, we may state the
Crees to be a vain, fickle, improvident, and indolent race, and not
very strict in their adherence to truth, being great boasters; but,
on the other hand, they strictly regard the rights of property*,
are susceptible of the kinder affections, capable of friendship, very
hospitable, tolerably kind to their women, and withal inclined to
Much of the faulty part of their character, no doubt, originates
in their mode of life; accustomed as a hunter to depend greatly on
chance for his subsistence, the Cree takes little thought of tomorrow
; and the most offensive part of his behaviour— the habit of
boasting—has been probably assumed as a necessary part of his
cipal band that frequented the Sault St. Marie, has been by degrees extended to the
whole Tribe. It is frequently pronounced and written Sotoos.
* This is perhaps true of the Cumberland House Crees alone; many of the other
tribes of Crees are stated by the traders to be thieves.