round so as to point towards 335°.' The next in brilliancy came from bearing
76°, which also crossed the zenith, but did not unite with the other beam.
There were two other streams of light running in the same direction. The
needle had moved 48' eastward since nine, and in a contrary way to the course
it usually followed when .vertical arches crossed the. zenith, at about 279° or
January ,25th, 9h. p.m., a brilliant curve, terminations 324° and 76°^ elevation
about,50?. Several beams jutted,from this curve, pointing towards the
horizon. . At llh., a 279°, passed.over the zenith, to 99°, then
ran horizontally,: and formed an irregular band from 99° to 171°; the portion
of light at 99° was stratified by intervening layers of clouds, .
27th. A beam elevated about 13°, at midnight, whilst snow was falling.
■ 28th, 9h. p.m. An arch from 99° to 349°. At llh. the coruscation generally
diffused over the south and eastern parts of the sky, which seemed to
have proceeded from a slender beam bearing 99°, from whence a flash darted
to the zenith, which instantly dilated, into a broad mass of light. .At midnight,
an elevated arch, and a low convexed stream, extended from 99° to 200°. A
..beam at 94° pointing towards the zenith. Needle stationary.
29th. At lljh., a broad arch across the zenith from ,99° to 257°, and an
horizontal fringed belt from ,99° towards the east, at a low ^.elevation. _ At
midnight, the S: E. portion of.the sky was occupied by a dense mass of light,
which resembled, an open fan, branching upwards; a stream shot from the
eastern part of it, and proceeded in an arch to 290°, the centre being elevated
70°. Several.patches in the, zenith parallel to this arch. In two minutes.afterwards
the fan disappeared, and a brilliant curved; stream darted forth at 110°,
and shot to the westward; its centre bore 133° elevated 25°.,
30th. An arch across the zenith from 302° to 121°, but the.extremities did
not approach either horizon by 20°.
• 31st. At.9h. p.m., two horizontal bands of light extended from 99° to
212°y the lowest being elevated 8°. The S. E. end was wavy, and it appeared
as if several beams had been twisted together. There was also abeam at
302°, directed towards the zenith. At midnight, an elliptical arch proceeded
from 99° to 279° by the south and westward, at a low elevation. Several
streams issued from this band between 279° and 245°, each pointing towards
the zenith. This arch separated after a few minutes, and then two parallel
arches were displayed, havingthe same direction. Slight motion.of the needle
February 1st. At llh. an arch across the zenith from 279° to 99° for a
considerable time stationary. This arch.descended-to the westward a few
minutes before midnight, and when at an elevation of 20 degrees it disappeared.
The'stars were perfectly visible through the column of,light. Needle
2nd.. At midnight a stream spread from 110° to 267°, ascending gradually
from the horizon to an elevation of 30°. The stars appeared through the light
with undiminished brilliancy.
3rd. At 9h. p.m. Aurora commenced by a brilliant arch across the zenith,
from 279° to 99°, extending to each horizon, which remained stationary and
motionless for several minutes.' By midnight the coruscation was generally
diffused over the sky: A broad brilliant band elevated l0°, extended from 99°
to 200°'through an arch of about 279°H» An illuminated curve branched from
the latter termination, which pointed to245°, and from this bearing, abeam
shot across the zenith, towards the opposite direction; but it had not proceeded
above five degrees eastward of the zenith, when it suddenly turned to the north,
and assumed a scroll shape. The needle immediately moved eastward, which
is the same direction it had been observed to follow on January 14th, when the
streams of light appeared in nearly a similar position in the zenith,, namely,
lying east and west true, or about 54° and 234° magnetic bearings, but in a
contrary direction to that in which it had been observed to. move when the
arches crossed the zenith, having their extremities at 279° and 99°,or at 324°
and 144?S;< This coruscation remained for several minutes, when the vertical
arch disappeared, and a band was presented lying parallel to the horizon from
212° to 279°. Shortly afterwards, a similar band of light proceeded from 76°
to 324°, and the horizon was almost encompassed with a brilliant zone, colour
pale yellow. No motion of the Aurora perceptible.
4th. At midnight, a faint slender beam arose at 290°, and flashed to the
zenith; at the same instant, another proceeded from 99° to an elevatipn of
50°. A broad low stream of light from 76° to 3<46°,; and a faint belt from 189°
to 234°. No change was perceived in the: needle.. .