Feb. At 10 A.M. At Noon At 2 P.M. At 3 P.M.
1821 PNoeseoitdfiloen Tfaer. andW Winedast her Position
Needle Ther. andW Winedasth er
Posoitfion Needle Ther. andW Winedasth er Posoiftion Needle Ther. andW Winedasth er
Feb. 1 348 28 —47| WbvSe.r yli gchleta rairs, 348 35 ' oT* clWearb,S .v elirgyh tc bo.ld o t o 348 33 WcblSea. rl,i gcohltd b
2 348 28 -47 cWlenaebraN ar b.h oloivgreihz, toh nba.z y 348 32 —42 North,c lliegahrt airs, 348 30 —39 South,c lliegahrt airs, 348 32 -41 South,c lleigahrt airs 1 H M 9« 10 NNvEer. yli gclheta rairs, 3 33 NNEc. lleiagrht b. 348 35 -41 NNEc. leliagrht h
4 348 25 -45 NE. lcilgehatr airs, 348 30 —38 SSWc.l oluigdhyt b. 348 30 -29 daSrWk a. nlidg hclto bu.d y 348 32 -27 ssw. Ughtb
dark and cloudy
5 347 40 —22§dWaSrkW a.n md ogdloeormatye 347 50 ^=18 WSW.s nmowodt. b. 348 10 -17 SW. modt. b. 348 10 -17 dSaWrk . amnodd celroautdey
6 348 22 -13 dEaarskt ,w liegahtht ebr. 348 28 — 8 daEraks att,m liogshpth ber. e, 348 25 - 6* EbSs. nliogwht b. 348 25 E 7 EbS.s ngolowomy,
3a4t9 90h0 3a4t 81 05b7
—12 daNrkE a. nfdre schlo bu.d y 348 52 -11 NE.s nmoowdt. b. 348 50 -11 deNnEse. fartemsho sbp.h . 348 48 —13 NE.s nfroewsh b.
8 348 43 -191 daNrkW an. dfr eclsohu bd.y 348 38 -20 dNarWk .a nstdr ocnlogu bd.y 348 35 -21 NNmWor. em coledaerrate
9 318 28 -41 verCya lcmle,a r 348 25 -34 hEcalbezSay.r l biagbehlootv wbe., 348 30 -35 SmEbisSRt .af rploiigmdh tth be. 348 30 -35§ ENEc.l elaigrht b.
10 348 35 -43 SSW.c lliegahrt airs, 348 30 -37 Evaesrty, lciglehatr b. 348 38 -36 Evaesrty, licglehat rb. 348 30 -36 ENveEr.y licglehatr b.
11 348 28 -37$ EbNcl.e alirght b. 348 30 -32 ENveEr.y lciglehatr b. 348 32 -30 ENveEr.y licglehatr b. 348 32 -31 ENE.c leliagrht b.
12 348 28 -25 Ccallomu danyd 348 32 —17§ Cacllmou daynd 348 34 -17 ENEc. lelairg.h. t b. 348 34 -19 E' NE.c lleiagrht b.
13 394 A8 .M28. -25 sgoEmeNneeE rc.al oflrluyed schsl, e bba.ur t 348 26 —17 ENEc. lefarresh b. 348 26 -17 sEtrNeaEke. dfr ecslho ubd. s 348 30 —17 stEreNaEke. dfr ecslhou bd. s
14 347 38 tSh Wsimc.k al liwlg sehnatot ahwierrs,, 347 50 + 2
cleSaEr,. sloimghet fba.i clouds nt 348 00 zero flSeEec. yli cglhout dbs. 348 5
15 348 22 -18| ENveEr.y lciglehatr b. 348 30 NE.h laizgyht b. 348 33 - 8 NE. Hght b.
16' 348 25 -10| ENsoEm.e m coloduedraste, 348 28 — 8 NEvbeEr.y m coledaerrate 348 28 — — 348 28 ; 6 NEve. rmy ocdleeraarte,
17 348 25 - 6 NaNthtmEic.ok sl iphghaheztry be . 348 28 zero tNhNicEk . wliegahtth ebr. 348 28 - 2 NNEh. alzigyht b. 348 30 - 2 NthEibckN w. eliagthhte rb.
