Light, or fire of the great people, Towttfijpapa. -
Light, or fire of the common people, - N^ao,papa.
Light, to light or kindle the fire, A' toon oo t’E^'wera.
Light, not heavy, - - Ma'ma.-
Lightning, - Oo'waira.
The Lips, - Ootoo*
Little, fimall, Eete.
A Lizard, - 'Mo'a.
Loathfome, vaufeous, Eja'wawa.
A fort of Lobfter, frequent in the ifles, Tee'onaz.
To loll about, or be lazy, Tee'py. -
To loll out the tongue, - - Ewha'tonw t’ Arere.
To look for a thing that .is loft, — Tap oonee.
A Looking-glafs, - Hm)Wotta.
Loofe, not fecure, - — - Aoo'weewa.
A Loofenefs, or purging, Hawa/hawa,
To love, Ehe'nar^'. :
A Lover, courtier, wooer, Ehoi/noa.
A Louie, - - •' Od too.
Low, not high, as low land, &c. Hea,hca, f. Papoo, f. E^'oa.
The Lungs, - T^too,arapoa,
Lufly,fa t,fu ll offlefh, Oo'peea.
Maggots, - , - JL'hooboo.
A -Maid, or young woman, Too'nees...
To m ake the bed, - - - Ho'hora, te Moe'ya.
The Male of any animal, male kind, - E'toa.
A Man, - - - - Taa'ta, f, Taane.
An ill difpofid, or infmcere Man, Taata,ham'anf<?ntf.
A Man
A Man of war bird, - Otta'ha.
Many, 1 Wo'rou.wo'rou, a great number,- j mafitfa.
A black Mark on the fkin, E ee’tee.
Married, at a married man, Fanaa'nou.,
A ' Mat, E'vanne.
A filky kind of Mat, Moe'a.
A rough fort of Mat, cut in the middle 2 Psa'rou. to admit the head,
A Mill of a Jhip or boat, Teera.
Mature, ripe; as ripe fruit, Para, f. Pe.
Me, /, Wca, f. Mee,
A Meafure, - - . E'a.
To meafure a thing, Fa'Me.
To meet one, - - - Ewharidde.
To melt, or diffolve a thing, as greafie, &c. Too'tooe.
The Middle or midft of a thing, Teropoo.
Midnight, O'tuora,h«vpo.'
To mince, or cut finall, E'ptwta.
Mine, it is mine, or belongs to me, No 'oo.
To mifs, not to hit a thing, Od happa.
Mill, or fog, Ry'po^a.
To mix things together, A'pooe,'peije.
To mock or feoff at one, Etoo'hee.
Modefty, - Mamma',haw.,
Moift, wet, - Wara'rw.
A Mole upon the Jkin, Atw'noa.
A lunar Month, Mara'ma.
A Monument, to the dead, Whatta'raa.
The Moon, - Mara'ma.
The Morning,
Von. II. ■ Y y
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