ips- Before we had well got to an anchor, I difpatched an
officer to acquaint the Governor with our arrival, and to
WedB'r- ” • requeft the neceflary ftores and refrefhments; which were
readily granted. As foon as the officer came back, we
faluted the garrifon with thirteen guns, which compliment
was immediately returned with an equal number.
I now learnt that the Adventure had called here, on her
return; and I found a letter from Captain Furneaux, acquainting
me with the lofs of his boat, and of ten of his
beft mén, in Queen Charlotte’s Sound. The Captain, afterwards,
on my arrival in England, put into my hands a
complete narrative of his proceedings, from the time of
our fecond and final reparation, which I now lay before the
Public in the following Chapter.
C H A P .
Captain Furneaux s Narrative of his Proceedings, in the
Adventure, from the time he was feparated from the
Reflation, to his Arrival in England; including
Lieutenant Burneys Report concerning the Boat's Crew
who were murdered by the Inhabitants of Queen CharlottS'S
\ F T E R a pafTage of fourteen days from Amflerdam, OUober.
we made the coaft of New Zealand near the Table '— *
Cape, and flood along-fhore till we came as far as Cape
Turnagain. The wind then began to blow ftrong at Weft,
with heavy, fqualls and rain, which fplit many of our fails,
and blew us off the coaft for three days; in which time we
parted company with the Refolution, and never faw her afterwards.
On the 4th of November, we again got in fhore, pear
Cape Pallifer, and were vifited by a number of the natives "r v *'
in their canoes, bringing a great quantity of cray-fifh,
w h i c h we bought of them for nails and Otaheite cloth. The Friday 5.
next day it blew hard from W. N. W., which again drove us
off the coaft, and obliged us to bring to for two days ; during
which time it blew one continual gale of wind, with heavy
falls of fleet. By this time, our decks were very leaky ;
our beds and bedding wet; and feveral of our people complaining
of colds ; fo that we began to defpair o f ever getting
into Charlotte Sound, or joining the Refolution.
K - k 3 ° n