D«™ter. night was approaching, our fafety depended on getting to
an anchor. With this view we continued to found, but always
had an unfathomable depth.
Hauling up under the eaft fide of the land which divided
the two arms, and feeing a fmall cove a-head, I fent a boat
to found; and we kept as near the Ihore as the flurries
from the land would permit, in order to be able to get into
this place, i f there fhould be anchorage. The boat foon
returned, and informed us that there was thirty and twenty-
five fathoms water, a full cable’s length from the ihore.
Here we anchored in thirty fathoms, the bottom fand and
broken fhells ; and carried out a kedge and hawfer, to fteady
the ihip for the night.