; tabiI
TABLE of OBSERVATIONS on the Deflations of the Magnetic Needle, made at F ort E ntsebsh]
The Asterisks indicate when the Instrument required slight Adjustment. The Degrees oft]
Jan. At 10 A.M. At Noon. At 2 PM.
1821 Position
1 Winds
T her. and W eather
Needle Ther.
‘ Winds
and Weather
N eedle Ther.
W inds 1
and W eather.;
Jan. 12 348 18 — %East,c lomuoddyerate, 348 25 cEloausdty '348 28 -10§ ENvEe.r ym coledaerrate,
13 348 18 —20’ N'E !. c llioguhdty airs, 348 25 -16 NE. light airs,
c lo u d y • * 348 25 -13 SW. lhiagzhyt a■irs,
14 348 18 -31 Wevsetr, yli gchleta arirs, 348 22 -29 WN. AW c.lliegahrt airs,, 348 28 -291 airWs, N.vWer.y l igclheta r:
15 347 15 -44 Southc, lleigarht airs, 347 45 -37 bWreeezset,s ,l icglheat r 347 52 -31 W e s t ,, c le a r ,
so m e clouds
16 348 30 —24 Wtheisctk, fcrleosuhd sb'. 348 35 —18 bWreSezWes., frsensohw 348 40 —15 WSW.snow
17 348 28 cloSubdWy . wtheiactkh er 348 35 + 4 WSWf.o liggghyt airs, 349 10 + 5 W,\SiiW /f.o lgigghyt airs,
18 348 15 +14 Wdeestn,s eli gchlotu daisrs, 348-25 +19 NW. slingohwt airs, 348 30 + 1 6 | bSrWeebzWes,. lsingohwt
19 348 22 “zero daErka sat nfrde cshlo bu.d y 348 30 zero dEraisftt ,a sntdro snngo bw. 348 32 — 2 bEreaeszte,s ^s tsrnoonwg
20 348 28 -21 Easct,l ofurdeysh b. 348 30 —22 EbN.c los turdo yn g b. 348 35 - 2 6 brEeeazsets, , sctrlooundg y
348 28
348 42
West, clilgehatt- airs,
Whaezsty, lnigehart tahires , horiazbonov, eclear
348 30
348 40
brWeeezests,, licglheat r.
Wemsto,r leig chleta arirs,
348 38 -38 Nveearryl yc lceaalmr.,'
23 348 40 —20£SWdabrWk . cmloouddts. b. 348 35 -14 W). SdWar. km, ocdloeruadtye 348 40 -13 aWnSd Wc.l oduadryk
24 346 50 —14 dEarNkE a.n md ocdlto.u bd.y 347 8 -11 Easdte, nlsigeh fto gairs, 348 25 - 8 Eavsetr, yl igfhogt gayirs,
25 348 10 -21 Eaavstemtr, yoms ptohhdiectr.k e b. The N eedle was accidentally shaken and the instrument
26 348 10 —20 EbN.c lloiguhdty airs, 348 12 —18 .c lloiugdhyt airs., 348 15 —15 EbNc. loliugdhyt airs,
27 348 42 —17| WbcSl.o luigdhyt b. 348 50 —18 sSoumne schloouned,s 348 50 —17 WbSc.l eliagrht b.
28 348 30 — 8 WdNaWrk. lciglohutdaisrs, 348 32 - 1 cWloNuWdy., lfioggh t baoirws 348 32 - 7 WaiNrsW, .h laigzyht
# —31§ NWbW. light 29 airs, clear 348 10 -26 WaNirWs, c. lleigarht
30 348 30 -28 dark and cloudy 348 30 -24 dWarSkW an. dfr ecslho ubd.y
31 348 25 —35 Norvtehi,y licglehatr, b. 348 32 -35 cNleaEr., mvoerdye ractoel,d 348 32 -38 NEcl.e maro, dceorladte,
West, light a'
Saoirust,h c,l ouligdhyt!
Ethaisctk, lcilgohutd by]! atmosphere]
West, light ai*
dWarSkW an.md ocldoutbd]]
EthNicEk. wliegahtht eNr]
E‘ bNc. loluigd1'y1. MP
WbS. light h]
WNW 1'ght] breezes, clear]
L,64°,28' 24" North, Long. 113° 6' 00" West, Variation 36° 24' V East, Dip 86° 58' 42".
lOircle of the Compass used, counted from the North towards the West to 360°.
At 6 P.M. At 9 P.M. A u r o r a v is ib le
Position 1 W in d * P o sitio n W in d s o r n o t P o s itio n W in d s o r n o t
Needle T her. a n d W e a th e r N e e d le T h e r a n d W e a th e r N e e d le T h er. a n d W e a th e r
348 25 1-1 q6S a ENE. light b. 348 28 -17 Norcthle,a lright b. - • . not 348 25 NbE.c leliagrh t. b. visible
348 22 -14 NWs. nliogwht b. 348 25 -11 North, light airs, not not obs -12 NWc.l ofurdesyh .D > . not
348 42
348 20 -3Sf W| esvte, rliyg hctl eaairrs, 348 25 -38 Wevsetr, yl icglheat rairs, visible 3a4t 81 15£0 —43 Wevsetr, yli gchleta arirs, 1 -visible
U - ~ ----------- 34825 -23 mWotetslcetld,o ,ufsrdtersseha kbe.d visible 348 52 -26 Wesatn, d mcloeadrerate visible
p i 348 30 H 6 'vWeryS Wde. nfrsees ha tbm. . not 348 28 - 8§ Westc, lefarersh b. V isible
10 +10 cNonWsta. nfrt esshn obw. lluL ■ HR +20 cNoWns.t anfrte sshn obw.
p 348 22 + lli Caltmhi,c kvery ■ not • 348 18 + H | Wdeestn,s leig hhatz eairs, not
East,s nstorwong b. 111,1 7 r aTEbN. ssntroowng b. not;
B j p + n , * 348 25 I —;35 Eavsetr, yf rcelseha,r b. . . , visible 348 30 -38 East,c lmeaordt. b. i • •• visible
[— 1 — 1 _ 348 38 -46 SiW ve.r lyig chleta arirs, not a33t 441992i »11 3000 -48 SWve. rlyi gchlte aarirs visible
P ] l | P 1— 348 35 -26 S[o uthcl,e marodt. b. visible 348 42 -23 SWbS- fresh b. not
y 348 50 -17 WdaSrWk .& mcloodutd. yb. risible 348 40 -17 Wthiecskt , wliegahtth ebr. not
5 P.M.
348 30 348 30 —n E;b N. c. lefarresh b. , .visible 347 42 - n i East, hmazoyderate, visible
EbS. fresh b. -23 EbS. fresh b. visible clear above > horizon
*48 15' -15 348 10 - il WdNaWrk .w leiagthhte rb. not 348 S - 8 W"bbrNee. zems,o sdneorwate not
L ,__ 348 48 —16 West, moderate ; visible breezes, snow
Sis 35 I T 348 30 -18 WaiNrsW, c.l eliagrht visible 348 30 -22 WaiNrsW, c. lleigarht I visible
■ O g l u 348 35 -30 WbaNn.d m ocdleearrate • not 348 30 -31 VbaNn.d m cloedaerrate visible
N " i f | 34S 28 -28 WSaWnd. cmlooudderyate not 348 30 -28 Veasntd, cmloouddeyrate visible
^48 30“ -41 NcElebaNr .a mndod ceorladte 348 35 -48 NNE.' clliegahrt, airs, . visible 348 28 -48 NNE• . clliegahrt airs, visible
4 D 2