18 347 30 -19 NE. clilgeahrt airs, 347 45 -Il5 NE.c lleiagrht b. 347 53 —15 NEc. leliagrht b. 347 55 -17 EbNcl.o uldiy# k
19 348 35 -15 sdnaEorbkwN a, n.a ld ifg ochglot b ubod.w y, 348 35 - 9 East, hlaigzhyt airs, 348 40 — 9| East, slnigohwt airs, 348 40 -12 Snow
20 347 50 -26 NNcleEa.r f,r ceoslhd b. 348 10 -19 NbE.c lomuoddyerate, 348 30 -19 NbcElo. ufrdeysh b. — — 1B— ~~
384 A6 .M52. 3469 52
-35 SvbeEry, lciglehatr.b. 348 10 - 25 WbNc.l eliagrht b. 348 50 -24 WvNeWry . clmeaordt. — ; -----------
22 347 50 -26 WbaSnd. m cloedaerrate 348 10 -20 WbS. mhaozdyerate, 348 28 -19 West, hmaozyderate, 348 30 -2) West, hazy
23 34S 25 -31 NWc. lferaersh b. 348 80 -25 NWmu. cshtr odnrigf tb. 348 32 -23£ NWdri. fSt tsrnoonwg b. 348 34 -24 N. ■ W. csotrldong h.
At 4 P.M. At 9 P.M. At Midnight
i A u ro ra v isib le A u ro ra v is ib le
W in d s P o s k io n W in d s o r n o t W in d s o r n o t
T her. a n d W e ath e r N e e d le T h e r . a n d W e a th e r P o sitio n o f N e e d le T h er. a n d W e a th e r
~ — — 348 30 —43 Weastn, dm coldeaerrate not 348 30 —46 WvNeWry. clliegahrt b. visible
----------— - 348 30 —48 Easvte,r lyig chlte aarirs, not 348 28 —50 NNE.c lleiagrht airs, visible
p — — r 348 36 —47 NNEJightb. visible' 348 18 —49 NNEcl.e alirght b. visible
•>*? 348 28 -25 SSaWnd. mclooduedryate not 348 30 -26 Wmeosrt,e l ciglehatr b. visible
Nearslnyo wcalm, ESE. light airs, visible atmosphere
J4U H£kHi 10 dEaarkst wfreeashth be.r uul 848 oJ ° Ethasictk, mwoedaetrhaetre,, visible small snow
318 15 17 NthNiEck. mweoadtth. ebr. 348 13 17 NNEsn. oliwght b. not
-25 NNW. light b. t clear 348 30 —33 Wevsetr, yl igchleta arirs, not 348 33 —38 WvSeWry. clilgeahrt b. visible
-36 ENEc.l elaigrht b. 348 30 —45 !N Ec. lleiagrht b. visible 348 38 —45 NveEr.y l icglehatr b. visible
42 EbNc.l eliagrht b. uo EvbeNry. lciglehatr b. visible
—31 ENaEn.d m coledaerrate 348 30 -32 streaked cloud's not 348 32 —33 sNtrEea.k medo dcelroautdes, not
-22 ENEc.l eliagrht b. 348 33 —24 NEa.n md ohdaezryate visible 348 26 —26 NsEom. me ocdloeuradtse, visible
345 00 11 40
—19| ENcElo. ufrdeysh b. 348 30 -17 Easatn, dm hoadzeyrate not 334497 3000 1112 5150 349 10 12 35
E l7 datemnsoesp, hsetarer s venroyt , visible
- 5 Soduatrhk, cllioguhdt sb. 348 10 -15 Calcmlo,u fdlesecy not 348 8 —21 EbvNer. yli gclheta arirs, visible
—10 N; E. mcleo.daerrate, 348 28 —12 Easctl,o furdesyh b. visible 34? 8 —11 ENanEd. cflroeusdhy b. not
- 9 NE. cmleoadrerate, 348 30 — 9 Caalmtm, othspichke rheazy not 348 30 M r 8 tNhNicEk .a lniga hhta bz.y not
- 6 NNE. hazy 348 25 —12 NNE. hlaigzhyt airs, nott, hhea lmo oroonund 348 25 •—15 ENveEry. lhigahzyt b. not
21 EbN.h alizgyht b. —19 hazy not
—14 daErkas astn,n ldoi gwchlot ubd. y, 348 45 —23 North,h mazoyderate, visible 33a44t 891 21h50 25m —13 hEaNzyE a. nldig hsnt obw. visible
-24 NNWan.d m coledaerrate 348 50 —34 NbEc.l eliagrht b. visible 348 50 —36 NbEc. lleiagrht b. visible
-25 NWvebrWy c.l emaordt. 348 50 -33 WbNan. dm cloedaerrate visible 348 22 —33 WbaNn.d m cloedaerrate visible
-22 moderate, bazy 348 38 -24 hazy visible —26 freshh abzryeezes,
-26 NW. strong b. 348 28 —29 NWc.l osturdoyng b. visible 348 52 —28§ NgaWlebs,W cl.o furdeysh visible